Wednesday, October 22, 2008
End of one, start of another
I haven't entirely decided what will go on the new blog. I am thinking of setting up another website that will be walking related.
Over the last few months I have come up with several ideas for websites. Hopefully I will get them off the ground rather than procrastinating about them. Funnily enough one of them is, which sums me up!
Anyway for updates on what I'm planning or how to get in touch, check out the new site which should be updated in the next few days over at:
Sunday, March 23, 2008
chilled weekend
All I've done is watch, films browse the web and listen to music. Haven't even watched any TV. I have done a little bit of work on my walking website. Although I have come to the conclusion I need to do masses of reading. I need to properly read up on PHP, Javascript, MySQL, XML, CSS and the Google Maps API. I have dabbled with all of these at some point but need to know a lot more for this project.
I realised last week that I learn best visually and by hands on messing around with things, seeing how stuff works. I get bored quickly reading computer books and tend to jump ahead. Looking back I have alway been like this with everything I do. I lose interest quickly if anything drags on. I need quick fixes or rewards to keep my concentration. Although I learn very quickly, maybe its because I miss out the waffle when learning stuff?
One thing I don't normally do is work very well with structure or plans. I create them but find it incredibly hard to stick to them. Its them same with the lists and aims I've created on this blog many times before, I rarely complete any. I start at a pace then very quickly become fed up and move onto the next thing.
I need to figure out how not to do that with my website project, I have been thinking about doing this for ages and want to actually finish it or at least get it to where I am happy with it. But how do I do that?
I mentioned above all the things I need to learn more about, but know if I set off reading a book on each one at a time. I will be sick by the time I get half way through the first, with my mind wandering to knew ideas for the site. I guess I probably already answered my own question. I probably have to learn by hands on, looking up the things I need to know for the task I'm trying to do. This often feels like I'm going around the houses to find out how to do a simple task because I haven't got full knowledge in the language.
I'm rambling once again, just really want my website project to succeed, putting off starting because I don't know where to start :-(
Saturday, March 15, 2008
From the bedroom
Finally fitted my Samsung TV to the wall, although still needs some adjusting. I was laid on the bed listening to music from my Xbox and had an idea. Why not connect up my Mac Mini to the tv. The Mac Mini has been sat in the kitchen unused since moving my main computer into the Dining room.
So I'm sat in front of the TV typing this post using my Mac Mini and using the Samsung as a 37" monitor :-)
If I think it useful I might buy a bluetooth keyboard/mouse. I like the look of the Logitech DiNovo Mini, but steep at £99.

Friday, March 14, 2008
This week so far
After a good weekend last weekend, things went a bit down hill. Worked
until 8 on monday in consett.
Then when i walked in the house on tuesday night, i was met by my dad
rushing down the stairs telling me the pipe was leaking. If had been
fitting a radiator for me, but when he had been fitting a new copper
pipe he'd disturbed one of the old pipes. That wasn't soldered very
I walked a bit further into the house and saw water coming through my
living room ceiling and a pool of water developing on the floor.
Things could of been a lot worse if the water had dripped onto the tv
i had just bought or onto the couch.
I took the following day off and my dad replaced the pipe that had
leaked and luckily the ceiling should be ok, once painted (i hope).
The other thing that was annoying on tuesday, was that i had picked 1
horse to bet on that day as its cheltenham. I didn't get time to put
the bet on though and it came in at 10-1. Nevermind it could of lost
just as easily.
I worked late in middlesbrough on wednesday night, but got home on
time tonight. My dad was in my house when i got home, looking at
another problem i had with the heating, hopefully that might be fixed
tomorrow without having to buy anything else. Thought i might have to
buy a new central heating pump, but hopefully not now.
If i was superstitous, spelt wrong i know. Then i would think my watch
i have had for years is bringing me bad luck. The few times i have
worn it this year, something has gone wrong. Just coincidence but
don't thing i will wear it for a few days, just in case, lol!
The rest of tonight i spent sorting some of my paper work i have had
laid around the last few weeks and filing it away. Boring but pleased
i got it done and started to tidy a few things away but no point until
after tomorrow when my dad will hopefully of fixed my heating problems
and have my bedroom lcd mounted on the wall. That's enough of my dull
week, its putting me to sleep.
Thursday, March 06, 2008

Rambo: I watched this last week, which is in total contrast to Enchanted which I just posted. This I probably enjoyed more because there has been a total lack of movies like it in recent years.
While a lot has been made of the death count in the movie, its not as bad as its made out. Well maybe it is but there is an underlining story to the film if you look hard enough. I think it sits somewhere between First Blood which had an excellent story and Rambo III which if it had one I can't remember it?
Just watch it, I gave it 8 out of 10.

