Thursday, March 31, 2005
I got paid today so sorted out all my finances for the next month, gonna be a tight month with Road Tax and a few other things. Hopefully I will be out in Sedgefield with a few people from work tomorrow night, all depends on if Katy can get a lift back home. Only going if she does, at least there is someone else there I can talk to as not sure how many others are gonna be there. Its not looking good, Katy text about 30 minutes ago saying her husband would pick ehr up but would have to get the kids up and bring them with him (not good). Could of gone Bowling with some stuff from Darlington but wasn't really invited. Think it would of been awkward as the last time I went with them I was seeing one of the people going. It wasn't that brilliant last time either with me driving, hate driving when everyone else is drinking, anyway hopefully will be out in Sedgefield.
If not might stay in and be very sad and do some work on my website.
Its definitly time to go out and exercise, I am permanently attached to a computer and putting on some weight (for me anyway). Lighter nights and hopefully weather improving so got no excuses. If I'm not hungover on Saturday I will have a lookout either for a run or on the bike. I used to enjoy getting up and going out on my bike before work. Maybe not the getting up but was good being out early in the morning around the back roads with no one hardly around. Used to be more awake for the rest of the day.
People keep mentioning to me about working for myself, always sounds good but once you try to do it as a job it becomes a lot harder. Would love to work for myself but you need to secure some source of regular income. People keep mentioning making money from Ebay, I tried it a few times and did make money but not very interesting to me. Prefer doing something where I have to think and learn something new and interesting.
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
I've been thinking about the future a bit today, i need to finish off my plan for the next few years and then work out how to achieve them.
I all too often think of things but never carry them through bit like my running lots of intentions but still havent been out, do need to get off my arse and do some exercise, enjoy it when im doing it but just not motivated at the minute.
Still not sure what i want from a job, dont want to be stuck doing what i am for ages with no career path. But also dont want to jump into a job just coz its more money but could be even more boring.
I seam to of had one of those days where you get no where fast, frustrating.
Was gonna write more but feel tired, so will try to get to sleep a bit earlier than usual :-)
Lasgo - Far Away

Just listened to Lasgo - Far Away, I don't think it has any tracks as that stand out like a few off the tracks of their 1st album but I have only listened to it once. It wasn't a bad album could listen to it in the background but nothing jumped out at me. The last track is a cover of a Thompsons Twins song (Hold Me Now). Worth a listen but nothing special unless I change my mind after another hearing!

Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Idea #1

I've thought about this a few times over the last year and was certain someone would of done it by now.
I TRY to organise my money using Quicken (like MS Money) but I often forget to enter the details into the computer until the end of the month and have to try to remember what I spent the money on. I can never remember most of it, even though I try to keep every receipt I get (100s of them in a file). So started to think about how this could be solved. The main problem is having to be sat at my PC @ home to enter the details.
So started thinking about a phone application that would link in with Quicken or money and let you enter the details on your phone and view your accounts and sync up with the main program when you get home. There are similar application available for PDAs (Pocket Quicken & Pocket Money) but how many people have PDAs and how many have Mobile phones. This has problems as well as you would need a smartphone or similar most phones aren't. So maybe you could update via WAP.
This then led me to think about dropping Money & Quicken and hosting a web service that managed your money. Your accoounts could be stored on a central server then you could access them from any Computer anywhere in the world or connected device (phone/pda) and update/view them. You could use a client program if you wanted and sync with the hosted service.
The only downside to this is that many people would be worried about security and all your financial details being stored in one central place. But this isn't that much different to if you did all your banking with one bank. someone could hack into to it and access your money. Although they may not know what you actually spent your money on or what bills were coming up.
This wouldn't really bother me, benefits would outway the negatives. It would also be less prone to losing you data. It would be like any other online site, regularly backed up with plenty of redundancy in place. I have lost my Quicken data a couple of times over the last few years when I forgot to back it up after formatting my computer (I remeber now!!)
So basically the idea would be to have an online version of Microsoft Money or Quicken accessible from any web browser. The closest I have seen is Egg or Yahoo which allow you to view all your balances in one place but they don't let you do anything else.
I can think of plenty of other benefits but would be on all night describing them all.
If I wrote down and did a fraction of the ideas I come up with I would be a millionaire by now. Thought of a portable music player like the Ipod or MPman long before they appeared after 1st downloading a music file off the net many years ago. Most things do eventually get made, I've forgot most of them, part of the reason I setup a blog in the 1st place was to try and remember stuff.

