Monday, February 27, 2006

Better so far

Today has been a better day than the last few. I have been stuck in my parents house waiting for UPS to come and pickup my broken iPod but been busy. I have managed to order my Fridge Freezer from Appliance Deals with Free Delivery, I had to phone up because the website still isn't working. I still got the Free Delivery and it will be delivered next Monday.

My bathroom suite is being delivered tomorrow as well, so I can get on and fit that. When my dad comes back from buying some parts we will lift out the old bath, which is cast iron and very heavy. Just a shame its blue or it would of been OK.

I have someone coming out to give me a quote on 2 new doors tomorrow at 3pm from IC Davison.

I have also just taken back the second shower because of a missing part and got it replaced. I checked outside the shop that everything was there this time. Probably looked a bit strange sat in the car with a knife and screwdriver.

One thing I will have to mention to the neighbours is about the garden path. It's supposed to be shared between our houses but when you get towads the bottom of the garden next door have fenced over the path. So it looks like its their property but it isn't. I will leave this until I have actually moved in to the house before I start causing hassle.

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