Enchanted: I watched this last night and suprisingly really enjoyed it. The first film I watched on my new TV snuggled up in bed.
Its about a cartoon princess who is pushed down a well and ends up in the real world. Its one of those family heart warming movies but I highly recommend it.
I would gave it 8 out of 10 on IMDB. Not what you would expect to be my sort of film, clearly going soft in my old age.
So the new challenges aren't too hard and are certainly achievable.
- Learn to Snowboard - already done this although need to go back for more practice
- Learn to climb - I have found a couple of places locally where I can learn on a climbing wall but would then like to climb outdoors.
- Smile and have more fun - may sound stupid but I have been known at lots of points in my life for not smiling and being miserable. I feel better if smiling and obviously need to be having fun to feel happy and want to smile :-)
- Walking Website - I mentioned this in a previous post or hinted at it. I have had an idea in my head for months, mainly because I haven't found a website that does what I want. There are some that offer very similar services but they are often pay for sites or are badly designed. When I have something up and running I will post more details. I don't think anyone else will be bothered, but will be useful for me and my dad if no one else.
Money growing on trees

I am trying to do one room at a time and finish one before moving onto the next. I'm working on my bedroom first. I have repainted the walls from the baby blue or whatever the bright blue was. I can't remember the names of the paint but it looks a lot better. When I've finished I will probably take some pictures.
A new radiator is being fitted by my parents on Saturday, while I'm working (know I'm lucky). The radiator is about £140 because its quite big, the old one was useless.
Then after that I need a new carpet, which wont be cheap and bedding, curtains, etc...
I'm being paid some overtime this month which will cover the TV and the radiator (hopefully).
Anyway I need to stop spending money, I am out for a meal tomorrow night. After which the purse strings will have to be tightened. Although last night I had a dream that I received a cheque for just over £102,000 and have had this dream or at least the cheque part for the last few nights. I'm hoping this part comes true, not sure what the rest of the dream was about but I have a feeling that the rest wasn't so good. Can remember being unsure whether I wanted the cheque. If I have the dream again will try to remember more.
Sunday, March 02, 2008
New Website idea

I have had an idea for a website I've wanted to do for months but never got around to actually doing it. Recently I've started being a bit more pro-active and reading up on various topics and thinking of web site names.
Wont say too much at the moment in case I never get it off the ground or change my mind. It does involve walking and other outdoor activities.
Recently more and more I've realised how much I love being out walking and I guess the 2 things I love to do the most are walking and computers. So its natural to try and join them together in some way.
I'm not going to have much time to do anything with the idea over the next month due to work, have already worked a load of overtime this last week and will be doing more probably most nights in March.
I need to keep the website project moving, so hopefully writing it on here will keep me motivated!
Too often I never do any of my ideas and I have seen a few make lots of money for various companies. Not that there is any money in this one.
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Back? Maybe...

Its been nearly 4 months since my last post declaring it was the end of the blog. Although I did say it may be back in the future.
I have missed blogging and recently I have referred back to previous posts to check things, its like an always accessible reminder of what I've done and was thinking.
If this is the return some things will be a bit different I don't think it will include those late time posts where I would say exactly what was going through my head in my personal life. It often caused several different people to get upset. If anyone wrote down the things that went through their head, there would be so many different emotions that you feel at anyone time that you are always bound to upset someone. So those will be kept to myself this time!
Cool old Skool Scooter is on the TV with "Hyper Hyper". Just looked at Metro Radio arena because I remembered I saw they were on. It actually sounds really good, Cascada, Scooter, N-Trance, Booty Luv, UltraBeat. Its £25!!
So much has happened the last few months but gonna try and look forward.