Alien vs Predator

I watched Alien Vs Predator on Monday night. I was disappointed in it, Predator is one of my favourite films. Also really enjoyed Alien(s) and Predator 2. But there were some major problems with this film, it seamed very choppy and like it had been cut down maybe to get the lower age rating. It also didn't have any particularly good actors, yeah arnie isn't a great actor but perfect for the role he played. Don't get me wrong if you just want to sit down and watch a typical action film it will fit the bill but nowhere near as good as I hoped. I gave it 6 out 10 on IMDB. :-(


I watched Hero aboout a week ago and still can't quite make up my mind what I thought. I can see why they called it one of the most beautiful films ever made, there are some stunning visual scenes in it. Then again its not quite my sort of film, lots of wire work and quite slow. It is a good film and can see why a lot of people like it but dont think it merits the high ratings on IMDB. I gave it 7 out of 10 but am thinking of changing it to a 6.

Saturday, March 26, 2005
I went out with a couple of mates last night, up to the club 1st and spent nearly 2 hours trying to stay awake it was so boring. Eventually we went down the bank to the George which was better. Then got a taxi down to Crook, it was heaving. I soon got sick of my mates talking about football, wouldn't mind if it was Premiership then I would know what they are on about. But they were talking about the football they play on a Saturday and Sunday which after several hours does your head in. I left them for a bit and went and spoke to Lisa and her mate. Seeing as we are now speaking, good to actually be friends. I don't want to be anything more than this.
Eventually my mates met up with me again, I was still talking to Lisa and her mate (Sharon I think). After a while Lisa disappeared I thought I must of said something to upset her but she texted me that it wasn't me but her mate, I have no idea why she went off. Think she was just in a mood about something.
I decided I'd had enough and got a taxi home!!
Some other stuff has happened, Angelika has been blocking me for some unknown reason, then checked my hotmail today and saw I had about 4 emails from her. Sounds like she thinks I've been using her or something. God knows what I've supposed to of done. Think she read something on this blog that offended her maybe the Stalker comment but I only said it as a joke after Ang called herself it a few weeks ago. Think something maybe got lost in translation.
Still good friends with Kelly but I am still single and would like to keep it this way for a while. The events over the last 24 hours make me even more certain I want to stay single for a while sick of having to walk a tightrope for people.
Doctor Who

I've just watched Doctor Who and was fairly impressed, I was never a big fan. I always thought it looked stupid even as a little kid and never liked any of the actors from my generation of Doctor Who.
But after watching the new series it looks very good, for once they have had some money to do proper special effects. Christopher Eccleston is a good actor and played the part well, so did Billie Piper as Rose. Recognised her boyfriend from the last 2 series of Auf Weidersein Pet. Think I will keep watching :-)

