Friday, April 22, 2005

Better Day

It's been a good day today at work. I decided to work from our Training room where I could be on my own and just get on with the work I needed to do without any distractions. I managed to get some things done that I've trying to do for nearly a year and just never seam to get the quite time to actually figure out what I needed to. Think it helped cozz I was in the right mood for working out code, but the main difference was not disruptions at all. The only time I got asked all sorts was when I went to my desk to pick up my dinner and got grabbed by 3 people to solve their problems.

If I could get a few more days like this I might actually finish something, the stuff I was working on today are very near complete now and just need another couple of days like today and they will be finished.

Tomorrow I know will be a bit of a dead day, answering calls in the morning, so waste of time trying to do anything that I need to concentrate on. I think tomorrow morning we are planning some site visits, so that is something to look forward to. I prefer to get out of the office and actually do some hands on work rather than sitting talking on a phone all day. Should be installing some network switches and also some Windows Terminal Devices (WIDS).

I am sat waiting for blogger to come back up as its down for maintenance :-(

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