Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Today was really shit, I spoke to the estate agents this morning to find out what was going on. They told me yesterday that they couldn't accept my offer because the company that owned the house wouldn't accept an offer from someone who was getting 100% mortgage. Tried to explain that I wasn't getting a 100% mortgage, it was about 90% and the rest made up of a loan at the same rate as the mortgage. The said they couldn't accept that it needed to be separate, I needed at least 5% deposit. So it would mean taking out a loan for a deposit, taking out for a mortgage for 95% then re-mortgage the lot afterwards so it was one payment. NO WAY!!!

Besides for this I asked them to explain to my exactly what the process was going to be for the house. Every time I spoke to someone in the past they told me something different. I was told that they wouldn't accept any offers until a week Thursday when it had been advertised properly, but they would reject offers. Then if they accepted an offer it would be published in the paper and anyone could then bid more to beat it. I'm not going through all that shit, not getting into a bidding war. If they had told me in the 1st place I wouldn't of bothered!!

So I'm not gonna be moving anywhere in the near future...

This morning was shite at work as well, I went into our training room because I had loads of stuff to get on with and needed peace. I had been in there about 5 minutes when someone walked in and told me that her and someone else I work with would be working in there as well. She said she wouldn't interrupt me then sent the next 10 minutes asking me question and talking away. I was about ready to explode so packed up my stuff and went to my desk. Then got grabbed by everyone to do more work and of course it was all urgent. Was gonna go out or a walk to calm down but couldn't as no-one would give me 2 minutes peace.

At 12 I went for a walk into town to cool off and calm down a bit. I was angry about the house but more so about having loads of stuff that needed doing and not being able to get on with it.

I put a request in under the Freedom of Information Act to see how many staff we had doing home working and got a reply of Zero back. I'm fairly certain that we have some staff who have some home working conditions sorted out a few days a week but maybe its not official. Some of our management have worked from the home in the past. The reason I asked was I never get 2 minutes to concentrate on some of the things I have to do, tried going to other offices and I spend the whole time helping people. Tried working from other rooms in our building like today and it doesn't work. I know that if you can prove you can work from home effectively then your company can't legally turn you down. I don't mean every day only 1 day a week or maybe less 1 day in 2 weeks. The couple of times I have worked at home I've got more work done in one day than I would in 3 at work. I end up working longer hours as well because your more comfortable and don't have to travel to and from work.

I cheered up just before leaving probably coz I got to laugh at someone I worked at with some of the comments he was making about needing a woman for the bedroom. Then turned around and said he was thinking of getting a pet. Go knows what he's gonna do to the pet. I'm sure he will read this ;-)

Feel a lot happier now I'm home and today is over with, some ways I'm probably happier that I have decided not to go for this house. I got the feeling it wasn't meant to be. Things kept going wrong. Estate Agents being late, turning up with the wrong keys, telling me wrong information, mortgage advisor messing up times and lots more. I think there was plenty if signs telling me this isn't the right house!!

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