Saturday, July 07, 2007


Shoe shops, if i see another i'm gonna fire bomb it.
I had one of my days where i don't see much, people often think i am
just being miserable as kay did.
I was just hungry all i had to eat was a hotdog until about 5. Suppose
i was a bit bored as well walking aimlessly around. We tried to go up
the cn tower but didn't want to wait 2.5 hours in a queue. We will go
back early tomorrow i guess now.

Kay can hardly walk today, she has some problems with her feet. I was
gonna go for a run this morning but i have no skin left on my feet,

This sounds like a miserable post but i didn't intend it to be. Think
i might get wrong when kay gets out of the shower because i let her
lie in. Thought she needed it.

Today is gonna be a good day :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear things going well so far. But, if Kay has problems with her feet, maybe you need to take her to some more shoe shops... JC.