Tuesday, July 31, 2007
relaxing day
had been thinking about going walking to the lakes but probably not
the best idea driving there with my tendency to want to sleep at the
moment. I got up late which isn't suprising when i was still listening
to music at 2am. I spent a while sitting in the sun with the parents.
Sat in my yard tonight eating my tea in the sun as well. Makes a
change for me to just sit when at home. I always think i should be
doing something. Had thought about going off somewhere tomorrow but if
weather is crap i might have a day watching films, haven't done that
in ages :-)
Monday, July 30, 2007
Off Sick
The doctor told me its a side effect of the tablets and basically told me I had a choice. I could carry on taking the tablets and not have any heart problems or stop taking the tablets and possibly have another heart incident like in Canada.
I may not of had any problem if I'd stopped taking them but until I see the cardiologist I'd rather not take any chances, so I chose to stay on the tablets and be off work sick. I was given a 2 week sick note, I probably wont of seen the Cardiologist by then but the doc said that often the tablets side effects wear off after a few weeks. So I could be fine by then...
My perfect sick record has gone out of the window but I don't care. My health is more important than some stupid work sickness record which you get no thanks for!
I don't want to sit on my arse during the next 2 weeks, I feel worse when sat doing nothing. When exercising I am more alert. I may go to the lakes tomorrow but not sure whether to leave it for a couple of days and have a lie in tomorrow, to make up some of the 3 days worth of sleep I lost over the last 2 weeks. Tons of stuff to do around the house, which could be a safer bet than driving to the lakes. Don't want to fall asleep at the wheel like I wasn't far off doing in Canada a couple of times.
still worn out
doctors in the morning and see about getting an appointment tomorrow.
I just don't know whether i've not caught up and missed sleep, body
hasn't had chance to recover or if its the tablets or a combination of
all 3.
The tablets appear to be helping to lower my heart when exercising. My
heart is about 50 bpm lower than it always was before when running or
hiking, it's at more normal levels. I read up a bit on the tablets and
they shouldn't really affect of when not doing anything they lower the
heart when it starts beating faster i think it said by lowering
testosterone levels or something like that.
The last week i've been unable to concentrate on anything and haven't
been able to recall names and stuff that was just mentioned to me.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
First Run After Hospital

Distance: 3.07 miles
Time: 38 minutes
Max Heart Rate: 156 bpm
Average Heart Rate: 134 bpm
I decided to go for my first run since my heart problems, I went out running with Neil from work around the regular dinner time run. He'd done it about 3 times while I was away.
I wasn't sure how I was going to hold up but got a huge surprise when my heart rate stayed low, at a rate that you would expect someone at my fitness level to have. My heart has always been really high above the normal heart rate zones. Today though it barely got into zone 4, this must been due to the beta blockers, I didn't run as fast as I normally would either but even so my heart still would of been beating a lot faster in the past.
I still think the beta blockers are making me tired though, still feel totally worn out :-(
Link to MotionBased
test with my forerunner using the heart rate monitor. As i write this
is tells me my heart rate is 46 bpm, it went down to 42 for a while
before when i was doing nothing.
My theory is when i take the beta blockers they are lowering my heart
rate even more, which is what they are supposed to do. Yet because my
resting heart rate is low in the first place its making it really low
and making me very tired.
I took the tablet at about 7:30 this morning but by dinner time i just
wanted to sleep. I didn't feel quite so bad when i was wandering
around stockton office but once sat in the car i felt tired again, the
same at home.
I feel awake now but i would imagine the tablet is about worn off. I
will test the theory tomorrow by wearing my heart monitor and
regularly checking it. If when sat working i feel really tired will
make a note of how low the heart rate is!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Pissed off with more discrepancies at work between areas, its getting ridiculous.
Will see how I feel tomorrow as to whether I christen the sick record, but knowing me I will be in as normal no matter how I feel. I am planning to run tomorrow dinner time as well. So see how things go...
Not feeling the best
I feel unbelievably tired and finding it hard to concentrate on anything. What's worse though is my chest feels a bit funny, not like when I went to hospital. It just feels bruised or aching, I described it as if I'd been punched and I was bruised but not sure that's the best analogy. Maybe more like your muscles would after exercise, just aching.
Not about to keel over (I hope), not that I actually keeled over in Canada. Think I'm just worn out, which isn't surprising having missed hours and hours of sleep recently. Last night was the first time I've had a normal nights sleep since getting back but feel worse for it.
