I got a new phone yesterday an Orange SPV C600, which is more or less the same phone I've had for over a year, I had the C500 before. There isn't anything out that can do everything it can and is still small.
I looked at other phones but most are like bricks, which I used to have when I had a P800. Was tempted to wait for the Nokia N80 but its gonna be big and cost a fortune and I'm trying to remind myself that I'm saving money.
I am useless at saving, my philosophy has always been live for today and just see what tomorrow throws at you but I'm having to be responsible. Which doesn't sit well with me. I've always said I'd die young (morbid I know) but I don't care that's why I started to do some of the things I wanted to do in my life last year.
I still can't sleep and I seam to be like a walking zombie and probably look really bad (don't I always anyway). I could probably lie in but just haven't had chance yet, not sure I will this weekend either. It's just going to sleep I have the problem with.
Had some strange dreams recently, well not really strange but dreams I could remember when I woke up. They seam like the kind I used to get when my dreams would come true (phsycic Steve, lol). Not like a lion someone mentioned recently they had dreamt about. Some were about friends I know and others were to do with my future which I guess is inevitable with the stuff that's going on in my life. I should of wrote down the details getting a bit hazy now. I should put a pen and paper next to my bed so I can write them down when I wake up before I forget (should that not be a computer not paper).
The only odd thing about my dreams is for the 1st time I can remember since I was about 8, I was woken from a dream because it was bad. The only problem is I can't remember what it was about. It wasn't a nightmare as such but can't remember what happened now :-(
This post started off about a new phone and has now ended up about dreams, shows how much my brain jumps around from one thing to the next. This is why I can never sleep anyway, head hits the pillow and my mind starts working when most peoples would shut off. Probably coz I don't have to use my brain that much during the day anymore, same stuff every day. That and I have the most active mind of anyone I know. How the hell do people do factory work?
We got an email at work today about job re-grading/evaluation or something like that. The timescales look a bit shite as it could be after September before we get our scales sorted (get the money). We are still waiting for this financial years money, heard today that its sorted and finance are just waiting for the OK from HR. So that will be September as well then with the speed they work at! (That'll be me not getting any money then).
I should go to bed and try to sleep (yeah right), might have to do this stupid relaxing technique thing I have used before. You feel a tit doing it but its worked before, my sister gave me a tape with it on years ago (tape, what is that?).
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