Monday, January 30, 2006
Still Singing Last.Fm's Praises
I've started using Last.Fm's radio features more as well, you can listen to you own Radio station which chooses music it thinks you will like from what you've played before. There are loads of aother ways of creating stations, you can create your own by tagging, tracks, artists and albums.
I've just spent the last hour adding songs to a top tunes tag so I can now listen to my favourite music from anywhere I have internet access. Some advanced features you have to pay for but its only £1.50 a month an absolute bargain (but you don't have to pay anthing) :-)
I have now played over 4700 songs since September (that's been logged).
Give it a go once you start using it you will get addicted. I started to use it because I'm sad as f*ck and wanted to log all the songs I play but its much more than that. Go Play...
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Reading Log files
Also noticed someone on Pipex who must of been interested in something (god knows what). They visited on 3 seperate occasions today, spending a while reading the site. You're running Win 2000, IE 6 and have a screen resolution of 1024 x 768, is that you? If so leave a comment ;-)
Don't be freaked out by the information I posted, every site you visit logs this stuff and a lot more. Something to be aware of when you're surfing all that dodgy porn!!
I'm sorry there is nothing more exciting to read but I always seam to cause hassle when I am too honest and write down my feelings. I've also can't be bothered to write too much at the moment there is so much crap going through my head...
I uploaded some of my walks I've done and today I tested it with a short run (was still knackered). It records the pace you are running at as well, so you can compare your run. The site has some limitation in the free account but should be useful even if just tracking walks.
My Top Websites
My Blog
BBC News
BBC Football
Money Saving Expert
There a loads more but these are the ones that have come to mind in the last minute!!
New Website
The previous versions of my website have always been overkill but were a way for me to learn some stuff but I want to get back to basics. Anyway hopefully I will start work on it tomorrow (or today, just noticed the time).
I want to link in all my different websites and stuff I have stored all over the web (Flickr, Last.Fm, IMDB, blog, etc..)
Grave of the Fireflies

Grave of the Fireflies: This is another film that is in IMDB's Top 250 movies, it didn't really interest me all that much. I wanted to like it but I just found it very slow. I was maybe in the wrong mood to watch it.
It's about a 14 year old boy who is trying look after his 4 year old sister towards the end of World War II in Japan. The story is quite interesting and its well animated but the 4 year old is very irritating (maybe just me).
I gave it 6 out of 10.
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Durham Night Out
I haven't really done anything today took me most of the day to get rid of my headache.
The Longest Yard

The Longest Yard: A feel good movie, I always like Adam Sandler movies. They may not be top rated movies but you always know what your getting.
This is sort of a remake of a 70's movie and is very similar to other movies where inmates take on the guards, although in this its American Football.
I gave this 7 out of 10.
Friday, January 27, 2006
Started to Lose it
I could feel myself starting to shake with anger, the only times this ever happens is when I'm about to completely lose it. Just about every other time this has happened I have found out afterwards that I've hit someone (I black out and can't remember anything). So quickly got up and walked out while they were still talking. I really hope I wouldn't of done anything like that (really don't know).
Not really sure why I reactedthe way I did, probably lots of reasons. Was annoyed that someone was listening to my whole conversation especially when for once I was being fairly quiet on the phone. I was also pissed off because it had been me taking all the complaints all week about it not working, no one else. The main reason is I think all the stuff on my mind about the house is getting to me, supposedly moving house is the most stressfull thing you ever do in your life?
Anyway I was fine after I went for a walk for 15 minutes. Had a fairly good afternoon after that and have cheered up loads. Was funny when the same person (yes you Simon) was doing exactly the same when speaking to another of our friends and slagging the program off.
I'm sure I wouldn't of hit you Simon (I hope) haven't started to lose it that bad for a couple of years. Think I should buy a punch bag or something or could just use David. Then again he can probably punch better than me now :-)
All By Myself
I heard the song below tonight and this was one of those songs. Unfortunately it isn't exactly the sort of song you would normally want to admit to listening to.
I never needed anyone
And making love was just for fun
Those days are gone
Livin' alone
I think of all the friends I've known
When I dial the telephone
Nobody's home
All by myself
Don't wanna be
All by myself
Hard to be sure
Sometimes I feel so insecure
And loves so distant and obscure
Remains the cure
All by myself
Don't wanna be
All by myself
All by myself
Don't wanna live
All by myself
When I was young
I never needed anyone
Making love was just for fun
Those days are gone
All by myself
Don't wanna be
All by myself
All by myself
Don't wanna live
Don't wanna live
By myself, by myself
By myself
All by myself
Don't wanna live
I never, never, never
Needed anyone
To be honest I also like Falling Into You as well, oh dear I really am getting very sad. Here's the lyrics for Falling Into You. Now I better go and listen to Nirvana or Megadeth or something ;-)
I see us inside of each other
I feel my unconscious merge with yours
And I hear a voice say, "What's his is hers"
I'm falling into you
This dream could come true
And it feels so good falling into you
I was afraid to let you in here
Now I have learned love can't be made in fear
The walls begin to tumble down
And I can't even see the ground
I'm falling into you
This dream could come true
And it feels so good falling into you
Falling like a leaf, falling like a star
Finding a belief, falling where you are
Catch me, don't let me drop!
Love me, don't ever stop!
So close your eyes and let me kiss you
And while you sleep I will miss you
I'm falling into you
This dream could come true
And it feels so good falling into you
Falling like a leaf, falling like a star
Finding a belief, falling where you are
Falling into you
Falling into you
Falling into you
Thursday, January 26, 2006
I'm guessing it cut out because the engine was cold and the automatic choke didn't quite do its job quick enough. Nothing wrong with the car just me abusing it. I sort of clamed down after that!
I went home and went to sleep for 2 hours . I think all the house shit is finally getting to me :-(
Today I decided that I would work from a training room so I could get some work done for a change. It was a good idea, I managed to get loads of little jobs I've been putting off done.
Pleased I just watched Cinderella Man it's one of those films that helps sort your head out by putting things into perspective :-)
I'm going out in Durham tomorrow night for the works night out that we normally have every month. I'm gonna try to stick to my 5 pint limit. As long as I go steady I will be happy. I have a feeling I might get a bit pissed off. Usually when I feel like this I would stay in but think I need a night out. Could still end up coming home early though. We will see...
Cinderella Man

