In that post I said I wasn't looking forward to going shopping on Saturday but in the end I enjoyed it (bizarre). I went to the new Retail park at Gilesgate in Durham with my parents.
On the way there we called into a Bathroom place in Langley Moor and was suprised at how good the cheap bath suites actually looked. They had more expensive stuff as well but the basic one will do me.
Once at the Retail Park we went into B&Q first and looked at all sorts from showers to doors. Got a few ideas while in there.
Next it was on to Currys to look for a Fridge/Freezer there was loads in there but think I found the one I want.
I spent a while in Currys looking at LCD & Plasma TVs, not that I can afford one at the moment but will eventually get one after I have done the other stuff I need first. So that might be 2009.
Looked in PC World to have a laugh at how ridiculous their prices are, then eventually got to SCS. I fancied a leather couch but hadn't looked properly, I found a couple in there I liked but it was gonna cost about £695 for the 3 seater and £665 for the 2 seater which seamed quite expensive but probably would of payed it as I want to get a good couch. Not yet though until I have exchange contracts.
By the time we had looked around this lot and a couple of other shops it was about 3pm we left home at about 10. So the day had flown by. I started to drive home and remembered I had forgot to call in at Tesco. I had been sent out some free vouchers, so thought I would have a look and see if there wasn't anything I ccould get with them, so turned back.
As we were walking towards the entrance to Tesco I noticed a sign on a building saying leather suites. So decided to have a look in before going into Tesco. It was bigger than I thought from the outside and very reasonably priced. After trying every couch in the place. I found 2 that I really like, I still can't decide between them. They were the same price and made by the same company, they have pocket sprung seats like better beds. The best part is that for a 3 seater and 2 seater its £999 (I think it was). Several hundred pounds cheaper than SCS and I only found the place by chance. I will definitely be going back once I have exchanged contracts. I just have to decide between the 2 I like.
Some people may think I'm daft spending so much on 2 couchs when 1st moving in but there are a few items I'd rather spend my money on rather than buying cheap rubbish. They will last me years.
I started to add up some of the things I want and I reckon it will cost me about £1000 to do my Bathroom. The shower with pump will be about £300 alone more than the bathroom suite, bath panels £100, etc..
I ended up in Tesco eventually and they had a few things that I might go back for. They had a decent Sony 28" TV cheap, which I checked on when I got back and it got a good review for a budget model. I don't mind getting a cheaper TV for the moment, as I will move it to another room when I have the money for a better one. Although I may have to invest in an AV amplifier with Dolby Digital but we will see. I managed to use my vouchers on some Trousers for work and some socks. Wont spend decent money on clothes for work anymore, I always ruin them carrying computers.
I think that was about it for the shopping trip but I actually enjoyed it because I found some stuff I liked and will hopefully buy. Just wish I could of ordered it at the time!!
Oh, something else me and my dad looked at buying but on Ebay is a Yagi Wifi Antenna, so my house and my parents can still be on the same network and share files and an internet connection. This is what we will be buying probably tomorrow:

Think that's it for the window shopping, the next step will be ordering everything. I will ring the solicitors tomorrow to make sure they got my signed documents and get them moving!!!
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