Thursday, August 31, 2006


It's strange being back to work and to be honest I was bored the first day and a half and felt like a spare part because my Administration rights hadn't been restored for me starting back. Its been better since they have been restored. Its been interesting looking at how to write Lotus Notes databases and I enjoyed going to the Consett office this afternoon. Although unfortunately I couldn't really do a lot, because the problem I was there to fix ended up needing a new part.

I have had lots of people welcoming me back to work, today someone did say on the phone that they had heard I was leaving. Well I'm not yet, unless they know something I don't. Wonder why people really think I was off. I know a lot of people did know why, somehow?
But no one other than my friends have come out and said anything yet. I don't think most people would dare, which is probably a good thing. Not sure what I would say. I did have a awkward moment today when I bumped into someone in the corridor at work, although I kind of put myself in that position on purpose to see where I stood. I know I often talk in riddles and probably no one but me knows what the hell I am on about most of the time.

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