Cinderella Man: This was recommended to me a while ago but only just got to see it. I managed to get it from America, couldn't wait until it was available to rent next month.
I really enjoyed it, not sure it was as good as Million Dollar Baby. The 1st hour was very slow, setting the scene and showing how hard Braddock's (Russell Crow) life was. Then after that there was a lot more boxing.
Where as Million Dollar Baby had a sad ending this had a happy ending. Well worth watching, this is the best film I've seen Crowe in since Gladiator.
I gave it 10 out of 10, maybe should only be a 9 but what the hell!
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
where does the time go?
i had something to eat when i got in and just for a change sat at the
computer and listened to some music. i was looking at home automation
stuff and audio and video distribution through a house. i started
reading and the next 3 hours just disappeared. some how i got onto
this after looking at caller id systems.
after reading all the info im tempted to run some extra cables, i was
already going to run cat 5e network cables through the house. i will
have wi-fi but proper cable is faster and more versatile. you can run
other things over the cabling.
anyway not quite sure what extra cabling to run. wont be able to
afford to hook it to av distribution kit but if its there then i can
do it in the future.
there is some smart stuff you can add to your home if you had the
money and the time. but most of it im sure is more for show. even im
not so lazy as to want automatic blinds or making everything voice
yes i want video surveilence so i can see who is at the door and who
called when you were out and music throughout the house would be good
but my house isn't big enough to really need it.
i Havent even signed contracts yet and already i am getting carried
away. with my luck something will mess up.
i am waiting for some paper work to come through i was told i was sent
the title deeds ages ago but i have never received them. so they are
sending them again.
got my bluetooth headset for my phone today as well but i think its
broke. it wont turn on. its been charging for about 5 hours and doesnt
seam to have any charge. the light is on as if it is charging but once
you disconnect it from the mains there is no sign of life. i will
leave it on charge over night but was only supposed to take 2 hours.
Monday, January 23, 2006
Deep in thought
The fact that I'm on my own and haven't got a lot else to do. Especially at this time of year when it's too dark to go for a walk/run when you get in from work. All my mates are always busy now and I don't really wanna spend all my time & money in the pub anymore. Did that for years with mates!
I'm getting old and it's time to really decide what/who/where I want from life before it passes me by. I think I know the answers to most of that but gotta do one thing at a time, getting f*cking pissed off with my house now. Can't sleep most of the time, not because of worry which most people presume but because my brain never stops thinking of ideas for it. Wish I could flick a switch and turn my brain off.
I know some people would say your only 26 but "live fast, die young". Looking back at the last 10 years I've done very little that stands out. Most of it is a blur of nothingness, I guess most people's lives are like this. I don't want to be like everyone else, why I can't I look back in 10 years and think I achieved something. Although if I'm honest I would be happy to settle down with a woman I truly love (is there anybody out there?), what more can you ask.
"Beatles - All You Need Is Love"
I guess this is one of those posts you said you like to read Simon, got a smile on my face thinking that someone maybe sat there reading this knowing what I mean (although probably not?) How can anyone make sense of the shit that flys through my head, I've been trying for 26 years and still can't make sense of it :-)
Last Bet

Just had my last bet I'm gonna make except for special occasions (Cheltenham Gold Cup week, Grand National, World Cup and couple of other big race meetings). I used to bet a lot a few years ago, hardly any money but a lot of races. I've hardly bet anything over the last year but just done a check in my accounts program and found out I'm £85 down over the last 12 months. thats with online betting not when I've been out with my mates, but thinking about it I can hardly remember winning (used to know all the major horses, would be hard pushed to name many now). I have been making some money from betting loop holes recently but that is no risk, that is all I'm gonna do from now on (yes it's legal). I was gonna do a big post on what I've been doing and how to do it but it's a bit late to write it all out tonight. So will leave it for another day.
Check out the forums at the Money Saving Expert (Gambling Introductory Loopholes), it will give you an idea as to how to do it. Would help if you know something about gambling in the 1st place but not essential. I'm not gonna write any big explanation on how to do it, if you can figure it out give it a go. If you are someone who can't stop themselves from gambling you will be no god at it.
I said I did my last bet tonight (see above), I went to withdraw some money and realised I had a free bet as well of £25, I would of normally backed something and laid it off as well to guarantee some profit but as I had forgot about even having it, I decided to just do a normal bet without laying it. It was at short odds so only came out with £52.50 but its profit. I don't want to get back into betting anymore so decided that's it.
A lad I know gave up his job and decided to make money from gambling, he wasn't the sharpest tool in the box and not the best gambler. I haven't seen him for over a year, so god knows what happened to him?
I'm several hundred pounds up from the loop holes but to be honest I'm not the most patient person in the world and lose interest in stuff fairly quick. I wont have much time soon either so wont be doing it much anymore :-(
Top 10 Tracks?
Listening to some classic Heavy Metal at the moment: The Scorpions - Rock You Like A Hurricane, more like Hard Rock but its on The Best Heavy Metal Album in The World Ever. Whoever put this CD together has a strange idea of what Heavy Metal it but what the hell it has some good Rock tracks on.

Hostage: Bruce Willis is back in an action roll in this movie, It's a good movie but I read people giving top marks and saying it was "Awesome" & "Fantastic". I think they must of got a bit carried away. As I said its a good movie but it's no Die Hard.
If you want a decent Action flick its worth watching but it wasn't quite edge of the seat stuff. I gave it 7 out of 10.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
iTunes Survey
Total number of tracks: 1 or 2
First Song: Queen - '39
Last Song: Rammstein - Zwitter
Shortest Song: Kill Bill Soundtrack - Flipstring (SFX)
Longest Song: Rick Wakeman - Journey to the Centre of the Earth
Most Played Songs:
1. Bon Jovi - Runaway
2. Megadeth - 99 Ways To Die
3. U2 - City Of Blinding Lights
4. Jet - Are You Gonna Be My Girl
5. The Subways - Rock & Roll Queen
6. The Beatles - In My Life
7. The Beatles - If I Needed Somebody
8. The Beatles - A Day In The Life
9. Manic Street Preachers - Motorcycle Emptiness
10. Bryan Adams - I'm Ready
Search Results:
Sex: 154
Love: 3,292
You: 5,824
Death: 82
Hate: 85
Wish: 110
To find out how to do this yourself read the original post on Last.Fm.
The Top songs above are from iTunes itself and might not exactly what I listen to because I don't always use iTunes or my iPod to listen to music. I think it would look a bit different although I think my Last.Fm chart may look similar.
Music & Film
For movies I've watched, I've been voting for them on IMDB, although when I look at the ratings now I can't believe what I gave some movies. I started doing this years ago so the ratings don't really match what I'd think now but I wont change them unless I watch the film again. To see my voting history follow this link (I think you may have to be logged in to view?)
As I said above I started rating them on IMDB years ago but I think I stopped for a while so I would of watched a lot more films in the last few years than the 686 mentioned on there.
Remembering some stuff
Anyway on Monday I sent a load of stuff off to the solicitors to do with my mortgage conditions (weren't really any, other than pay it). I also had to send a load of other forms off like my mortgage deeds. Then yesterday I received my environmental search results which says it PASSED. Although the covering letter from the solicitor says they can't make any recommendation and see page 2 for the results (PASSED in size 40 font). The letter doesn't say what I have to do now, do they want me to ring and say everything it fine. They are useless, wish I had gone with a local solicitor nor through Bairstowe Eves.
I will give them a call tomorrow and see what I have to do now, I think I might be waiting on a coal mining search. I had to pay some extra to have it done but it wasn't with the others. They just went ahead and did it, I would of told them not to bother if they'd asked.
I was supposed to go for a walk with my parents yesterday but when I woke up I had stomach pains, so didn't go. I was OK later in the day. I was then going to go on my own today but I slept in, can't even remember switching my alarm off. When I did get up, it was very foggy anyway, so wouldn't of gone.
I don't seam to of done anything much all weekend other than sit at this thing (computer). I've re-done some of my website (DVD list) although not accessible by anyone else yet.

So although I have remembered some stuff, it's no wonder I forgot it because it's all boring. I could really do with a holiday to get away from everything at the moment but I can't because of the house. Although I think I could go away for 2 weeks and I don't think much would of happened.