I've been considering going home sick for the last couple of hours but pointless now, only a few hours to go...don't wanna mess up my perfect sick record either.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Roddymoor Village Hall Meeting
It shows no one is bothered, basically its because no one has any faith in any of them and as my dad said people feel they are like a secret society and no one knows what the hell is going on.
I thought about mentioning that I own www.roddymoor.co.uk and www.roddymoor.com which could use to put information on but decided to say nothing for now to see what response comes back from the door to door questionnaires that are going to be carried out. My dad is going to do 2 streets. I think most people wont be bothered or wont be prepared to do anything.
Simon Kernick - Relentless
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Toronto Run

Max Heart Rate: 206 bpm
Average Heart Rate: 192 bpm
This was the only run I managed to do when on Holiday unfortunately. My heart rate dropped a long way then rose again nearer the end because I had to stop for traffic lights, then I walked a short stretch before starting again.
I wish I had managed to get another run in Toronto and one in each of the other places I stayed, next time :-)
The Good Stuff
CN Tower

We went up the CN Tower which is the tallest building in the world and walked on the glass floor and enjoyed the views.
Beats & Breaks Competition

On the Waterfront in Toronto, watching what we call breakdancing but they said should be called B Bopping. It was fantastic to watch, went back the second day to see the finals.
Whale Watching

Anyone who knows me, knows how I eat nothing and am very fussy. I decided before going to Canada that I was going to try as many different foods as possible. I can't remember ever saying no to anything and even had cheese which I normally hate. I don't think there was anything I didn't like. A lot of the meals were quite posh but really enjoyed all of the food, even continued the food exploration by going to a proper sit down indian on Friday night once I was home.
Shout Out Out Out Out
I had almost forgot about this, after watching the breaks and beats competition we watched Shout Out Out Out Out who are a Canadian dance group who have 2 drummers and 4 bass players. They sound very different but enjoyed the music and at the end we turned around and there was a huge Fireworks display on.
Flight Home
This might sound bad, but I was pleased to go home so it was a relief when flying but more what I intended when writing "Flight Home" was the fabulous sun rise I watched and while this was happening a plane flew past us which made the sun rise look even more dramatic.
Montmorency Falls

Some of the accommodation we stopped in was excellent, I think the best was Montreal but maybe thats because they had free Wi-Fi. No it was because the room was very nice and the owner Richard was incredibly helpful. The places we stayed in Toronto and Tadoussac was also really good. Shame Quebec and Kingston didn't match up, 3 out of 5 isn't bad though.
Almost everyone we met when in Canada was very friendly, helpful and laid back. That is one of the things I think both of us would take as a positive from Canada.
I managed to get 1 run in before I was unable to, I really enjoyed this running through High Park and down to the the shore of Lake Ontario. I only did just over 3 miles but had intended to do more over the following days.
No more
Heart Explanation
We went to Canada's Wonderland by tube and bus, it was very hot (35+c). I had drank a couple of bottles of water that morning but threw away the last of it when entering Wonderland because they wouldn't allow drinks in. We went straight to the Top Gun rollercoaster, only stopping to take 1 photo for Kay in front of a waterfall.
We joined the queue for Top Gun, which took about an hour before we got on the ride. It was very hot waiting in the queue with very little shade. I felt OK though just a bit hot.
It was the first time I'd been on a rollercoaster for a few years, but just felt the same as I had in the past. A little nervous as you climb to the top of the first drop but then after that it was fine. I got off feeling OK, Kay was complaining about her head being thrown about while on the ride but I was OK. We walked off the ride and walked up past the screens showing the videos of the ride. We watched 30 seconds or so of us before carrying on towards the next ride. Just after this I started to get pins and needles again in my feet and hands. I had mentioned this to Kay when first climbing on the rollercoaster.
I then started to feel very hot and was sweating, also realised my chest was tight. I started to feel very weak. I told Kay I needed to go to the toilet. I sat in the toilet for a couple of minutes trying to pull myself around and throwing water on myself. I decided I couldn't stay there any longer so went out to meet Kay, I walked a few yards to meet her and told her I needed to sit down for a bit. We then moved a bit further and I said I needed to sit again before going on another ride. I could tell Kay was pissed off with me, so told her to go on the ride while I sat down for a while. She said no, I got a drink and shortly after drinking it was sick a couple of time.
