Time: 3 hours
I did this walk on my own today, I have had it planned out for a few weeks but didn't want to do it until I knew my GPS was working right. I know the area fairly well (I went to Wolsingham Comprehensive) but some of the parts through the woods I hadn't a clue.
Thank god I did wait, exactly as I thought heading towards the woods it was unclear as to where to go. There were 4 stiles all going in slightly different directions. The 1st which I think was actually the correct one, was strange I started to walk over it then noticed the electrified enclosure for grouse with dozens of dead birds hanging up. Thought that must be the wrong way as surely they would do all that right next to the public footpath. I then took another and the path disappeared and the GPS was telling me to go left but it was over a deep stream and couldn't see anywhere to cross. I finally found another style that had an arrow after that I just followed the GPS directions.
It took me 3 hours but I sat on the reservoir wall for 10 minutes or so. If I did it again I would probably do it quite a bit quicker now I now know the way without checking.
It was a nice walk, not too hard with some nice views of Weardale.
Below are a few pictures, as usual click them for larger versions.

The rest of the pictures and the ones above should be uploaded to my flickr account later tonight.
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