Requiem For A Dream

Requiem For A Dream: Just watched this and it is similar to Trainspotting in how it shows you what drugs can do to people, although without the humour. This is a brutally honest film that follows 4 people and shows how drugs ruins their lives.
This should probably be shown to every kid to frighten them away from ever taking drugs. It's in the Top 250 films at IMDB, not sure I would got that far. I gave it 8 out of 10, but I was doing other stuff while watching the movie so maybe it was better if I had been concentrating more.
Weekend At Bernies

Weekend At Bernie's: The first time I watched this years ago I thought it was excellent and very funny. That was probably 15 years ago, it wasn't as good second time around.
I recommended it to someone else and they thought it was one of the funniest films he'd seen. Just not so good on repeat viewings.
If you haven't seen it go and rent it ;-)
Just checked and I gave it 7 out of 10 a few years ago.
No memory
Can't remember what I've been doing all week, I had a meal on Thursday night at the Green which was good but besides for that I can't remember what the hell I've done.
No point writing anymore, I've gone senile...
The Skeleton Key

The Skeleton Key: My sister recommended this so stuck it on last night, it's supposed to be a horror, I guess it's fairly creepy but I thought it was a bit slow. Its about Hoodoo in New Orleans.
The film picked up near the end and story got a lot better, not the most frightening film in the world though.
I gave it a 6 out of 10.
Kung Fu Hustle

Kung Fu Hustle: This is unlike anything I've seen before, I guess it's a spoof Kung Fu movie. The Kung Fu is excellent and there are some funny parts, hard to describe just watch it.
Had a problem with the DVD from LoveFilm couldn't read parts of it so had to keep skipping sections. I had a similar problem with the DVD from Tesco but decided to make do.
I gave it 7 out of 10.
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Dot The I

Dot The I: This starts out as quite a good romantic love triangle movie and then suddenly changes and things get a whole lot more complicated. I don't really want to say what changes but I certainly didn't guess it.It has even more twists at the end.
I decided to watch this film totally at random and it made a change. I'd never heard of it before I rented it. I gave it 7 out of 10 on IMDB.
Garden State

Garden State: I read a review for this and expected to hate it, but instead I really liked it. It's a funny romantic comedy, not really sure why I liked it?
Natlie Portman stood out in the film for me, as well as Zach Braff who starred, wrote and directed it.
Anyway that's enough shit, just watch it!
Oh, I gave it 9 out of 10.

As well as the parachuting I also put my name down for something else yesterday. I said I needed a challenge and I think I just signed up for the ultimate. Anyone who lives in the North East should know what I'm on about, as its been mentioned on the TV, Radio and papers about signing up as from yesterday. I wont write what it is as I probably wont get drawn out anyway but better get in training...
Here's a cartoon for a hint:


I seam to of been angry quite a bit this week, one of my mates calls me grumpy at the best of times and a few of my mates used to call me smiler a few years ago because they said I never did (smile). That was a few years ago been OK since (try to have a laugh) but this week at times I seam to be getting angry.
They say moving is the most stressfull thing in your life. I wouldn't be stressed if people got their fingers out of their arses and did their job (think happy thoughts, Steven). Just been trying to fill out some of the paperwork I got sent yesterday, Mortgage Deeds, Consumer Credit Agreement, Insurance Questionnaire, among other things. Yet I don't seam to have all the information to fill it in, so gonna go down and see my so called FREE mortgage advisor that I'm PAYING £690 hidden in my mortgage for. She may as well do something for the money!!
Hopefully I wont have much more crap to sign, but I probably will. I need to do something to chill out. LIKE RUNNING AWAY, lol...
Weekend and Anger!
So instead of having a laugh with a mate I had to go down to Crook and walk home. I was gonna run home up the track to home but the path was closed, so sign said. I wasn't running (dyeing) the road way, too many people. Luckily nothing needed doing to my car, so it only cost me £35 for the MOT. Maybe I am having better look :-)
I was going to go for a walk this morning with my parents but they left me in bed and buggered off without me. So I've done nowt today except read through a load of paperwork from the solicitors that arrived yesterday. I have a load of stuff to sign and send back. At this rate I wont be in before my birthday (June)!! If I'm not in by the end of February I will be kicking off...

Talking about kicking off, I was fuming last night. I was trying to pay for something on the internet with my Barclays Debit Card and it popped up with some Barclays Visa Verified thing, where I have to confirm my details with Barclays. I got this once before and it failed, so I checked everything about 6 times and submitted it. Again it failed, I even took a screen capture to check. I couldn't pay with my debit card because all I can think is they have my D.O.B. incorrect on their database. I went to the website it mentioned if you had problems and it was just the normal personal banking page, nothing there what so ever. I tried Customer Services but are only open 8-5 weekdays. Then found a number for the problem but again only open the same hours as Customer Services. I was already looking at leaving Barcalys but after this its gonna happen sooner rather than later. Probably just as well there was no-one there, otherwise they would of been getting some verbal abuse. To say I was angry was an understatement, its the second time I couldn't pay for something because of their errors!!
I will be ringing them to complain tomorrow and find out what they have wrong. I had to pay using my Credit Card which I didn't want to use, I also got the same Barclays VISA verification for this but this worked!!
Can't change my bank until after I have finalised everything with my house or it will delay everything even more. I will be changing my main account to Alliance and Leceister probably or Lloyds TSB possibly have one of each. They pay you £50 & £45 respectibly and and the AER is 5% and 4% compared to Barclays 0.10%!!!
Friday, January 13, 2006
The Jacket

The Jacket: The first half of the movie was strange and it took you that long to understand what was going on, with all the jumping forwards and backwards in time.
After that the film became more interesting, it is strange and probably not to everyones tastes but again it was a film that made me think. So I enjoyed it.
I gave it 7 out of 10 on IMDB.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
I spent about 3 hours sorting a DVD for a mate last night and ended up deleting the bloody thing accidently when trying to clear some space on my hard drive and had to do it from scratch again. So I'm knackered again today from lack of sleep.
I rang up my solicitors today to push them to sort the stuff out for my house but didn't get very far. They have only just sent off yesterday for the local searches, I paid them for it over a month ago. So gonna be delayed until they get the information back. Not a lot to do after that though :-)
I think I might go to bed and read some more of the book Simon got me for Xmas (The Money Diet).
The Island

The Island: This was suprisingly better than I was expecting, I hadn't realised until I put it on that it was directed by Michael Bay. He used to always direct solid action films like, The Rock, Bad Boys & Armageddon. So realised it may be better than I was expecting once the film was starting.
I wont spoil the story but I would definitly watch this if you like any of the other films mentioned above, although this probably has more story than the others.
Full of action and as a bonus you have th sexiest woman in Hollywood, Scarlett Johansson. I gave it 8 out of 10 on IMDB.
odd night
its been a strange night tonight. laura came over to watch a dvd,
because like me she would of probably been sat on her own anyway.
the only problem is that to watch a dvd im my room you need to be laid
on the bed. she knew this, so was a bit strange laid there with a
mate. we ended up watching 40 year old virgin, had just watched it a
couple of days ago. it probably wasn't the best choice because there
are some cringe moments!
laura was shattered as well so im sure she had her eyes shut half the
time, most likely me boring her as well.
before she even got here i had sent her a text message that was meant
for someone else, luckily it wasn't too bad.
got a bit of an insulting message off another mate which i hope they
didn't mean the way it read. i think they were probably joking but
they never replied when i texted back :-(
Monday, January 09, 2006
Drive up the dale

Anyway I drove up to Tunstall, over to Bollihope then on up to Allenheads, there was still a bit of snow at the sides of the roads and ice on the road. Then when coming back down the dale when I got to Westgate I decided to cut up the back road to Rookhope again. The road is quite narrow and when I was at the highest point there was snow on the road and it was very icy.
It took me 2 hours to drive this, because for once I drove slow and obeyed all the speed limits. although for some reason the GPS seams to of thought I did 109 mph at one point. Normally yes but nowhere near that today never even got to 70mph.
I was intending to take some pictures but it was very overcast and grey, not much good for photographs. I did take 2, you can see what I mean about it being grey.

