Time: 36 minutes
I went for a run at dinner time with Mandy again today. We set off a little slower than last week. Although last week when we went up side gate (cobbles) we walked, this week me and Mandy decided to run up and we stopped just before the steps, walked up the steps then ran from Main Street USA all the way up the bank. Mandy didn't expect to make it all the way up.
I was actually tired half way around today for some reason, too many late nights maybe. We speeded up the second half of the run and Mandy felt certain we were faster than last time I went. According to signing in and out times we did it in 36 minutes, a minute slower than last week. I have been thinking about it though and neither of us was wearing a watch and just went off the wall clocks and Mandy signed out and me in on different clocks. So we could of been faster or slower than we said. I think we were probably faster!
When I went out last week with Mandy and Helen they said they normally didn't really walk any of it, yet they did when I was with them. Yet Mandy told me that last week was the fastest they had ran it (36 minutes), so think they must of been putting a spurt on with me running or something?
Maybe they are trying to kill me off, I have been intentionally trying to run slowly in my training (if I can call it that). I don't want to run too fast at the Great North Run or not gonna make it halfway nevermind to the end.
I spoke to Denise at one of our other offices today who was intending to run the GNR as well, but she has injured her knee and can't do it. She is trying to get it organised so she can run next year, she sounded like she really wanted to do it. She also mentioned that Gemma from the same office was running it as well.
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