I've just got back from the Robbie Williams concert, it was excellent. I am happy he played a lot of his older songs, Angels, Let Me Entertain You, Rock DJ. He also did a swing song and his new song "Rudebox" which is starting to grow on me now. He was on stage for nearly 2 hours.
There was supposedly 90,000 people there (certainly a lot). I had a spare ticket so I sold it to Leila from work. We stood further back on a bank so we could see. We could of gone closer but would of had peoples heads in the way and would of probably seen less.
The show started like a scene for Close Encounters of the Third Kind with the music from the film and the lights flashing, then Fireworks went off. It was certianly impressive :-)
I am pleased to of seen him live. Leila said the same, she was really excited. She did say she doesn't know if she would see him again though. Not that he was a dissapointment or anything far from it he was excellent, exactly what you expect.
Before Robbie the support acts were Orson, who were good but I only knew 3 songs. Then the big suprise was Basement Jaxx, I like their earlier songs but after listening to their new album I wasn't impressed. So I wasn't expecting very much at all. I thought it was just a couple of DJs with guest vocalists. I was wrong there are proper singers and I thought they were excellent, I knew just about every song they played. Would even think about seeing them at Newcastle in December.
The strangest thing was how far the car park was from Roundhay. It was a park and walk, but the walk was over 2 miles, maybe 3. I think there was a closer car park but it was full.
So it was an excellent night and really pleased I got talked into getting a ticket, even though that person couldn't go in the end.
In the words of Yvonne Fair, 'It should have been me'. Grrr. In one way am pleased....i would have had to sleep in the park...as if i had to walk 3 miles to get there...there is no way i would have been able to walk 3 miles back!! You could at least have said it was a little bit crap just to make me feel better lol.
OK then the swing song was a bit shit because it was "my shadow and me" and his best mate whatever you call him was cheesey when they sang it together. Oh and the stuff was even more expensive than the Leeds Festival. It was £6 for the meat sandwiches and it was all fat. So there you go there's some negative stuff!
It was ridiculous how far you had to walk, didn't bother me but most people were fairly tired and warm by the time they got back to the car.
Thats better...pleased it was not all good fun then lol.
£6 for a fat sandwich!! pleased i did not go then...took me long enough to decide what to get at the leeds festival....would have starved there!!
Wasn't as many places selling food, fat sandwich may of looked disgusting but tasted OK. Thinkk Leila's chips were £250 and was the samllest tray I think I've seen.
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