Saturday, October 15, 2005

None event Shopping

As I mentioned in my previous post I went to PC World at Team Valley in Gateshead with the intention of looking at a Mac Mini. I was also gonna buy a USB mouse for my laptop and a cover for my iPod (it's already getting scratched).

I ended up leaving empty handeed, the only mouse I thought was OK was a Microsoft Optical Mouse for £20 which seamed expensive. The iPod cover didn't say which models it fitted. So ended up leaving without buying anything. I checked on Dabs when I got back and get the same mouse for less than £12. Haven't looked at the iPod skin yet.

The only positive thing I came away with was that I liked OS X on the Mac, even that took some getting to because some bloke was stocking the shelves under the Macs and I couldn't get near them until he buggered off.

I have always said I hate shopping and thought it was because I usually couldn't afford to buy the stuff I was looking at but that's 2 shopping trips now where I have had the money to buy stuff and I've come away with just about nothing. If I could figure out why maybe I could make a fortune helping to improve shops ;-)

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