I can live with that seeing as it's free and an excellent service.
In the sidebar to the right I have added a listening to image, it shows the last song I have listened to if anything. Its just an image so it will only refresh if you press refresh your browser (F5). There are some problems with it, if the song name is too long the picture will be wider than the sidebar.
Here's another image with the last few songs I've recently listened to (again if I've just listened to anything):
The image above is too wide for this site. Hopefully when I get chance I will create my own script to produce these images then I can limit the size of them but at the moment they are running from someone elses site.
I've noticed that FireFox often doesn't refresh the image properly and pulls a cached version (saved version of the image). Also the times shown are an hour behind coz of daylight saving.
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