The whole reason I took the day off and drove around here was because I wanted to do some thinking. I did but instead of going through the things I was intending to ideas kept popping into my head instead. I will post some of those later!!
So I never really did sort out what was on my mind but I do feel better after a bit more sleep over the weekend, must be getting somewhere near back to normal if I'm coming up with ideas again.
Just been told off by a mate for sitting at a computer on my day off, gonna have a cup of tea then go for a walk as they ordered me to do!!
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind

Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind: Just watched this and I really enjoyed it, not a good idea to do something while watching this movie as you could easily lose what's happening. It was very strange in the middle not helped that I was reading something while watching it. But everything makes sense by the end.
I like a film that makes you think about your own life. This does that, it can make you think how you lucky you are and should make the most of what you have and live each moment.
Enough of my crap thoughts, I gave it a 9 out of 10, maybe should of been an 8 but what the hell feeling generous...
No walk
I will do the walk I'd marked out tomorrow as well as driving to some places I want to go to like my usual thinking places of Tunstall, Bollihope, Allenheads, etc..
Gonna have to get up early to do all these in 1 day, so will get up at the normal time I would if I was at work.
Not sure what I'm doing tonight yet, Laura was on about coming over to watch a film but she hasn't said anything the last day. Might go over another mates instead or more likely sit on my arse at the computer!!
The Quest

The Quest: I started to watch this last night and got 40 minutes into it when my neice turned up and rescued me from it. Too much swearing to play it while she was there.
This is the biggest pile of shit I've seen in a while, it wasn't funny I suppose parts of it you could relate to but basically it was shite.
I'm being extremely generous and giving it a 3 but can't be arsed to waste anymore of my time watching the other half!
Gemini Person
This is the Sign of the Twin - represented by the mythological figures of Castor and Pollux - and it symbolizes a dual nature found in persons born under its influence.
Such persons are active, clever, skillful, versatile - and often totally unpredictable. They are always a jump ahead, not only of each other, but sometimes of themselves.
In fact, it has been said of Gemini folk that the one thing you can always expect from them is something unexpected. This is due both to their natural quickness and the twofold aspect of their nature.
Gemini persons are willing to try a hand at almost anything and drop it just as quickly. They pick up things easily, showing such natural talent towards acquiring skills that interest them, that they take for granted they can learn all there is to know about a subject in very little time.
Whatever they fail at, they dismiss as something not worth bothering about. Thus you find them dropping old projects as fast as they take up new ones.
A Quick Nature
Gemini persons make friends quickly and have a natural ability as salesmen. They are good talkers and come up with new ideas, sometimes borrowing them outright, though they often have plenty of ideas of their own.
It is simply that every new thing interests them, rouses their ingenuity and gives them the urge to put it to immediate and profitable use. They go for fads, hobbies and high honors, but often lose interest in them, once they have gained them.
The same applies to their friends. Never being at a loss for new, they neglect the old. But being both clever and practical, they are able to renew friendships or revive abandoned projects, in that same speedy, breathtaking fashion.
The old saying "Easy come, easy go," often applies to Gemini persons more than those of any other sign. They can make money hand over fist and squander it by literally throwing it away.
There are many born gamblers in the Gemini clan, all the result of these combined factors. They want fast results in the easiest possible way and at the same time are willing to forget a loss and go after a new win.
Extremes of Gemini
From this it can be said that Gemini persons are creatures of the moment, which they are; but that is often a strength more than a weakness. It marks them as great opportunists and in their keen, practical way, they may note something today and make it tomorrow's aim.
Definitely, the Gemini character is that of the extremist. As a result they can be tricky and deceitful; yet at the next moment go overboard in generosity.
All this goes with their active, restless natures. They are great travelers, always eager to be on the go, eager for adventure because their quick thinking makes them masters in emergencies. The modern world is truly made to their order, with its modes of swift travel, need for new inventions and so many varied types of enterprise available.
But such things can lead to gemini's undoing. People born under this sign need stability. They can't get it by stacking one thing against another or piling up interests helter-skelter, yet that is the way they usually try.
What to Avoid or Cultivate
In seeking new friends and interests, they yield to the rule "Out of sight, out of mind," as applied to others. The result is, the Gemini person often loses out in business and social affairs, through his own inconstancy and inconsistency.
This causes the Gemini nature to become both skeptical and suspicious. Their very aptitude for picking up where they left off, plus the fact that they have been so busy and active in the meantime, causes them to overlook the damage neglect can cause.
Gemini's urge to do things differently is another problem. People put up with it, but that doesn't mean they like it or endorse it. Often, a Gemini career becomes one of completely scattered effort and dissipated talents.
By focusing full attention upon worthy projects and carrying them through to completion, Gemini persons can gain great success and at the same time become the most satisfied persons on earth. Quick of wit as well as tact, they have an amazing ability at appraising people as well as situations almost at a glance.
That snap judgment seldom goes wrong in practical matters and the few opportunities they miss are more than compensated by their skilled avoidance of time wasters.. They get to the point of things immediately and are always finding short-cuts.
They recognize the importance of appearances and therefore keep up their own. They are good dressers, fond of show, fond of fun, always alert and too alive to go into deep or moody contemplation.
By controlling their remarkable flare, choosing the right associates and trusting them, Gemini persons can aim for the finer things in life and gain them with the same ease that they capture the caprices of the moment.
There was a little bit more in the book about differences between people born in the early and late parts of the sign which is right for me as well but got sick of typing it all!!
Horoscope for today
Imagine driving on a road with no clear signs or land marks; that's how it may feel when you think about the future. Not only do you need a definite goal to aim towards but you must decide how you might achieve this. Very often a failure to succeed in your aims is a lack of foresight and organisation. Don't let this happen now.
I'm a gemini which I would of thought was obvious if you know me ;-)
Quote of the day
Marsha Norman
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Finances & stuff
The only thing I've done other than watch Sea of Souls on BBC 1 is sort my finances out. My plan of being a hermit and a miser the last few weeks seams to be working. Christmas is always an expensive time but somehow even taking out the rest of the bills I have to pay later this month I still have a few hundred pound remaining, still managed to put money into 2 savings accounts as well. I have a couple of hundred pounds in online sites as well.
The only thing that could cause a problem is my M.O.T. for my car, think it runs out on the 23rd so gotta get that done in the next couple of weeks. Hopefully there wont be anything wrong. Knowing my luck though it will need all sorts doing!!
I was supposed to be going for a walk with a friend tomorrow but they can't make it. So gonna go on a different walk from Frosterley and over the fell on my own. Will walk past the farm where my gran used to live before she died, my uncle still lives there but nobody really speaks to him. So haven't been up there for about 6 years, maybe more. Will probably bring back a lot of memories. That's if I can get my arse out of bed and it ain't tossing it down. Want to take some pictures so don't want it to be crap weather!!
I was going to go for a walk today but decided to have a lazy relaxing day. I've managed to watch 4 DVDs in the last 24 hours and will probably watch another soon. Makes a change hadn't seen many films recently until the last week.
I noticed I still had some money in a betting account online which I had totally forgot about so put the money on Graphic Approach in the 2:05 @ Sandown which won. So not a bad day really managed to relax and win some money.
Hopefully I'm going for a walk tomorrow but will see what happens...
Stuck On You