Friday, March 25, 2005
I can give no adequate description of the Horror Camp in which my men and myself were to spend the next month of our lives. It was just a barren wilderness, as bare as a chicken run. Corpses lay everywhere, some in huge piles, sometimes they lay singly or in pairs where they had fallen. It took a little time to get used to seeing men women and childen collapse as you walked by them and to restrain oneself from going to their assistance. One had to get used early to the idea that the individual just did not count. One knew that five hundred a day were dying and that five hundred a day were going on dying for weeks before anything we could do would have the slightest effect. It was, however, not easy to watch a child choking to death from diptheria when you knew a tracheotomy and nursing would save it, one saw women drowning in their own vomit because they were too weak to turn over, and men eating worms as they clutched a half loaf of bread purely because they had to eat worms to live and now could scarcely tell the difference. Piles of corpses, naked and obscene, with a woman too weak to stand proping herself against them as she cooked the food we had given her over an open fire; men and women crouching down just anywhere in the open relieving themselves of the dysentary which was scouring their bowels, a woman standing stark naked washing herself with some issue soap in water from a tank in which the remains of a child floated. It was shortly after the British Red Cross arrived, though it may have no connection, that a very large quantity of lipstick arrived. This was not at all what we men wanted, we were screaming for hundreds and thousands of other things and I don't know who asked for lipstick. I wish so much that I could discover who did it, it was the action of genius, sheer unadulterated brilliance. I believe nothing did more for these internees than the lipstick. Women lay in bed with no sheets and no nightie but with scarlet red lips, you saw them wandering about with nothing but a blanket over their shoulders, but with scarlet red lips. I saw a woman dead on the post mortem table and clutched in her hand was a piece of lipstick. At last someone had done something to make them individuals again, they were someone, no longer merely the number tatooed on the arm. At last they could take an interest in their appearance. That lipstick started to give them back their humanity
Source: Imperial War museum
Thursday, March 24, 2005
One thing I have been hearing a lot about at work, is a new member of staff is setting a lot of peoples backs up without realising. She keep making comments about things without engaging her brain and thinking how this effects people. I have had 4 or 5 people mention to me comments that the person has made. I quite like her but but she should stop and think before she makes comments especially when she doesn't know the people she is talking to. It was mentioned to me that she blamed someone for losing her work but there was no way this could of happened and was actually her own fault for not logging out of her machine. Wont bitch about them as I said I quite like them and get on well with them but not my place to say anything.
It also sounds like a few support staff are completely fed up and thinking of leaving. A lot of it comes from them not understanding what they are supposed to be doing and not clear on what there jobs are anymore. I think some of them tried to express this to management but rather than being reassured and gaining clarification they actually felt like they were being told off. Also another person told me they were looking for another job because it is getting ridiculous having to spend so much time in meetings and not being able to get on with their work and is also looking at leaving. Both of them have worked for quite a while in the service and are two of the best staff I personally think we have (good at their jobs).
There is certainly a big problem at the moment, we have gone through a lot of change and lots more to come. I think the main problem is the lack of clarification on what peoples roles are in the service, especially Support Services. Staff are being sent to more and more meetings about nothing and have even less idea what they should be doing.
Maybe they should create a new post of Internal Communications Officer for me, I am probably aware or more staff problems, worries, fears and insecurities than anyone else. For some reason everyone always talks to me and tells me what's up. Maybe its because I'm approachable and will have a laugh, but will listen and help where I can. Unlike the people who should be really listening. Then again if I did tell anyone peoples exact problems they would probably no longer tell me.
I can see a lot of staff leaving very soon unless something is done quickly :-(
Not sure myself what to do about a job I have seen at the local council, think I should complete the application form and send it off even though I'm not sure what I want. Certainly VERY tempting, who can turn down an extra £5,000 at the bottom of the scale and would mean doing some of the better parts of my job and certainly dumping the worst bits. Its also only 1 mile from my house. So would save even more money in travelling. We will see, probably wont even get a reply...
Me and Lisa texted each other and explained to each other what went wrong and what we were feeling when we originally split up nearly 2 years ago. This is what we should of done at the time but neither of us were any good at saying how we felt. Think we now both understand what went wrong, after talking to me she split up with the person she was seeing. The person who was involved in our break up. There is no chance I will ever go back out with her but would like us to be good friends.
Kelly contacted me on AIM tonight as well and we both explained what went wrong and how we were feeling. We both understand each others feelings and reasons for things now. We both still have very strong feelings for each other (Love? thought so but who knows). It was a very complicated situation and think we were both a little too scared of things going wrong, especially with her having a son. We both thought we had met the one!
I've been speaking to Angelika (my stalker, lol) loads recently and have become very close. I like Angelika loads originally started out trying to find her a man. She is thinking of coming over with a friend and meeting up. Neither of us are really sure if this is a good idea but what the hell you don't know until it happens.

The 1st album was Daft Punk - Human After All. I was a bit disappointed with this, I'd heard Robot Rock and liked it but don't think the album is as good as the last one. Maybe I need to listen to the album a few more time, we will see but not all that impressed.

The next album was Chemical Brothers - Push The Button, this is much better I think this might be their best studio album and several songs grow on you. Well worth listening to if you like electronic/dance music.

