I'm not quite sure how I'm feeling at the moment. I just seam to be floating through life and not really paying too much attention to anything or anyone. I'm a little worried I guess about getting my house and being stuck with a mortgage for the next 25 years. I hate owing money to anyone, so I guess its not suprising I'm slightly worried. It's not so bad if you're with someone and you're moving in with them. At least you can discuss stuff between each other and share everything. When on your own you have no one to turn to. (awww)
It seams everyone has some advice to give you but people tell you so many different things, most of it different from what the last person told you.
Feel like I have a £77,000 noose around my neck and its getting ever tighter. I keep getting asked if I'm excited, well not really yet. I just seam to be signing stuff saying what I will be paying but nowhere near getting the keys yet. Once I have the keys I will feel different :-)
I mentioned the other day I had emailed a few mates and got back in touch with them. It was good to hear from Jeremy and Angelika again. Haven't heard from Julie yet but hopefully she is moving into her house finally (got the keys a year ago).
Angelika mentioned that it can be lonely living on your own, hell I've felt bad enough anyway so thanks for that, lol ;-)
I wont have enough spare time to feel lonely or anything else, gonna be far too busy doing work on the house. I was talking to someone at work yesterday about doing stuff in the house and I said I would do a lot of it myself (with massive help from my dad). They said they would rather pay someone to do it. To me I think its better to do it yourself with help from someone who knows what they are doing. Besides for learning something new, its gives you even more attachment to your home if you have worked your arse of to achieve everything.
I better stop typing got to set off to spennymoor to pick up my parents, if I don't stop typing now I will lose track of time.
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