Stuck On You: I've just watched this, yet another comedy. I've had this for ages and only just got around to watching it.
It's OK but not really very funny, not bad to watch on a boring Saturday afternoon though.
Considering Matt Damon is a good actor I've no idea why he did this movie?
Gave it 6 out of 10 on IMDB.
Friday, January 06, 2006
Monster In Law

Monster In Law: Watched this the third DVD in a row. The top of the picture to left says hilarious, they must of been watching a different film to me. I can't really remember laughing much at anything in the movie.
It was OK but wasn't anything special the other 2 comedies I've watched in the last day or so are better. If it wasn't for Jennifer Lopez looking so sexy I might not of watched it all.
Gave it 6 out of 10!
40 Year Old Virgin

40 Year Old Virgin: Just finished watching this and wasn't expecting much but I really enjoyed it. I thought it was better than Wedding Crashers. Especially the part where he was trying the condoms :-D
Definitly watch this if you want a laugh, its also a love story as well as a comedy. Simple but fun.
I gave it 8 out 10 on IMDB.
Jeremy Clarkson - Heaven And Hell

Jeremy Clarkson - Heaven And Hell: I watched this when I got in from work tonight. Its exactly what you'd expect from Clarkson. It shows some of the best cars from last year and thrashes them round a track.
He also destroys some old crap cars. If you like cars watch it, otherwise keep away from it.
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Quote of the day
Paul Valery - "The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up."
New Phone

I got a new phone yesterday an Orange SPV C600, which is more or less the same phone I've had for over a year, I had the C500 before. There isn't anything out that can do everything it can and is still small.
I looked at other phones but most are like bricks, which I used to have when I had a P800. Was tempted to wait for the Nokia N80 but its gonna be big and cost a fortune and I'm trying to remind myself that I'm saving money.
I am useless at saving, my philosophy has always been live for today and just see what tomorrow throws at you but I'm having to be responsible. Which doesn't sit well with me. I've always said I'd die young (morbid I know) but I don't care that's why I started to do some of the things I wanted to do in my life last year.
I still can't sleep and I seam to be like a walking zombie and probably look really bad (don't I always anyway). I could probably lie in but just haven't had chance yet, not sure I will this weekend either. It's just going to sleep I have the problem with.
Had some strange dreams recently, well not really strange but dreams I could remember when I woke up. They seam like the kind I used to get when my dreams would come true (phsycic Steve, lol). Not like a lion someone mentioned recently they had dreamt about. Some were about friends I know and others were to do with my future which I guess is inevitable with the stuff that's going on in my life. I should of wrote down the details getting a bit hazy now. I should put a pen and paper next to my bed so I can write them down when I wake up before I forget (should that not be a computer not paper).
The only odd thing about my dreams is for the 1st time I can remember since I was about 8, I was woken from a dream because it was bad. The only problem is I can't remember what it was about. It wasn't a nightmare as such but can't remember what happened now :-(
This post started off about a new phone and has now ended up about dreams, shows how much my brain jumps around from one thing to the next. This is why I can never sleep anyway, head hits the pillow and my mind starts working when most peoples would shut off. Probably coz I don't have to use my brain that much during the day anymore, same stuff every day. That and I have the most active mind of anyone I know. How the hell do people do factory work?
We got an email at work today about job re-grading/evaluation or something like that. The timescales look a bit shite as it could be after September before we get our scales sorted (get the money). We are still waiting for this financial years money, heard today that its sorted and finance are just waiting for the OK from HR. So that will be September as well then with the speed they work at! (That'll be me not getting any money then).
I should go to bed and try to sleep (yeah right), might have to do this stupid relaxing technique thing I have used before. You feel a tit doing it but its worked before, my sister gave me a tape with it on years ago (tape, what is that?).
Wedding Crashers