Another album I've been listening to is DMX - ...And Then There Was X. I only started listening to DMX because I had heard "X is gonna get you" in a film he was in. The album isn't as bad as I was expecting but not a massive fan of Rap unless its very good. Sounds like DMX is trying to be 2 Pac, but some of the songs do sound good and he does get excellent reviews if you like this sort of music.
Monday, March 21, 2005
I had a good night on Saturday, me and Jay my best mate went to a Surprise party for Nigel Wright (the friend we went to watch box). I wasn't really looking forward to it to be honest as don't really know any of the others, but it turned out to be a good laugh. We were there for over 4 hours then we all came back to Crook and went in Bar 56, I ended up talking to a lass I snogged on New Years. She is one of my friends aunt's and no she isn't as old as that makes her sound.
Anyway was talking to her and she asked how I was getting on with my girlfriend as she saw me out with Kelly about 2 months ago. I told her I had split up, she ended up saying she wish she had known 2 weeks ago and she wouldn't of gone out with the bloke she was now seeing. Then she ended up saying she would see me in a couple of weeks when she had split up with him, not sure if I stood there in disbelief for a second. Then said I would see her later and wandered off to find Jay. Some strange people about, saying that she is good looking and a laugh but think I should walk away from this before anything happens. The mate who's auntie she is had a face like a stunned mullet when he saw me snogging her on New Years, saying that we do call him "The mullet" but because of his hair though!
I seam to of spent the rest of the weekend either sleeping or talking to Angelika, she is talking about coming over soon to meet me.
I also did do some work on my website but I have loads to do just never seam to have any spare time.
When I was out on Saturday got talking to Jay about houses, he is wanting to get his own place as well. When he said that I was thinking oh no he is gonna he wanting the same house I've been waiting for but luckily he said he was looking to buy one up near where his brother lives. He was reckoning the house I'm waiting for will go for £80,000 if it does there is no way I can get a mortgage anywhere near that price on my wage. I don't think he is right though but we will see.
I downloaded the application pack for the job at Wear Valley Council it sounds quite interesting, its nearly £5,000 more money even if you start at the bottom of the salary scale. There setup is very similar to current job except they don't use Citrix just Win2000 server and clients, they also have about 330 staff and use Lotus Notes. Couldn't believe it when I read it was so similar.
I will have a proper read of the form over the next few days and may well complete it. Even if I decide I don't want to go for it, it could still be good to apply to see if I get a response or not. Only reason I wouldn't want to leave my current job is because I have have made some good friends and know just about everyone but just cant honestly see any future in my current job. No career path in IT unless I want to sit and wait for god knows how many years and then even then there is still might be nothing at the end of it.
There was talk last year that IT was gonna get outsourced and we would be taken on by whoever won the contract, our ACO and some of the other staff were talking like this was a bad thing. I don't think it was we would of had better job prospects if we had been kept on and we wouldn't of been doing a lot of the work that we are now being given as it wouldn't be our jobs. This never happened though due to the merging of services. Our ACO spoke to me and said she was happy to tell me that everything would stay as it was, I think I smiled at the time and said good but I really thought was "bollocks!". At least then we would of known where we stood rather than an air of uncertainty hanging over us. We did get sent to a conference at Sedgefield but this didn't exactly make anything any clearer. Yes he said they wanted to retain IT staff but the time scales weren't realistic this was very clear to me not that anyone else mentioned it. They still had no idea what was gonna happen in the end, it was all just what they think they would like to do with very little clear plan in relation to staffing. 1st time I've really thought about the future in my job properly, maybe I just answered my own question!
Friday, March 18, 2005
Layer Cake

Just Watched Layer Cake, probably the best film I've seen the last couple of months. Along the same lines as Lock Stock & Snatch but without the humor. Lots of sub-plots to the film as well. I gave it 8 out of 10 on IMDB. Definitely worth watching, maybe more of a blokes film!!

Thursday, March 17, 2005
Another day
Yesterday was the worst for him going on, after I came out of a training course and only had 30 minutes to finish some stuff off. I told him I was in a rush but he just kept going on and on about looking at a program finance were having a problem with, mentioned several times I would talk to him about it the following day as it was now 4:45 , told him to shut up in the end. Don't know if he heard properly but did finally shut up.
The worst thing about where I work is I just cant concentrate at all, open plan offices are rubbish. I just cant concentrate on anything without something distracting me. Some people can just shut off to everything around them but I can't. Does seam worse now since I moved desks, people surrounding me, thought it was OK initially but that was when I was answering the phone more. Now I'm trying to concentrate on stuff realised I just cant. Did mentioned working away from my desk one day a week but havent been able to yet as there is nowhere to work where it would be any better at the moment other than maybe home. Not sure if they would agree to that, even though the couple of days I have worked at home I have ended up getting more done in one day than I would in 3 at work.
Saw a job advertisied in the Northern Echo yesterday working for Wear Valley Council, 2 jobs really but 1 was working with databases and the other was a Network Officer. The Network job looked more interesting and was over £20,000 think it is also based only a mile from my house. Think I will ring up for more information. May not apply but just interested in what exactly it is. The money, the location and possibly the promotion path looks very interesting. Compared to mine, money is crap for the knowledge I have, traffic is getting worse and worse by the day to Durham and then absolutely no route to promotion in IT. We have been told that there will be opportunities over the next year or so but really can't see anything coming our way. If you live in London yes but not up here where no one in London takes much notice of the plebs on the ground. Its gonna be years before the stuff they are proposing takes place, as everything is always delayed. We are looking at 2007 at the abolute earliest for the new systems to appear, realistically 2008/09 :-(
Wish I could work from home self employed, just not sure exactly what I would provide or how to go about it. I know lots about many parts of IT but not sure any sort of expert on anyone subject. I get bored sticking to one thing, so learn what I need to and move onto learning something else. Maybe I could be an IT consultant of some kind but again not sure exactly how to go about this. I've seen enough consultants who know nothing and make a fortune, I can talk a load of bollocks as well as anyone when it comes to IT but I prefer to have some idea what I'm actually talking about.
Wednesday, March 16, 2005

I may of seen something that is gonna be huge in the future. Orb, it lets you stream live tv, video, music and pictures to another computer, pda or phone.
On their website i tried the demo site both on my computer and using my phone. The video and music actually worked on my phone i was very impressed with the video working didnt expect it to. When you connect to an orb server it detects your connection speed and streams it at the best quality your connection can Stream.
It will only let you watch live tv if you have a windows media center pc or a compatible tv capture case and currently only in the us but should work soon in the uk i hope. It will also let you schedule recordings from anywhere as well. So if you were at work and realised you had forgot about recording something you could do it from work using any device that can connect to orb.
there is a lot that can still be done to improve it but looks good for the future!

