Tuesday, April 12, 2005

My Website

Been having loads of trouble the last few days with my website, it stopped letting anyone access it through the internet and would only work on my internal LAN and very slowly. My new website worked internally very quickly but for some reason I just couldn't access it externally. I tried to reconfigure the router with no success, it would sometimes work for a couple of goes then stop (unless it pulled it from cache).

I was becoming totally frustrated as I couldn't see why it wouldn't work, but somehow it has started letting me access my new website, although the old (current) website is still very slow but at least it working again. I'm not sure if its something I fixed or now looking for likely it was something to do with Zen (my ISP). I will see what happens over the next few days.

While this has all happened I decided that I would make an effort to upgrade the site to the new one, so trying to get most of it done in the next week but everyone else seams to be conspiring to stop me, lol!!

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