Kay said I must have heat stroke or something but I hadn't mentioned about the tight chest, hadn't really thought about it. She tried to make me drink more water but I just couldn't. I managed to have a bit more but just threw it up again. Kay said we should go inside where it was air conditioned. I struggled to walk to the building which was only about 100 yards away. I bought 2 more drinks, then on the way to the seats threw up again and rushed to the toilet. I had no idea what was going on.
I came out of the toilet and sat down, Kay said we couldn't sit here all day and said we should go to the medical centre. I followed her but it felt like we walked miles, it was probably about 1/4 of a mile. We got there and said we thought I might be dehydrated, they took me through and laid me on a bed while they checked my vitals. The lad couldn't find my pulse and looked quite worried, he called over another man who was a paramedic. He checked me out and again looked worried, he hooked me up to a monitor and took my blood pressure. He was then even more worried asked them to call an ambulance. I was still talking away fine to them and Kay but was having problems controlling my breathing and my chest was tighter.
The ambulance arrived and they transfered me onto a stretcher and I got wheeled into the ambulance, it all felt a bit surreal. The Paramedic tried to put a IVF in my arm but had problems. He tried 4 times while on the way to the hospital, he got the driver to pull over at one point to try. He still couldn't manage it, this was to become a common problem when ever anyone tried to take blood (which was lots). Eventually we arrived at the hospital and I could see my heart beat on the screen and could see it was 218. I could see the panic in peoples eyes, when they had struggled to get a line into me. At that moment I thought maybe I was about to die, as my chest felt tighter than ever and people were talking about heart attacks and that it had been going on for about 3 hours. It didn't feel that long to me but Kay said it started at 1 and it was now 4 :-(
I wasn't worried about dying but it went through my head about how it would affect my parents and I felt upset for them. I had no idea what was going on and people kept telling me different things, basically it was because they didn't know. They gave me some Aspirin to chew for a second time because I had just thrown up again. I had tried to warn them that I was gonna be sick again but no one had taken any notice. There was lots of people around me and I think we must of been in a corridor or something. Someone I think the paramedic told me to bear down as if going to the toilet. I tried and then shortly after my heart rate started to gradually slow and the my chest didn't feel quite so tight.
The next few minutes are a slight blur but I ended up in A&E sat up in the bed talking to Kay and a doctor or some medical person. While I was in A&E they attached me to a saline drip and took blood a few times (struggling to take the blood). I also had to give them a urine sample, I was constantly having to answer the same questions from different people. I was beginning to get annoyed with everyone asking me if I had taken drugs. I was sick of telling them I had never taken drugs in my life, but they didn't appear to believe me.
At one point a female doctor (I think), said that I was in a bad way and that there appeared to be problems with my kidneys and liver as well as my heart. I sat there waiting to wake up from the nightmare, it just didn't feel real. I was the fittest I've ever been in my life and much healthier than most people I know. Yet here I was sat in hospital in a foreign country where no one knew what was wrong with me, least of all me.
I was in A&E for quite a while, I said Kay should go as it was getting later and she was going to have problems getting back to the B&B because we had no idea where we were. She said she would wait a bit longer, I felt really bad for her and really guilty :-(
I eventually had to give my credit card and after a while they said they were moving me to a private room upstairs. The room had a tv and a phone and thought it might not be too bad if I could watch TV. Once I was in the room we asked for some directions on how Kay could get a bus back, she got some very vague instructions from a nutty nurse, then Kay went.
I tried the TV but it had a message about contacting TV Services, I asked the nutty nurse who just mumbled about getting it sorted if I was in there was for 3 or 4 days. I realised it was going to be a very long boring night. During the night a nurse came about every hour to take blood and struggled each time getting the blood. I got up and went to the toilet dragging my drip and wires behind me. When I got back in bed the nurse turned up saying my readings had gone very high, I tried to explain that I'd gone to the toilet but she didn't understand. I then got sick of all the noise of people walking past. So got up again and stretched across the room to close the door but I could reach with my hand because of the drip. So I stretched my leg across to close it. I could see my heart rate going higher again (still not bad). The nurse turned up once I was back in bed again, leaving the bloody door open I'd just shut.
