After buying the bag and shoes I wanted to test them. I had planned this short route out the night before, needed to be short with not knowing how long it would take shopping. I had originally wanted to walk Blencathra and Sharp Edge but my dad who came with with me, wasn't very keen. After seeing how he has struggled on a couple of steep parts recently I could see why.
Even on this walk nearer the start there were some steep sections but not too bad and we needed to keep stopping every few minutes for him to get his breath back. This is another reason I want to enjoy as much as I can now, never know whats around the corner. A couple of years ago my dad would of ploughed on to the top and was fitter than me then. Yes I am fitter now but it has certainly hit him and is frustrating him.
Anyway I wont really go into any detail about this walk as its asy to see on the map. There are some excellent views from the top of Blencathra and Skiddaw, as well as Keswick and Derwent Water. Although it was very hazy and rubbish for photos when were up there :-(
It may look like we were wandering all over the place compared to the green path shown on the map but the red route we took is the actual path. Another map I have 1:10,000 scale is more accurate than the one above.
Just as we got back to the car it started to rain (good timing).
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