Monday, July 23, 2007

Roddymoor Village Hall Meeting

I went to a meeting in the village hall tonight. It was discuss the future of the hall and supposedly a presentation of the opening of the playing field. Other than members of the comitee or other organisation there was only 4 of us. 3 of them were me, my mam and my dad.

It shows no one is bothered, basically its because no one has any faith in any of them and as my dad said people feel they are like a secret society and no one knows what the hell is going on.

I thought about mentioning that I own and which could use to put information on but decided to say nothing for now to see what response comes back from the door to door questionnaires that are going to be carried out. My dad is going to do 2 streets. I think most people wont be bothered or wont be prepared to do anything.

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