Monday, July 10, 2006

Walking with weights

I haven't done all that much today, felt quite tired because I didn't to sleep until about 5 this morning. Last night I saw the sunset then sunrise and seen the sunset again tonight, guess thats why I'm tired (lack of sleep).

As I said earlier I walked down to Crook to the Library (getting sadder by the day). Then I got back and walked up to Billy Row to the shop for some milk. Then this afternoon I decieded to move my weight bench and all my weights from my parents garage up to my house and they are now setup in my dining room (until I get a table).

I must of looked a bit strange (more than usual) carrying the barbell with over 100Ibs on it up the street. The barbell was on my shoulders but still had to press it over my head to get it there and back down again. Wondered if I could still bench press it properly as I don't seam to have much in the way of muscles these days but I still can resonably easy. Haven't done a proper workout yet because I want to get up and go for a run tomorrow and dont want to be aching like hell.

Other than the above I haven't done much else other than clearing all the silicone around my bath as the cheap shit that was put on has cracked. So need to finish that off and depending on weather might do some work in the garden tomorrow.

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