Children Of Men: I went to watch this on Wednesday and very high hopes. Maybe that's why I was slightly disappointed. The story was really good, although some parts weren't explained well enough (why everyone had become sterile). I'm never sure about
Clive Owen either, although was good in
Inside Man. He gives an average performance here, but unfortunately
Pam Ferris is a bit shit and the pregnant lass is rubbish. The only person who puts in a really good performance is
Michael Kane ("pull my finger").
Having said all the negative stuff there are some really good parts to the film, the camera work is excellent and the sound is fantastic especially in the prison/detention place.
It's worth seeing but some people may be confused and its a film that makes you think and doesn't bring everything to a neat conclusion. Read into that "A strange ending".
I gave it an 8 out of 10 after a lot of changing my mind, it was a 7 at first. One of the people I saw this with gave it 5.
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