I borrowed the picture above from Rebeccas Flickr site, some excellent pictures there. This picture has the same title as this post...
I'm intending to write down about 10 things that I would like from the next year, some will be big and hard to achieve others will be daft little things but gonna try to write at least 1 thing I can do to help me to achieve each one.
- House - This is gonna be the biggest thing this year or at least the 1st part of it. I will have loads to do. From sad things like running network cabling to essentials like new doors, bathroom etc.. Also looking forward to gardening, years ago I used to enjoy gardening. I can't really write something to do to achive getting the house as I'm already doing everything.
- Work - This is a difficuly one I need to progress somehow rather than going nowhere as it seams at the moment. We are supposed to be getting pay rises and having our jobs evaluated but god knows when that is gonna happen. So I need to be more pro-active in looking for a job, checking websites and newspapers. I was told today by a mate that there are a load of IT jobs coming up for some big scheme that is starting. I need the web address off him. I would still rather work for myself but I need to decide exactly what part of IT I would like to do. I will post more about this later.
- Love life - The most complicated of all and can't plan anything for this. Just to be honest and true to those I love and always be there (damn I'm going soppy again).
- Holiday - I must make sure I have a holiday this year not just hanging around home. The best way to achieve this is to put some money away each week. Otherwise it will all get swallowed up by the house. My recent money making stuff could come in handy for this.
- Fitness - I have become a right lazy bastard the last few weeks and hardly moving off my arse. I must have a good metabolism or something as I haven't put much weight on. To achieve this I need a goal. I am writing on here so someone can hold me to it (Simon). I am going to do the Blaydon race this year and if I feel fit enough (probably not) I would like to do the Great North Run. I better start training now or will not be fit enough for even the Blaydon race!!
- Read - This may seam minor compared to the others but I used to read loads but haven't read much this year until recently. So would like to get back into reading.
- Drinking - Or rather cut it back so I drink less when I go out. Put a limit of 5 pints on myself which is a bit different from last Friday when I had about 15+. No wonder I can't remember going home...
- Friends - By this I mean keep in better touch with friends. Hopefully with having my own house it will mean friends will come over a lot more. Well I'm gonna be inviting plenty over anyway. If they come is another matter.
- Finances - I need to keep on top of finances, even more important now I will have loads of bills coming out. Linked to this is the Money Diet book Simon bought me for Xmas and also the money making stuff I've been doing but not explained yet. Don't really have to write anything for this as I alreayd keep my finances on the computer.
- Learn - This may seam a funny thing to add. Its a big thing for me, I'm always learning new stuff especially computer things. so I never have to try to hard to achieve this one. But I want to make a conscious effort to learn Ajax **Techie Stuff***. To do this I need to set some time aside to learn everything but wont have much time the 1st part of the year.
This blog should help me achieve some of these by constantly writing what I'm doing and boring anyone who is sad enough to read it. They have permission to hassle me on any of them. I know that fitness one is gonna come back to haunt me. I will probably break most of these down into individual things I need to do to achieve them or I wont achive any!
I have some other things I want to do next year but will add them over the next few days and a few that wont appear on here because they are personal. My list I've posted before is still ongoing, but probably wont have chance to do many of them this year. Other than more snowboarding hopefully :-)
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