Wedding Crashers: just sat and watched this tonight, I like Owen Wilson and there were some funnt moments but there were long periods of the film where nothing funny happened.
Still worth watching and probably one of the best comedies in 2005, not that there seamed to be many decent ones?
Gave it 7 out of 10.
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
no sleep
I haven't had a good nights sleep for ages, I have always found it hard to shut off and go to sleep anyway. At the moment though its even worse than usual, the moment I lie down I start thinking about the house. My eyes are killing me because I'm so tired :-(
I just wish that the solicitors would hurry up and sort everything out, then I can get on with everything. I was gonna ring them up and ask where they were at with everything as they haven't contacted me but I've left the paper work at home...
Monday, January 02, 2006
Virgin Radio All Time Top 500 Songs
1 JOHN LENNON - Imagine
2 THE BEATLES - Hey Jude
4 U2 - One
6 QUEEN - Bohemian Rhapsody
7 LED ZEPPELIN - Stairway To Heaven
8 THE POLICE - Every Breath You Take
9 THE EAGLES - Hotel California
10 JAMES BLUNT - You're Beautiful
11 THE ROLLING STONES - (I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction
12 THE BEATLES - Yesterday
13 R.E.M. - Losing My Religion
14 GUNS N ROSES - Sweet Child O Mine
15 U2 - With Or Without You
16 ROD STEWART - Maggie May
17 BOB MARLEY - No Woman, No Cry
18 OASIS - Wonderwall
19 THE BEACH BOYS - God Only Knows
20 THE KINKS - Waterloo Sunset
21 BOB DYLAN - Like A Rolling Stone
22 BLONDIE - Heart Of Glass
24 THE DOORS - Light My Fire
25 COLDPLAY - Yellow
26 THE BEATLES - Strawberry Fields Forever
27 PINK FLOYD - Another Brick In The Wall
28 VAN MORRISON - Brown Eyed Girl
29 GEORGE HARRISON - My Sweet Lord
30 THE POLICE - Roxanne
31 PROCUL HARUM - A Whiter Shade Of Pale
32 DAVID GRAY - Babylon
33 PINK FLOYD - Wish You Were Here
34 THE ROLLING STONES - Paint It Black
35 THE BYRDS - Mr Tambourine Man
36 RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS - Under The Bridge
37 THE BEATLES - Penny Lane
38 THE KINKS - Lola
39 EURYTHMICS - Sweet Dreams
40 DAVID BOWIE - Heroes
41 THE BEACH BOYS - Good Vibrations
42 THE WHO - My Generation
43 THE BEATLES - She Loves You
44 OASIS - Don't Look Back In Anger
45 THE JAM - Town Called Malice
46 SIMON AND GARFUNKEL - Bridge Over Troubled Water
47 THE ROLLING STONES - Jumpin' Jack Flash
48 U2 - I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
49 THE VERVE - Bitter Sweet Symphony
50 THE HUMAN LEAGUE - Don't You Want Me
51 MEATLOAF - Bat Out Of Hell
52 R.E.M. - Everybody Hurts
53 QUEEN - We Will Rock You
54 FREE - All Right Now
55 OASIS - Live Forever
57 DAVID BOWIE - Space Oddity
60 MADNESS - It Must Be Love
61 BON JOVI - Livin' On A Prayer
62 THE ANIMALS - House Of The Rising Sun
63 THE JAM - That's Entertainment
64 THE BEATLES - A Hard Day's Night
66 U2 - Pride (In The Name Of Love)
68 THE WHO - Substitute
69 OASIS - Champagne Supernova
70 SOFT CELL - Tainted Love
71 THE BEATLES - A Day In The Life
72 THE CLASH - London Calling
73 DON MCLEAN - American Pie
74 DON HENLEY - The Boys Of Summer
75 ELTON JOHN - Rocket Man
76 THE BEATLES - All You Need Is Love
77 THIN LIZZY - The Boys Are Back In Town
79 THE PRETENDERS - Brass In Pocket
80 QUEEN AND DAVID BOWIE - Under Pressure
81 GUNS N ROSES - November Rain
82 THE KINKS - You Really Got Me
83 JIMI HENDRIX - All Along The Watchtower
84 U2 - Vertigo
85 FLEETWOOD MAC - Go Your Own Way
87 JOY DIVISION - Love Will Tear Us Apart
88 LYNYRD SKYNYRD - Freebird
89 E.L.O. - Mr Blue Sky
90 STEVE HARLEY AND COCKNEY REBEL - (Come Up And See Me) Make Me Smile
91 THE BEATLES - Ticket To Ride
92 DAVID BOWIE - Life On Mars
93 PRINCE - When Doves Cry
94 QUEEN - Killer Queen
95 ELTON JOHN - Your Song
96 THE SPECIALS - Ghost Town
97 NO DOUBT - Don't Speak
98 THE BEATLES - Eleanor Rigby
99 THE JAM - Going Underground
100 MOTT THE HOOPLE - All The Young Dudes
101 THE CLASH - Should I Stay Or Should I Go
102 THE ROLLING STONES - Sympathy For The Devil
103 NEW ORDER - Blue Monday
104 ERIC CLAPTON - Wonderful Tonight
105 U2 - Where The Streets Have No Name
106 CROWDED HOUSE - Don't Dream, It's Over
107 DIRE STRAITS - Romeo And Juliet
108 KATE BUSH - Wuthering Heights
109 THE STRANGLERS - Golden Brown
110 THE UNDERTONES - Teenage Kicks
111 QUEEN - A Kind Of Magic
112 THE ROLLING STONES - Gimme Shelter
113 TOM PETTY - Free Falling
114 THE BEATLES - I Want To Hold Your Hand
115 DAVID BOWIE - Starman
116 OASIS - Half The World Away
117 GREEN DAY - Wake Me Up When September Ends
118 THE WHO - Won't Get Fooled Again
121 PULP - Common People
123 SCISSOR SISTERS - Take Your Mama
125 SIMON AND GARFUNKEL - Mrs Robinson
126 DIRE STRAITS - Money For Nothing
127 BLONDIE - Sunday Girl
128 DAVID BOWIE - Jean Genie
129 GOO GOO DOLLS - Iris
131 GUNS N ROSES - Paradise City
132 ELVIS COSTELLO - Olivers Army
133 ROLLING STONES - Honky Tonk Woman
135 QUEEN - We Are The Champions
136 T-REX - Get It On
137 THE KILLERS - All These Things That I've Done
138 U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday
139 LYNYRD SKYNYRD - Sweet Home Alabama
140 BAND AID - Do They Know It's Christmas
141 BOSTON - More Than A Feeling
142 BLONDIE - Call Me
143 KEANE - Somewhere Only We Know
144 THE VERVE - The Drugs Don't Work
145 NICKLEBACK - How You Remind Me
146 THE BEATLES - Something
147 QUEEN - Don't Stop Me Now
148 THE ROLLING STONES - You Can't Always Get What You Want
149 ULTRAVOX - Vienna
150 COLDPLAY - Trouble
151 STING - Fields Of Gold
152 POLICE - Message In A Bottle
153 CARS - Drive
154 RADIOHEAD - Creep
155 JOAN ARMATRADING - Love And Affection
156 BRYAN ADAMS - Summer Of 69
157 TEARS FOR FEARS - Everybody Wants To The Rule The World
158 THE BEATLES - In My Life
160 ALANIS MORISSETTE - You Oughta Know
161 FLEETWOOD MAC - Don't Stop
162 JAMES - Sit Down
163 PETER GABRIEL - Sledgehammer
164 ROD STEWART - I Don't Want To Talk About
165 DAVID BOWIE - Changes
166 THE SMITHS - This Charming Man
167 U2 - New Year's Day
168 BLUE OYSTER CULT - Don't Fear The Reaper
169 THE EAGLES - Take It Easy
170 MADNESS - My Girl
171 MEATLOAF - Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad
172 MAROON 5 - She Will Be Loved
173 SEAL - Kiss From A Rose
174 THE CURE - Love Cats
175 THE BOOMTOWN RATS - I Don't Like Mondays
176 KEANE - This Is The Last Time
177 PAUL WELLER - Wildwood
178 INXS - I Need You Tonight
179 SIMON AND GARFUNKEL - The Sound Of Silence
181 THE BEATLES - The Long And Winding Road
182 O.M.D. - Enola Gay
183 THE POLICE - Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic
185 SUPERTRAMP - Breakfast In America
186 ERIC CLAPTON - I Shot The Sheriff
187 THE BEATLES - While My Guitar Gently Weeps
188 COLDPLAY - Clocks
189 THE SPECIALS - Too Much, Too Young
190 RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS - Californication
191 JOHN LENNON - Woman
192 PETER GABRIEL - Solsbury Hill
193 PAUL SIMON - You Can Call Me Al
195 QUEEN - Another One Bites The Dust
196 DAVID BOWIE - Ashes To Ashes
197 THE ROLLING STONES - Get Off Of My Cloud
198 ROD STEWART - You Wear It Well
199 THE CURE - In Between Days
201 THE KNACK - My Sharona
202 GARY NUMAN - Cars
203 SIMPLE MINDS - Don't You Forget About Me
204 ROBERT PALMER - Addicted To Love
205 MADNESS -House Of Fun
206 PINK FLOYD - Comfortably Numb
207 BLONDIE - Denis
208 THE BEATLES - Can't Buy Me Love
209 BOB MARLEY - Jamming
210 KAISER CHIEFS - I Predict A Riot
211 QUEEN - I Want To Break Free
212 DAVID BOWIE - Young Americans
213 ROLLING STONES - Tumbling Dice
214 WINGS - Band On The Run
215 FLEETWOOD MAC - Dreams
216 AMERICA - Horse With No Name
218 LED ZEPPELIN - Whole Lotta Love
219 GREEN DAY - Time Of Your Life (Good Riddance)
220 SQUEEZE - Up The Junction
221 ELTON JOHN - Saturday Night's Alright For Fighting
222 DIRE STRAITS - Brothers In Arms
223 THE KINKS - All Day And All Of The Night
224 THE ROLLING STONES - Ruby Tuesday
225 LOU REED - Walk On The Wild Side
226 COLDPLAY - In My Place
227 FOREIGNER - I Want To Know What Love Is
228 THE BEATLES - Lady Madonna
229 SINEAD O'CONNOR - Nothing Compares 2 U
230 MADNESS - Embarrassment
231 STEPPENWOLF - Born To Be Wild
232 ERIC CLAPTON - Tears In Heaven
233 PINK FLOYD - Money
234 QUEEN - Somebody To Love
235 AEROSMITH - I Don't Want To Miss A Thing
237 LENNY KRAVITZ - Are You Gonna Go My Way
