So instead of having a laugh with a mate I had to go down to Crook and walk home. I was gonna run home up the track to home but the path was closed, so sign said. I wasn't running (dyeing) the road way, too many people. Luckily nothing needed doing to my car, so it only cost me £35 for the MOT. Maybe I am having better look :-)
I was going to go for a walk this morning with my parents but they left me in bed and buggered off without me. So I've done nowt today except read through a load of paperwork from the solicitors that arrived yesterday. I have a load of stuff to sign and send back. At this rate I wont be in before my birthday (June)!! If I'm not in by the end of February I will be kicking off...

Talking about kicking off, I was fuming last night. I was trying to pay for something on the internet with my Barclays Debit Card and it popped up with some Barclays Visa Verified thing, where I have to confirm my details with Barclays. I got this once before and it failed, so I checked everything about 6 times and submitted it. Again it failed, I even took a screen capture to check. I couldn't pay with my debit card because all I can think is they have my D.O.B. incorrect on their database. I went to the website it mentioned if you had problems and it was just the normal personal banking page, nothing there what so ever. I tried Customer Services but are only open 8-5 weekdays. Then found a number for the problem but again only open the same hours as Customer Services. I was already looking at leaving Barcalys but after this its gonna happen sooner rather than later. Probably just as well there was no-one there, otherwise they would of been getting some verbal abuse. To say I was angry was an understatement, its the second time I couldn't pay for something because of their errors!!
I will be ringing them to complain tomorrow and find out what they have wrong. I had to pay using my Credit Card which I didn't want to use, I also got the same Barclays VISA verification for this but this worked!!
Can't change my bank until after I have finalised everything with my house or it will delay everything even more. I will be changing my main account to Alliance and Leceister probably or Lloyds TSB possibly have one of each. They pay you £50 & £45 respectibly and and the AER is 5% and 4% compared to Barclays 0.10%!!!
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