I must of dosed off for a couple of minutes because I suddenly woke up with a doctor leaning over me. He told me various things, which I now can't remember and eventually he said he was moving me to CCU (Coronary Care Unit) where there would be 1 to 1 nursing. So at about 1:30am I got moved to CCU and I can sort of remember a black nurse saying hello my name is Marigold. I think I got about 30 minutes sleep that night. I was starving by the morning as all I had eaten was some breakfast the day before. I thought I hadn't been allowed to eat so hadn't said anything but did now. They got me some breakfast and i met a new nurse called Adaline, she was really nice. I spent another night in there and during the day got introduced to Dr Blakely by Cardiologist. He was going on about heart by passes and how good of a success rate they have with heart operations and stuff. I sat there thinking it can't be that bad what is he going on about. I said could I leave that day but he said he wanted to keep me in another night :-(
Adaline was really good during the day but she went off shift later than she was supposed to at about 9pm. The next nurses in the unit weren't so nice and told me off for going to the toilet, which Adaline had let me do rather than using a bottle. she also moaned at me for not having mentioned about food. I thinks he was called Helen, when I tried to use a bottle my heart rate went high. Mainly because you struggle to use the thing in bed and you have people constantly coming in (stage fright as well). I couldn't hold off any longer by the early morning so spent ages trying to go to the toilet without my heart rate going up. I knew they wouldn't let me out if it did.
The following morning Adaline was back again and she got an English doctor who used to work in the unit to come and speak to me and explain things better. She also got me to wear a portable monitor and walk around the ward because I said I wanted to leave. She said the only way that would happen was if I could prove I was OK by walking about. So I did and I was fine.
Eventually Blakely came in later in the morning and he was told I'd been fine overnight and that I'd been walking around with no problems. I told him I wanted to leave because I was going to Montreal the following day. He wanted me to stay another night but I said I wanted to leave. Adaline had collared the other Cardiologist in the lift to get a second opinion and he thought I would be fine to leave. So the 2 Cardiologists discussed it and agreed I could leave. I waited around for ages for my Discharge summary but eventually got it.
I must say the Canadian Health care is a lot better than ours. I had lots of test, 3 Chest X-rays, Echo sounds, ECGs, Blood and urine tests and loads more all within 48 hours. It would take weeks for all of these in the UK if not months. As an example I've been told it will take about a month for the referral to see a Cardiologist in the UK.
Here's the Discharge Summary with the Diagnosis of Supraventricular Tachycardia:

the way the weather has been and because i'm shattered i've decided
against it.
I need to do some exercise tomorrow to give my heart a test but not
sure what yet.
I've got loads of stuff to do around the house but just feel worn out.
I don't think the tablets are helping, think they are making me more
lethargic than normal.
Anyway hopefully i might finish sorting my holiday stuff tomorrow, maybe...
last night
late on. We ended up going to spice corner a sit down indian. I bought
jays meal for him as his birthday present, we never get each other
anything usually other than a drink. So i continued my culinary
exploration by trying an indian. I actually enjoyed it.
Afterwards we met up with aaron, jays brother. Then a bit later wayne
and mick. Oh and the ex lisa was also out and ended up sitting with
We had a good night until we went to bar 56 where jay got accused of
dealing drugs because he shook a lads hand. We weren't happy and it
ruined the night, i was fuming and about put my fist through a toilet
door. Soon calmed down though :-)
Saturday, July 21, 2007
I was very angry and eventually I put my fist through a toilet door, which was better than the bouncers head I guess. We went home not long after, although I was a lot calmer by then...
Friday, July 20, 2007
Update on my Heart
I went to see a doctor now I'm back home this morning. Before I went I re-read my discharge Summary and it has a bit in BOLD at the bottom saying DIAGNOSIS which I managed to totally not read.
The Diagnosis: Supraventricular Tachycardia.
I told the doctor roughly what had happened and passed him all the paperwork I was given, he said he would need to read through it all and would refer me to a cardiologist. This could take a few weeks, he gave me a prescription for Atenolol which I have been taking since I left the hospital.
I asked if there was anything I had to stop doing and specifically asked about running and hiking. He said no I could carry on doing anything I liked but when running I probably wont be able to run as far and will get out breath sooner due to the Atenolol (bollocks). He then said I may wish to hold off the running until I've seen the Cardiologist but I didn't have to.
He said I would probably be fine and may not have anything like it again, sometimes people never have another episode. Which sounds good to me!
This fits with what they were more or less saying in Canada. They thought it was brought on by being dehydrated, then going on the roller coaster. I read a little on Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT) on Wikipedia and one way they suggested to stop it was to bear down (as if going to the toilet). This is what they got me to do when I got to the hospital, which is when my heart started to slow down. Before this they were talking about restarting my heart.
The Paramedic came to see me when I was laid in A&E after my heart had slowed down and he told me that if it ever happened again, to bear down. So I will remember that and hopefully wont ever need to!
So I now await the Cardiologist referal which will probably take weeks (the glorious NHS).
