Time: 35 minutes
I finally got persuaded to go for a run today with Mandy and Helen at dinner time. They have been on about me going running for months and never had much fancy for going on a dinner time but with the GNR fast approaching and never getting around to going out.
Hopefully the route I marked on the map above is correct (click to enlarge), The only part I wasn't sure about was heading towards the river the path forks on the map. It wouldn't make any difference to distance.
It wasn't bad, I wasn't sure how to pace myself because I had no idea of the terrain or inclines, I was just following. I fairly quickly learnt that Mandy and Helen both have different running stiles. Mandy is much like I used to be, rush off at times but end up shattered and has to walk. Where as Helen paces herself properly. I guess now I know roughly where I am going I would be somewhere between the two of them in running style.
They walked a few section but they assure me it was only because of running yesterday as well. Not that I'm complaining was quite happy to have a breather. Although once I stop I find it hard to get going again. When on my own stopping is the kiss of death for my run, once Is top I can never get into a comfortable rhythm again. So try not to stop, but the course today was quite hilly at times.
May take the GPS with me next time but it will probably lose the signal in the trees :-(
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