Monday, April 17, 2006

House update and Crook Night Out

Once again I just ahven't got around to posting on here, oops.

As usual I've been working away in my house, although been finding it hard to get motivated to do anything as it seams never ending. Although finally things are starting to take shape. My bedroom is now papered with lining paper and is ready to paint or will be when its dried. I sanded the walls in the living room today and sealed them with PVA, so tomorrow that will be getting papered as well ready for painting.

Nigel has finished tiling in the bathroom but it does need grouting, he has been sanding and filling the other walls rather than plastering them. Looks like they should be OK. Once that is done we can get the flooring down, the sink and toilet back in and the paint the walls and grout the tiles.

Hopefully by the end of the weekend my living room will be painted and I will of got a carpet for it. Not sure what colour to paint my bedroom yet. May paint it the same colour as the living room but want to see what it looks like first. The bathroom will hopefully be nearer finished.

Oh forgot I painted the kitchen the other day as well so it is now done except for a few tiles that needed grouting. It may need a second coat but it seams OK so might not bother.

The room that has been touched the least is still to do, the Dining room. I started to knockk some of the artex off the wall the other day. If I had a full day at it I would probably get it done, my dad is gonna have a go tomorrow (I think). Really he needs to plaster it this week while my mother is off. Would rather it was done before I got carpets in or they will be wrecked from all the plaster.

Besides for the house, I went out on Saturday night with Jay in Crook. We met up with Mick who is one of his mates, we had a good night. David ended up turning up in Crook, got a text saying he was in the Queens Head, which is where I was. I stood up and he was about 6 foot from me. He was out with 3 of his mates, drinking coke. Well David was not his mates.

Bumped into another lad I know Louis Holmes, I used to knock around more with his brothers at school. He came over and found out he was going to the Iron Maiden concert in December as well.

Atmosphere were playing in the Shoe, when I went to the boxing in Glasgow. They joined us when we went drinking in Renfrew or at least 2 of them did. theya re a really good band and play Stereophonics and Green day , stuff like that. Edgey and his brother were in there as well who we go to the boxing with as well. Found out that they are all flying down the next fight. So he has booked us into the hotel with them. I checked out the flights and its gonna cost us about £50 each return which is good. Haven't booked them yet as waiting for Jay's dad, Alan. He is on holiday :-(

I'm sure there have been laods of other stuff happen but can't remember now.

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