I've decided to go walking in the lakes this weekend on my own, probably Sunday. I need some time away on my own to go through what has happened to me.
More stuff later
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Back Home
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
the final countdown
be in the plane on my way home. I am really looking forward to it, its
been no normal holiday.
I know anyone reading this will think it has been constant misery. It
hasn't, there have been some great times. Kay just asked me what was
going to be the most memorable things from the holiday. I said
obviously the hospital, then trying lots of different food and the
whale watching. There is also watching the be-bopping, the driving
which was an adventure. Today there was also the falls in quebec.
Kay thought my memory would be cheese besides for hospital. Eaten it most days.
I have been quite angry a lot of the time, having to bite my tongue.
It's no wonder i was quiet most of the holiday, some people are just
so annoying. I'm sure kay will say the same and probably a lot worse.
I can't really be bothered to write anymore tonight, because i'm tired
from the driving again. I drove over 400 of the 600kms today. I found
it more stressfull when kay tried driving today. I was pleased when i
took over the wheel again.
I have 300km to drive back to toronto tomorrow. Will drop the car off,
then get the subway and bus to the airport. I would of just got a taxi
but kay isn't keen after the drive from the airport.
Suppose i should try to sleep. I will write everything up properly and
be more positive once safely home :-)
never wrong
way and wont admit it when they make a mistake. I think this is one of
the worst things people could posses.
Monday, July 16, 2007
what a day
whale museum. Watching the whales from the shore oh and i ate cheese
again. Wasn't keen on it though. No val i am not eating pizza i've
been eating posh food, not pizza. I'm determined to carry on hiking
even if it does kill me. Which i'm sure it wont but will be happier
when i find out what's going on with my body.
After tadoussac i drove to quebec city, i offered the keys to Kay but
the wanted me to drive out of tadoussac and over the ferry but then
there wasn't anywhere nice and easy for her to start from. Then it
rained and we went the scenic route, which was narrow and windy. She
then had a go coz i hadn't let her drive. She never said, can i drive
now or anything, so i wasn't very happy.
We stopped at a tourist information place on the outskirts of quebec
and got directions. But when we got into quebec there was roads closed
off everywhere. We knew where we wanted to be but had no way to get
there. Kay started to have panic attacks and feeling ill. Thank god it
was me driving!
In the end we had to park the car quite a long way from the hotel and
walk in. We spent 2.5 hours driving around quebec :-(
We got into the hotel and it wasn't what we hoped. Once we got to the
room kay broke down in tears. I just wanted to teleport home. I can't
deal with my own emotions nevermind someone elses.
I wanted to give her a hug but didn't want to overstep the mark. She
just wanted me to talk but what the hell do i say?
Thought she might crack me one if i gave her a hug.
Eventually when went out for something to eat and had a very nice
meal. My starter was vegetable soup, main was duck, baked potato and
something else cant remember what. Then had black forest gatau. Washed
down with coffee and 1 litre of red wine we shared.
We don't have any of our slothes or wash things because they are in
the boot and the car park is locked up when we went at midnight :-(
If i stayed slightly drunk me and kay might get on better because i
talk constantly but at other times i say nowt. Although i have been
hungry most of the time, which means i become quiet and have no
energy. I have lost more weight over the holiday.
Sounds like kay has gone to sleep as she is making some funny noises,
not snoring. Just stopped. Last night i woke up and she was giggling
away but she had no idea what about when i asked her earlier tonight.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
thanks and getting better
I drove up to tadoussac yesterday from Montreal, its just as well i
like driving. Most of the roads are horrible flat straight things.
They got lots better after quebec city when we hit the mountains. We
had no map for the route here other than looking at some wall map.
Luckily i remembered what it looked like and guessed the way here. I
think kay was stressed not knowing where we were but i got up here.
Tadoussac is fantastic it looks beautiful, i will take some pictures
today. We went whale watching yesterday and saw lots and lots of
We then went to a fancy restaurant last night that mixed some strange
flavours but it worked. No one would believe i have eaten cheese 4
times on this holiday. No wonder i ended up in hospital, lol.
I hear i have been upstaged at work by christine who had to have an
operation on holiday.
Well i have to go for breakfast soon, so bye for now.
Friday, July 13, 2007
travellers cheques and the hire car. I drove all of the 600km, it was
a lot better than i expected. I had been dreading it. Kay didn't seem
to want to volunteer either. Left her the duty of map reading which
i've decided isn't her thing either no matter what she says. She got
very flustered when heading into montreal. So i pulled in and entered
the route into google maps on the phone from where we had pulled over
to the b and b, it then took about 5 minutes if that to get there.