238 THE LA'S - There She Goes
239 THE POLICE - Walking On The Moon
240 B52'S - Love Shack
241 THE BEATLES - Come Together
242 JIMI HENDRIX - Voodoo Chile
243 JOAN JETT - I Love Rock N Roll
244 SANTANA - Smooth
245 THE MONKEES - I'm A Believer
246 PRINCE - Purple Rain
247 BLONDIE - One Way Or Another
248 WHO - Who Are You
249 COLDPLAY - Fix You
251 CLASH - Rock The Casbah
252 DAVID GRAY - Sail Away
253 THE BEATLES - Revolution
254 THE JAM - Start!
255 THE ROLLING STONES - Let's Spend The Night Together
256 PHIL COLLINS - In The Air Tonight
257 THE EAGLES - Lyin' Eyes
259 PAUL WELLER - Broken Stones
260 POLICE - So Lonely
262 SIMPLE MINDS - Alive And Kicking
263 THE STRANGLERS - No More Heroes
264 AEROSMITH - Walk This Way
266 THE STONE ROSES - Fools Gold
268 STEREOPHONICS - Handbags And Gladrags
269 MADNESS - Baggy Trousers
270 COLDPLAY - The Scientist
271 THE BEATLES - I Feel Fine
272 THE CURE - Close To Me
273 DAVID BOWIE - Sound And Vision
274 EURYTHMICS - Here Comes The Rain Again
275 QUEEN - Radio Ga Ga
276 KEANE - Bedshaped
277 THE POLICE - Don't Stand So Close To Me
279 OASIS - She's Electric
281 FRANZ FERDINAND - Do You Want To
283 STEALERS WHEEL - Stuck In The Middle With You
284 TRAVIS - Why Does It Always Rain On Me
285 THE MONKEES - Daydream Believer
286 RAZORLIGHT - Somewhere Else
287 THE JAM - Down In The Tube Station At Midnight
288 U2 - Beautiful Day
290 THE BEATLES - Get Back
291 DAVID BOWIE - Rebel Rebel
292 BLONDIE - Atomic
293 BOB MARLEY - Could You Be Loved
294 CRANBERRIES - Dreams
295 CROWDED HOUSE - Fall At Your Feet
296 PAUL WELLER - You Do Something To Me
297 DIRE STRAITS - Sultans Of Swing
299 JAMES BLUNT - Goodbye My Lover
300 THE SMALL FACES - Itchycoo Park
301 THE EAGLES - Desperado
302 U2 - Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own
303 QUEEN - You're My Best Friend
304 THE VERVE - Lucky Man
305 R.E.M. - Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite
306 DAMIEN RICE - Cannonball
307 ROBBIE WILLIAMS - Let Me Entertain You
308 THE JAM - Eton Rifles
309 SOUL ASYLUM - Runaway Train
310 T-REX - 20th Century Boy
311 YAZOO - Only You
312 RADIOHEAD - High And Dry
314 MAGIC NUMBERS - Love Me Like You
315 SQUEEZE - Labelled With Love
316 STEREOPHONICS - Have A Nice Day
317 U2 - The Unforgettable Fire
318 THE BEATLES - Ballad Of John And Yoko
319 KEANE - Everybody's Changing
320 BON JOVI - Wanted Dead Or Alive
321 THE CALLING - Wherever You Will Go
322 CROWDED HOUSE - Weather With You
323 COLDPLAY - Don't Panic
324 R.E.M. - The One I Love
325 THE CURE - Friday I'm In Love
326 TALKING HEADS - Once In A Lifetime
327 EXTREME - More Than Words
328 BLONDIE - Picture This
329 IAN DURY AND THE BLOCKHEADS - Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick
330 THE PRETENDERS - Back On The Chain Gang
331 JOE JACKSON - It's Different For Girls
332 U2 - Angel Of Harlem
333 OASIS - Whatever
334 MADNESS - Our House
335 PETER GABRIEL - Games Without Frontiers
336 T-REX - Jeepster
337 QUEEN - Crazy Little Thing Called Love
338 R.E.M. - Man On The Moon
339 SQUEEZE - Cool For Cats
340 THIN LIZZY - Whiskey In The Jar
341 TRAVIS - Driftwood
342 U2 - Sweetest Thing
343 COLDPLAY - Speed Of Sound
344 BLONDIE - Hanging On The Telephone
345 SIMON AND GARFUNKEL - Whole Of The Moon
346 BRYAN ADAMS - Everything I Do (I Do It For You)
347 ROBBIE WILLIAMS - Millennium
348 A-HA - Take On Me
349 BOB MARLEY - Three Little Birds
350 SIMON AND GARFUNKEL - Homeward Bound
351 KATE BUSH - The Man With The Child In His Eyes
352 ATHLETE - Wires
353 THE BEAUTIFUL SOUTH - Perfect 10
354 EURYTHMICS - Love Is A Stranger
355 T-REX - Ride A White Swan
356 THE CURE - Boys Don't Cry
357 DURAN DURAN - Save A Prayer
358 SHERYL CROW - All I Wanna Do
359 DIRE STRAITS - Your Latest Trick
360 NEW ORDER - True Faith
361 COLDPLAY - Shiver
362 RAZORLIGHT - Golden Touch
363 E.L.O. - Livin' Thing
364 DAVID BOWIE - Let's Dance
365 DEL AMITRI - Nothing Ever Happens
366 DANDY WARHOLS - Bohemian Like You
368 HEAVEN 17 - Temptation
369 IGGY POP - The Passenger
370 MANIC STREET PREACHERS - If You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next
371 LOU REED - Perfect Day
372 MEN AT WORK - Down Under
373 SQUEEZE - Tempted
374 T-REX - Children Of The Revolution
375 RAINBOW - Since You've Been Gone
377 STEREOPHONICS - Just Looking
378 TALKING HEADS - Road To Nowhere
379 TRAIN - Drops Of Jupiter
380 VAN MORRISON - Bright Side Of The Road
381 WHO - Pinball Wizzard
382 OASIS - The Importance Of Being Idle
383 THE TROGGS - Wild Thing
384 TRACY CHAPMAN - Baby Can I Hold You
385 BOB DYLAN - Knockin' On Heaven's Door
386 10CC - Dreadlock Holiday
387 THE BEATLES - Norwegian Wood
388 KT TUNSTALL - Suddenly I See
389 EURYTHMICS - There Must Be Missing An Angel
390 THE EAGLES - Take It To The Limit
391 BON JOVI - You Give Love A Bad Name
392 BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN - Streets Of Philadelphia
393 KATE BUSH - Running Up That Hill
394 THE POLICE - Can't Stand Losing You
395 R.E.M. - Shiny Happy People
396 ALANNAH MYLES - Black Velvet
397 STYLE COUNCIL - You're The Best Thing
398 DAVID BOWIE - Sorrow
399 KIRSTY MACCOLL - A New England
400 T-REX - Hot Love
401 SUPERTRAMP - The Logical Song
402 TEARS FOR FEARS - Mad World
403 THE CONNELLS - 74 - 75
404 DEACON BLUE - Dignity
405 4 NON BLONDES - What's Up
406 EURYTHMICS - Thorn In My Side
407 BLUR - Parklife
408 THE BEATLES - Hello Goodbye
409 BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN - Hungry Heart
410 DIRE STRAITS - Walk Of Life
411 INXS - Never Tear Us Apart
412 FLEETWOOD MAC - Little Lies
413 E.L.O. - Sweet Talkin' Woman
414 THE STYLE COUNCIL - Speak Like A Child
415 JIMI HENDRIX - Crosstown Traffic
416 GENESIS - Follow You, Follow Me
417 JONI MITCHELL - Big Yellow Taxi
418 MARK COHN - Walking In Memphis
419 THE NEW RADICALS - You Got To Get What You Give
420 THE PRETENDERS - Don't Get Me Wrong
421 ROD STEWART - First Cut Is The Deepest
422 ROXY MUSIC - Love Is The Drug
423 SEMISONIC - Secret Smile
426 TALK TALK - It's My Life
428 ROLLING STONES - Wild Horses
429 PET SHOP BOYS - West End Girls
430 THE BEATLES - Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
431 ELVIS COSTELLO - Watching The Detectives
432 DAVID BOWIE - China Girl
433 AEROSMITH - Dude Looks Like A Lady
435 JOE JACKSON - Steppin' Out
436 CARLY SIMON - You're So Vain
437 THE SMALL FACES - All Or Nothing
438 THE BANGLES - Walk Like An Egyptian
440 BRYAN ADAMS - Run To You
441 THE BEATLES - Back In The USSR
442 DURAN DURAN - Girls On Film
443 VAN HALEN - Jump
444 FACES - Stay With Me
445 SUPERGRASS - Alright
446 TOTO - Africa
447 DAVID BOWIE - Golden Years
448 O.M.D. - Souvenir
449 CROWDED HOUSE - It's Only Natural
450 THE BEATLES - Love Me Do
451 ROXY MUSIC - Let's Stick Together
452 STEELY DAN - Do It Again
453 THE KILLERS - Somebody Told Me
454 THE MAMAS AND THE PAPAS - California Dreamin'
455 IGGY POP - Lust For Life
456 VAN MORRISON - Have I Told You Lately
457 E.L.O. - Evil Woman
458 BILLY IDOL - White Wedding
459 ELTON JOHN - Daniel
460 BACHMAN TURNER OVERDRIVE - You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet
461 THE MOODY BLUES - Nights In White Satin
462 EAGLES - One Of These Nights
463 DEPECHE MODE - Just Can't Get Enough
464 THE BEATLES - Here Come The Sun
465 BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN - Dancing In The Dark
466 U2 - Desire
468 BON JOVI - Always
469 DURAN DURAN - The Reflex
470 BOOMTOWN RATS - Rat Trap
471 JOHN LENNON - Jealous Guy
472 10CC - I'm Not In Love
473 SEAL - Crazy
474 GERRY RAFFERTY - Baker Street
475 WINGS - Jet
476 SMALL FACES - Lazy Sunday
477 BUZZCOCKS - Ever Fallen In Love
478 JOHN LENNON - Happy Christmas (War Is Over)
479 MAROON 5 - This Love
480 PRETENDERS - I'll Stand By You
481 THE BEATLES - Fool On The Hill
482 WHITESNAKE - Here I Go Again
483 KAISER CHIEFS - Everyday I Love You Less And Less
484 DOORS - Riders On The Storm
485 CARS - My Best Friend's Girl
486 JAMES BLUNT - High
487 QUEEN - One Vision
488 CLASH - I Fought The Law
489 BOB DYLAN - Lay Lady Lay
490 THE BEATLES - Day Tripper
492 GARY NUMAN - Are Friends Electric?
493 STEREOPHONICS - Pick A Part That's New
494 JOHN LENNON - Instant Karma
495 OASIS - Some Might Say
496 THE KILLERS - Mr Brightside
497 ALICE COOPER - School's Out
498 BLUR - Girls And Boys
499 THE BEATLES - Don't Let Me Down
500 U2 - Even Better Than The Real Thing
Tunstall to Waskerley

