Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Not feeling the best

I was going to work through my dinner today other than eating a nice dinner that Helen from HR picked up for me but I feel crap. So I decided I spend a few minutes writing on here.

I feel unbelievably tired and finding it hard to concentrate on anything. What's worse though is my chest feels a bit funny, not like when I went to hospital. It just feels bruised or aching, I described it as if I'd been punched and I was bruised but not sure that's the best analogy. Maybe more like your muscles would after exercise, just aching.

Not about to keel over (I hope), not that I actually keeled over in Canada. Think I'm just worn out, which isn't surprising having missed hours and hours of sleep recently. Last night was the first time I've had a normal nights sleep since getting back but feel worse for it.

I've been considering going home sick for the last couple of hours but pointless now, only a few hours to go...don't wanna mess up my perfect sick record either.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah so thats why you didnt bloody go home ya numpty!! If you dont feel too good tomorrow go home after 2 then is not counted as sickness!! But just incase you didnt know....you dont get a prize for a clean sick record you know!!