Tuesday, March 15, 2005
The End
Think I've always been lucky everyone I have ever split up with still gets on well with me, hopefully this will be the same.
The end of one chapter, hopefully the start of something new. I've always thought this year was gonna be important and need to make some important hard decisions. That was sadly the 1st, I still love Kelly but it wasn't going to work.
Totally changing the subject, I won £99 today on the 1st race at Cheltenham, put a £3 each-way bet on. I've got another 4 on tomorrow, none are favourites. The following are what I have put on all backed each-way:
2:00 Reveillez
4:00 Kasthai
4:40 Indalo
5:20 The Mick Weston
Not confident that any will win but think most will be placed, I hope. Rather than reading too much form as normal, I'm going off gut instinct instead.
More albums...

I've listened to another couple of albums, Angel City - Love Me Right. This is a dance album, you may of heard a couple of the songs off here. Love Me Right & Do You Know, Do you Know uses the music from Robert Miles - Children. Not a bad album but think that there only about 3 or maybe 4 really good tracks on it.

The other album is Moby - Hotel, another good album by him. I prefer the tracks that he has guests doing the vocals but even Mobys voice sounds good on the album. Well worth a listen, you will probably end up hearing a few tracks off this over the next few months.
Sunday, March 13, 2005
New career as a councillor
It was definitly a bad idea wishing Lisa "Happy Birthday" she text me loads earlier on. How crap her life is, how eveyone says she is bad news. I had to try to cheer her up, don't know why I'm still nice to her after everything she put me through. She ended up saying she keeps thinking about how it might of been if we had still been together, she said she wanted to get back together without actually saying it. I told her it wasn't going to happen and could only be friends, she is going to delete my number from her phone "so I cant hassle you" her words. I said it was up to her.
Talking of new careers, can't believe how much a postman gets paid. There was an advert for a postman in Newton Aycliffe only work 7 -12 (25 hours a week). You get paid £250 - £300 a week. Almost tempted, much less hassle. Your out in the fresh air, 12.5 hours less a week and not that much less money. You would have the rest of the day to do whatever you wanted :-)
I've generally just lazed about this weekend, other than Friday. Never set foot out the house the last 2 days though, gonna have to change that this new week. Gonna start training for this run in June even if I don't do it, something to aim for. I was reading of another run at the end of May. The Raby 10k, I can remember Hayley doing it last year. Very tempted to do that instead as its closer and you can pay on the day, although slightly further...
Good albums listened to today
The Stereophonics I mentioned earlier. Besides for them, I've listened to 2 older albums and 1 new one.

Dr Dre - 2001 I have listened to quite a bit recently, there are some filler on it but also some stand out tracks as well, a good listen if you like rap (I don't normally).

Also listened to The Prodigy - The Fat Of the Land, again an older album but excellent, most people will know some tracks off here (Firestarter & Breathe) still think the best tracks are "Smack My Bitch Up" and "Diesel Power".

The last album is released tomorrow (14th March) its The Bravery. Again an excellent album, they are tipped to be big this year, with a sound similar to The Cure or New Order, the 1st track "An Honest Mistake" is already a big single.

Sterophonics new album

Been listening to Stereophonics - Language, Sex, Violence, Other?
I've had an Advance copy of the Album for about a month but never listened to it much. Started listening to it today, it's very good. A bit harder than some of their other albums. The stand out track from the album is Dakota and is sure to be a hit.
I might start posting the albums I've been listening to, people keep asking me if I've heard any new good albums.

