After Bishop I went up to B&Q in Durham and bought some more paint, the ones I mentioned last night. I also called in the suite place I bought my couch from to see when it was being delivered but he told me I had to ring the enquiries number as he didn't ge told. It sort of rings a bell him saying that now, but it was 9 weeks ago, so forgot. Will ring them and try to organise for them to deliver a week Friday (5th May) if possible, by then my flooring should be down and the living room totally finished.
While I was out this morning, Nigel had been in my house finishing the grouting in my bathroom. I didn't realise he had been, never went in the bathroom. That is now ready for the flooring to go down and the wall and ceiling to be painted. The sink and toilet can go back in as well. Then the only think left to do other than fixtures like a towel rail, etc. is the beading around my airing cupboard.
This afternoon I put the second coat of paint on my living room walls and my mam painted my bedroom. There are couple of pictured below although this is before I did the second coat and the bedroom has only had one coat as well.

Tomorrow my parents will be finishing plastering the dining room walls, once they dry and they are papered with lining paper like the other rooms it will finally really feel like an end is in site, I said "an" end not "the" end. There is still loads of stuff to do but at least once the things I've said above are done, I can then move in. Still wont set a date because the last one I set was 3 weeks ago and came and went so not gonna set another and fail!!
Here's a picture the day I got the keys of the dining room and below it as it is now (looks worse but at least the artexed walls are being covered up.
It actually looks in a worse state today but it wont in a week when the plastering is finished and hopefully papered. Will post a shot once that is done, then again when I one day paint them. Bollocks another room I have to think of a colour for, another neutral colour I think (or maybe?).
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