Finally got out of the house today and went for a walk from Wolsingham up to Tunstall Reservoir, around the reservoir and back down to Wolsingham. The whole walk was between 7 and 8 miles. So not too far but my feet are killing me now, 2 thirds of the walk was on the road :-(
Really enjoyed it, normally I walk everywhere very quick and don't always take all that much notice of everything around me, but decided I would have a slow walk and take stuff in for a change. Brought a lot of memories back walking from the Demesne Mill Picnic area and along Waskerley Beck, this is where I used to run cross country when I went to Wolsingham Comprehensive School or rather was supposed to run. I used to just walk most of it, hated cross country.
When I was walking up to Tunstall you could hear loads of Pheasants, in the woods. Then a bit further along I saw a Heron in the field, ended up seeing 4 of them by the end of the walk or maybe it was the same 1. There was tons of crows next to the road was like a scene from Hitchcocks "The Birds".
When I got to the reservoir I sat on the bench at the Damn wall and ate my dinner (sausage roll) and drank a cup of tea from my flask. While I was sat eating I noticed a house up on hill on the west side of the reservoir. Never really noticed how big it was before as usually blocked by trees. Think I've finally found the house I would like to buy whne I win the lottery. Eventually set off again and walked around the reservoir and back down the way I had came, except made a slight detour to walk over the stepping stones over Waskerley Beck and along the bottom of Hollywood estate, then back to the car.
Gave me plenty of time to think about stuff today, wish I didn't have to go back to work next week. Need to think of some stuff I could do as a business. I can do plenty of stuff that could make me money on the comptuer but I get bored doing the same stuff all the time.

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