I may of seen something that is gonna be huge in the future. Orb, it lets you stream live tv, video, music and pictures to another computer, pda or phone.
On their website i tried the demo site both on my computer and using my phone. The video and music actually worked on my phone i was very impressed with the video working didnt expect it to. When you connect to an orb server it detects your connection speed and streams it at the best quality your connection can Stream.
It will only let you watch live tv if you have a windows media center pc or a compatible tv capture case and currently only in the us but should work soon in the uk i hope. It will also let you schedule recordings from anywhere as well. So if you were at work and realised you had forgot about recording something you could do it from work using any device that can connect to orb.
there is a lot that can still be done to improve it but looks good for the future!

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