Distance: 9.7 miles
Time Taken: 3 hours 45 (stopped for 45 minutes)
I managed to get off my arse and actually go for the walk I mentioned yesterday. Probably wouldn't of done if my parents hadn't been going. Felt more like going back to bed.
It wasn't too hard of a walk, which is just as well as I've hardly walked for the last 2 months since doing part of the pennine way. Even though it wasn't a difficult walk my legs are still aching.
I've put a couple of pictures below from the walk, pictures are a bit crap. Click any for a larger version.
To do
normally i write out stuff i have to or want to do the next day and
email myself it (sad i know but my memory is shit). but tonight for
some reason i decided to post it on here.
walk near tunstall
finish updating website and let users know.
sort out house paper work.
music blog post
check accounts (too much money).
clear out music on ipod and in car.
as you can see other than going for a walk i have nothing much planned
tomorrow. just boring stuff anyway. i started doing these daft lists
too hopefully help me get off my arse.
today i worked out how much money i had made from the stuff ive been
doing on the internet. its not very much at the moment but i want to
make sure i actually get the money in my pocket before i spend too
much time. will try to explain in a couple of days how to do what ive
been doing.
another thing i did today was work out who had been reading this blog.
i can recognise a few people by their isps or location. ive been
tracking it for a month now. never analysed it until today. no one is
ever totally anonymous on the net. i only did it so i could see if
anyone was reading it from work but noticed a few others. why not
leave a comment :-)
Sunday, January 01, 2006
1st Day of a New Year
I then decided I would sort some stuff out on the computer I'd put off for a few weeks and got most of it done. Although got interupted when my sister & brother in law turned up with the kids for 3 hours.
Spent about an hour playing games on the Xbox as well, I think I must of only played on it about 6 hours last year, but used it a bit recently. Normally my Xbox gets used to play music & videos using XBMC.
Then watched Hollywood Homicide mentioned below. I should go to bed, gonna get up and go for a walk near Tunstall tomorrow with my parents. I think its about 9 miles, so at least I will get some exercise. Can't see me getting to sleep anytime soon though only been up 12 hours!
Hollywood Homicide

Hollywood Homicide: This isn't a great film. A basic hollywood action flick but the story is a bit stupid and the acting isn't all that good either. But if you just want a simple action film where you don't have to think, this will probably do the job.
Giving it 6 out of 10 on IMDB.
Inside I'm Dancing

Inside I'm Dancing: Another film I watched last night and I really enjoyed. I prefered watching this to The Godfather. It's got everything humour, story and is a tear jerker as well I guess.
I can't recommend it highly enough, it's probably a film you will never of heard of but if you don't laugh and feel sad during this movie then check you're still alive.
I gave it 9 out of 10 but tempted to up it to 10 (could be the second 10 in 2 days).
The Godfather

The Godfather: Somehow I have never watched The Godfather until last night. It's the higest rated film on IMDB, so decided I should watch it.
While I agree it is a good film, there is no way I would say its the best film I have seen not by a long shot. I think its a film you should watch especially if you're a bloke but I found myself bored for long periods of the film and was even tempted to turn it off at one point.
There are some good performances from the main actors, Marlon Brando, Al Pacino & James Caan. I gave it 8 out of 10 which is a bit lower than the 9.1 it has on IMDB.