Strange day
It was an ex girlfriends birthday (Lisa), I decided after some thought that I would send her a text wishing her happy birthday. I didn't expect her to still have the same phone number, but 5 seconds after sending the text I got one back asking who I was. Thought about not replying but did. Think it was maybe a bad idea as she kept texting me after that. Asking if I'd found the woman of my dreams yet and stuff like that. Ended up telling me she was still with the bloke we split up over but wished she had seen him for what he is and all this sort of thing. I said it was like De Ja Vu, this is what she said a year ago but at that time I was stupid enough to go back out with her. Not this time, supposed to be meeting up for a drink next week but that's all it will be as friends.
Spoke to Angelika quite a bit yesterday who had some hassle with her best mate, breaking her trust and reading personal letters. Weird how we can talk to each other even though she is from a different country and we have never met, maybe that's why as you can't see them in person and are safely several hundred miles away, hard to hurt you?
I ended up seeing Kelly for about half an hour last night as well after she finished work, first time I've seen her in over 2 weeks. She asked me if I wanted to continue how we are, I sort of avoided the question as wasn't sure how to answer it. No I don't want to go on in exactly the same situation, not being the other man. She said she had put off sorting the situation as we need to get to know each other more 1st. I agreed but how do you get to know someone when you don't see them for over 2 weeks. I never told her this but maybe I should of but know she already knows how I feel.
Sometime don't know why I bother with all the hassle I have with women, for some reason another ex has been on my mind this week. Probably coz I've spoke to her a few times in the last week. Think maybe I still care about her a little too much..
Saturday, March 12, 2005
ID Cards
The government seams to think they can get the public to agree to anything if they mention its to help in the fight against terrorism but I think after some of the rubbish the government has said the last couple of years, people are no longer believing it.
I can't see how the ID cards would help against terrorism, the stuff Mr Blunkett was saying just wouldn't work. I do believe there could be some benefits to them, possibly cutting down on benefit fraud but still not convinced and can't see how the government can justify spending the billions of pounds needed to implement it.
Also some of the stuff they have mentioned just isn't realistically technically possible yet.
Maybe the government would like every shop in the country to have a biometric scanner (fingerprint or retina) and whenever you buy something you have to prove who you are. At the moment this technically isn't possible or cost effective but who knows in 30 years time this may happen. There could be a database with every purchase you have ever made sat there from the Mars bar at your local shop to some flowers for your partner. With this you could effectively track where any person in the country is by the things they have purchased. This is science fiction but not too far away.
As with most things like ID cards the only people who are impeded are the normal law abiding citizens who do nothing wrong and the criminals/terrorists still carry on as before and in someways more easily due to everyone expecting the ID card to genuinely prove who someone is. To see an example of just how insecure ID cards are, read this article on how the Madrid bomber from last year used a genuine ID card.
As you can tell I don't like it and think it goes against our right to live in a free country and remain anonymous. Why not just go the whole way and implant a microchip in me and it could then tell everyone when I'd had a dump!!
Back Home
The main thing i would take from tonight is to follow your dreams and to fight for what you want. I can remember even when we were 7 that nigel wanted to box. He finally achieved his dream of a belt.
Im off to sleep as its now gone 3am!
Friday, March 11, 2005
Chilling out ready for tonight
I better get up and get sorted!
Thursday, March 10, 2005
More planning maybe
It was mentioned today about Blaydon race which is a 5.9 mile run so i was told at the beginning of June. Considering doing it, at least then i would be forced to get fit. I dont want to look totally unfit if i did it. This would give me 3 months to train. At the moment i would probably pass out before 2 miles with only running once in the last couple of months. Although some how did that run in my fastest ever time. Think it was coz i was angry, the adrenaline must of been pumping or something.
I will have to find out more about it and get signed up or i will talk myself out of it.
Im off work tomorrow because im going to a boxing match with my best mate. Im really looking forward to it. The fight is on Sky Sports.
Actually felt like i was getting some where today at work got loads done. Decided to write what i had done it my diary as well so i know what ive achieved. Just hope it keeps on like this, but i would be very suprised if it did. I am finding it hard to concentrate with where i am working, was ok at 1st but now someone is always talking. Tried listening to music but i then am having to constantly take the headphones off to see if they are talking to me. Hopefully gonna spend one day away from my desk each week to get on with stuff without distractions. Dont know who ever came up with open plan offices but they are shite too noisy and too many distractions.
From bed again
For some reason its easier to write stuff when im laid in bed maybe coz there's less stuff to distract me or something. So once again im writing this from my phone.
Realised the last few days how much ive sort of pushed my friends away in recent months both from home and work. Ive been talking to a couple of friends from work and they both said they thought they had done something to upset me as i hadnt been myself. Wasnt them was just had so much on my mind recently. Guess i have been a bit self absorbed for once think i maybe need to a bit more, i spend all my time doing stuff for other people with nothing in return. Other than friendship which i guess is worth more than anything else but rather than asking they just ignored me.
Anyway hopefully im getting back to normal and laughing and joking with people more again. Ive still got lots i want to sort out in the next few months but dont want to carry on being a miserable bastard like i have been at times.
over the years i have had quite a few dreams that have come true. I dont mean you dreamt you passed a test or something i mean dreamt i situation. For instance i can remember being in a shop in Scotland which i had never been to and never heard or seen before. But i walked in and it looked familiar which happens to up all but then realised i recognised everyone in the shop although didnt know why at 1st. think i then went to look at something and i suddenly realised i had dreamt this i looked up and knew exactly what each person was about to do and say (word for word). I had never net any me the people in that shop before other than dreaming it.
This wasnt a one off incident it has happened loads of times over the years. Only seams to happen when i am, happy, comfortable and not tired. So hasnt happened recently. The last time was last year in Barnard Castle when i was with someone in a pub having a meal and new what everyone around me was going to say and do again. It sort of happenen again with the same person a week or two later. Looking back it generally happens when im with someone i care a lot about. My gran in Scotland.
Ive had lots of others but cant really remember them now. Wish i had wrote them down.
Part of the reason im mentioning this is for years i have dreamt about this year for over 10 years. Just certain events, big things. They may turn out to be just normal dreams but some parts have started to happen last year. One of the people i met last year and had dreamt their face and in the same situation many years earlier.
think that is maybe another reason why i have been down, the stuff i dreamt means a lot to me and even if the stuff i dreamt doesnt come true would like to make some it true anyway like buying my own house. No good just dreaming and wishing stuff to happen gotta get off my arse and do it!
I wrote the other day about a plan for the next few years all of this is part of making stuff happen rather than letting stuff drift by. Dont want to look back in a few years and think again where the hell has my life gone.
Well think thats enough shit from my head for one night.
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Google Desktop Search