The guy who owns the place was very helpful and told up the best
places to go and we ended up in a great restaurant.
I feel fine after my heart problems but i'm trying to take it easy. I
haven't told kay the couple of times my chest has felt a little tight,
nothing bad and it wasn't over my heart either. I do feel just normal,
but has made me look back over things from the last couple of years.
The hardest thing about this holiday other than the heart is me and
kay. We just haven't got much to talk about. She thinks its just of
being miserable or lacking conversation skills, its more i bite my
tongue rather than saying what i'm thinking usually random thoughts.
When i do say them she looks at me like some kind of idiot. Not sure
if this is the best place to write this but have told her this and
more over the last day but conversation is still hard and she would
totally agree and sure she is pissed off.
I have learnt plenty of stuff about myself, which i already knew but
confirmed in my head.
I always said i would die young but not just yet...
I know kay is really pissed off with me because of being in hospital.
She has joked it but i know she really is. I don't blame her because
i'm really pissed off about not seeing niagra falls :-(
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Disaster strikes
This is gonna be a short summary then as its late.
On monday we went to wonderland, after the first ride i ended up in
the medical centre with what turned out to be a problem with my heart.
I got sent to hospital by ambulance where i spent the next 2 nights. I
just got out earlier today after requesting some more opinions or i
would still be in there.
My arms look like i am a junkie because they've taken so much blood
and had the ivf in me and injected me a few times.
They suspected a heart attack at first but have ruled it out now but i
have got some heart problem which will need further tests in the uk.
I am driving to montreal tomorrow which isn't the best thing to be
doing i guess.
Kay has been getting 2 subways and 2 buses each way to visit me in
hospital and even lent me her sudoko book. She's been great, this was
supposed to be a relaxing holiday to help her get over her stress at
work :-(
She has just gone to sleep, so has stopped giving me grief for
tonight. The worst thing is we have never got the chance to see
niagra, bollocks!
The hospital experience cost me $6300 which should be refunded by
travel insurance, kay has spoke to them a couple of times.
I guess when i get back i am going to have to review a lot of the
activities i do. Running, hiking, etc. This is gonna kill me nevermind
whatever the problem is with my heart. I love walking but until i know
for certain whats wrong i should try not to look on the black side of
Will try to write more when i get chance...
Saturday, July 07, 2007
So far today
some food on the waterfront. It was some foreign thing, well to me
anyway ;-)
We are sat on the waterfront listening to some live music. Gonna have
a look around a gallery in a minute then a boat ride to the islands.
So pictures yet because i haven't found a free wifi network.
I had one of my days where i don't see much, people often think i am
just being miserable as kay did.
I was just hungry all i had to eat was a hotdog until about 5. Suppose
i was a bit bored as well walking aimlessly around. We tried to go up
the cn tower but didn't want to wait 2.5 hours in a queue. We will go
back early tomorrow i guess now.
Kay can hardly walk today, she has some problems with her feet. I was
gonna go for a run this morning but i have no skin left on my feet,
This sounds like a miserable post but i didn't intend it to be. Think
i might get wrong when kay gets out of the shower because i let her
lie in. Thought she needed it.
Today is gonna be a good day :-)
Friday, July 06, 2007
but didn't really bother me. Kay was clearly distressed as he was all
over the place as if used the mobile, cb and fiddled with the gps.
Gonna keep this short coz wrote it once and lost it when pressing the
wrong button.
We went for a walk to orientate ourselves. We spent 2.5 hours in high,
then over an hour in a bar.
Really good so far...
We are off to downtown tomorrow and up the cn tower :-)
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
The test video is below, it's really poor quality because I was laid in bed with only the lamp on beside me. The room is a shit tip as well because I've still got half my stuff laid about before my hols. I wont be able to embed any YouTube video while away, you'll have to follow the link ont he right.
I probably wont record any videos or take any pictures with my phone after all this testing, lol.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Last quick test
The Flickr stuff is dependent on me finding free Wi-Fi coverage!
Monday, July 02, 2007
Not long now
and think i need to see about taking tuesday off, i'm gonna be running
around otherwise.
I have to order my money tomorrow. If i get it from barclays they will
have the money and travellers cheques in the following day.
I have to go to darlington 1st thing tomorrow, then will go to durham
rather than middlesbrough.
I'm looking forward to the holiday but haven't got into holiday mode yet.