Monday, August 14, 2006

Short But Steep Run

I went for a short but steep run today. I really didn't feel like running, my knee was aching and just didn't feel right but forced myself to go out. On the map above you can see where I ran up a straight section that is a fairly steep hill. I decided I hadn't ran up enough decent hills but today wasn't the best day to decide to tackle it. I got to the top but stopped and sat down at the top until some horses got out of the way. Then set off back down and into Roddymoor, when I set off I intended to do a lot longer run but I just couldn't get into a rhythm and decided I just wasn't in the right mood. The route was just over 3 miles but I didn't run continuously today.

I might run from Wolsingham to Tunstall around the reservoir and back down to Wolsingham tomorrow depending on how I feel. If I do it and make it I would be running 7 miles, a lot further than my last longest run (4.6 miles).

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