I've been testing Google Desktop Search again, I tried it a couple of months ago but it didn't let me search very many file types or index pages I browsed in FireFox. Google have now released a new version that now works with FireFox and indexs Audio files among others.
(Basically it indexes your files, emails, pages browsed etc, and lets you search them just like you use Google to search the web. It's very good!)
The only problem I have is it doesn't work with network drives, which is a fairly big problem for me as I have loads of stuff on other computers. Hopefully Google will sort this soon, loads of people have been complaining about the same thing on the forums, so hope so...

Busy @ work, chilled @ home!
Tried to chillout a bit tonight, so watched the Liverpool match. They won 6-1 on aggregate.
On my website I've done quite a bit of work to the music collection section as well. I'm wanting to totally change my website by the end of the month but never seam to have the time to work on it.
I'm trying to organise my life a bit better. I need to make time to listen to more music, watch films and read rather than being permanently glued to the computer. Also need to get off my arse and do some exercise...
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
Euro Trip

Just watched Euro Trip, it's a typical teen comedy. I enjoyed it but I like stupid teen movies. Michelle Trachtenberg looked fairly hot in it as well.
It's about a guy who gets dumped by his girlfriend, so travels across Europe to meet his female pen pal he has fallen in love with. I gave it 6 out 10 on IMDB.

Monday, March 07, 2005
The Village

I watched The Village tonight it's by the same guy who did The Sixth Sense, so you knew there would be some twist in the plot but I was still suprised, maybe just because I was too tired to think what it would be. I enjoyed it, I like a film where it makes me think about stuff afterwards. I gave it 8 out 10 on IMDB maybe I was just in the right mood for it as others don't think its all that great.

To give an example I have never paid more than £1 for an album most are under 50p at current exchange rates. Althought AllofMP3 did put there prices up at the beggining of the year, but still unbelievably cheap.
Anyway the Russian police were looking into AllofMP3 probably because the RIAA were complaining but the case has been dropped due to there being basically nothing illegal about it. As AllofMP3 do pay the Russian Multimedia and Internet Society licence fees. The Russian law is very different to U.S. & UK law, maybe one day it will be shut down but don't think it will be any time soon. So get your music while you can. To read some more on the story read this Cnet Report.
Just looks like to me the RIAA has just given AllofMP3 some free advertising.
Sunday, March 06, 2005
As well as working on my website I finished installing Linux on one of my test computers. I decided to install Gentoo which is a lot more complicated to setup than some of the more common Linux Distos like Red Hat or Mandrake. Decided to go with Gentoo after recommendations and knowing that I would learn more trying to set it up. It's running now except I think there is a problem with the networking. Will have a look at fixing this tomorrow.
Decided I needed some fresh air, so went for a short walk over the wood. Nearly fell on my arse a few times coz of the mud. There was still a few inches of snow in one of the fields I walked through, wish we got some more :-)
Hopefully have any easy night, just gonna play about with some music and watch TV.
Top Albums
Nirvana - Nevermind
Nirvana - Unplugged in New York
Air - Moon Safari
Jamiroquai - A Funk Oddysey
Dido - Life For Rent
Kiss in Ibiza 96
David Gray - White Ladder
Beatles - 1
Manic Street Preachers - Forever Delayed
Oasis - Whats The Story Morning Glory
I will probably add to this tomorrow when i have had a bit more think.
It was a good night there was more out than i thought, there must of been about 20 from work maybe more.
Because i was hungover i havent really done anything today other than sleep quite a bit and browsing the web.
I was supposed to be seeing Kelly this afternoon but didnt because she didnt feel very well. Fed up of never seeing her. Only seen her once in the last 2 weeks, some relationship its hard because of the situation she is in. That isn't gonna change unless she does something about it. Told her I was sick of never seeing her, she asked me if i wanted to split up. I dont but at the minute I cant see where we are going.
Just once it would be nice if something worked out without any hassle but never seams to.
Saturday, March 05, 2005

