Check out Skype if you ring many people especially if the people you phone own a computer or live in another country.
What is Skype?
Its (VOIP) Voice Over IP, basically lets you ring someone using your computer, but if both you and the person your ringing has a computer and the internet it wont cost you anything to talk to each other all day and night. As a bonus its in stereo so the call is crystal clear, unlike the poor quality phone call. Skype also lets you ring a normal number for 1.1p a minute but this could be to just about any developed country in the world. (Can use a normal looking phone now as well, rather than a headset)
Sounds a bit complicated but it honestly isn't, go to the Skype website and read, well worth the few minutes it would take to read about it.
If anyone ends up trying Skype call me using the ID: stevenhorner

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