Time: 29:34
Today I smashed the time for the regular dinner time run. Mandy and Helen went out at 12 and didn't really mention they were going until they turned upstairs with their gear on. I got caught up doing work, so decided I would go on my own a bit later.
I wasn't sure whether to go or not, being bit worried about my knee with the WHW days away. I went out anyway and set off at a fair pace. When I got to the Police HQ a couple of blokes ended up behind me so kept the same pace I'd ran down the bank. I kept this up all the way to crossing over the railway line, when I slowed to let them pass.
I struggled a bit past Crook Hall and could feel myself getting really hungry and thirsty (it was hot). I kept going and walked up the steps to the road. Then ran up the bank to the turn in for the DLI, just before the turn in I walked about 20 yards (struggling from the early pace). I ran the next lot and decided I needed to walk just before the football pitches. Then again I set off and ran all the way to the overflow car park but once I reached the car park I thought I was gonna be sick. So had to walk for 20/30 yards till the feeling passed. Then I realised the time and sprinted the last few hundred meters back to the door.
I beat the previous best time my 5 minutes, I know I could knock even more off that if I'd been properly hydrated and had eaten a snack an hour before. I had no fuel near the end, not exactly the wall on a 5K, lol but it felt like it.
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