I seam to keep finding weird stuff, just found Everyday Super Heroes. The best being GeekMan shown in the picture above. You can buy him for $15.99 if you could get it in the UK, I'd buy it for my desk at work!! (I know I'm sad)
Here's the description:
In the electrical rumblings and hypnotic winking lights of the early computing machines, the seeds of this creature began to germinate. Carefully nurtured through punch cards and vacuum tubes, the computer geek took hold of the business world, fighting paper files and data inefficiency. Fueled by sugar and caffeine their ranks grew rapidly. First local domination was achieved through computer clubs and gaming parties. Then they began to recruit more to their cause, spreading the word of 1’s and 0’s through phone and data lines, via BBS posts and by electronic mail. They rose to a height in the late 1990's, when their kind ruled the world like the carnivorous bird-reptiles of old. Tough and wily, they survived the subsequent digital ice age and dot com destruction that rained down, showering the planet with discarded stock options and unwanted AOL cds. Now they lead the fight to tame and build our digital world. Each of these code warriors carries the codename… GeekMan.

Whatever Next...

For anyone who hates having to leave their computer to pee when your busy on the computer. Someone has come up with the Internet Urinal with a special "Female Adapter". No I'm not buying one!!

Strange stuff
Also ended up watching another video of 2 robotic dinosaurs which was fairly boring but here is the link to the video anyway.
Friday, March 04, 2005
Havent posted any updates for a couple of days, been really busy at home and work. Laid in bed again posting this from my phone while listening to music (currently "galleon - so i begin").
Ive had tons of things piling up at home that i wanted to get done on the computer and with trying to take a break from everything recently its all mounting up. Most of it is just stuff i want to do or learn. Dont want this year to be a waste, would like to look back at the end of the year and see what i have achieved.
The reason i have been thinking about getting some stuff done this year is 5 years ago I went for an interview for a job over at Barnard Castle and part of the test/interview was doing a 1, 2 and 5 year plan. I turned down the second interview as i respected the bloke who owned the company but didnt want to waste his money putting me through training when i wasnt sure thats what i wanted to do (Regretted it ever since though). But the point of this is that from the plan I have not achieved anything i wrote down. I dont want the next 5 years to be wasted as well. Sorry i lied i did one thing i went to America :-)
I started to write out a new plan but havent finished yet not sure whether to post it or to keep it private. Might be more likely to achieve some of it if i posted it online and regularly checked how i was getting on.
Bugger my fingers have got pins and needles :-(
Just listened to "The Kinks - tired of waiting for you" think thats been an appropriate song the last couple of years. Most songs have some relevance to your life if you listen hard enough. Then again not sure that "Dr Dre - Big Ego's" does that I'm now listening to.
My fingers are still bloody dropping off but will carry on.
This week has been a lot better at work, probably coz i have been doing so many different things and jobs that i think of as proper IT. Monday was hectic and stressful but looking back it was fairly good, learnt some new stuff just hard to see that when you are rushing to fix something and trying to work out stuff other people late done.
People keep asking how i am but not sure i would really say if i wasnt but would write it on here. Easier to write it than put stuff into words when someone asks you. I AM FINE.
Tomorrow will probably be hectic, gotta help move any stuff left in the server although think most has been moved and got quite a few things i would like to get on with, so that probably means something will break usually does ;-)
out tomorrow night in durham with loads of people from work, should be another good night usually is. See what gossip or scandel there is just hope it doesnt involve me!!
Techie paragraph:
ive been installing Linux on a test computer. I looked at several different distros of Linux but decided to go with Gentoo after some recommendations. Its taking some installing as keep getting side tracked but its just about installe and setup just gotta setup lilo to let me dual boot with windows XP. Then hopefully i can starting learning more on Linux. Ive also seam to of re-learned some PHP and then some the last couple of weeks and have managed to alter quite a bit of the code on my website.
End of Techie paragraph!
Should be seeing Kelly on Saturday afternoon again, getting a bit fed up of never seeing her. I never have easy relationships, then again dont know if such a thing exists or maybe its because the people i go out with are either in a relationship already or have kids or both!
Really looking forward to seeing her though :-)
From this post you can see why i can never sleep so much junk flying about my head, always something to be doing. Shame we need sleep...
Thursday, March 03, 2005
Young Adam

Just watched Young Adam, it was VERY slow. I suppose it wasn't bad, I watched all of it but wouldn't watch it again. Not selling this one am I, lol. Still gave it 6 out of 10 on the IMDB but just because it was a bit different.