I decided to go anyway and sold Tony ticket to someone outside. The Towt (however you spell it) would only offer £5 for a seating ticket, so sold it to someone else for £15.
It ended up being good, the Fratellis were excellent supporting. Although they hardly had any of the stage and were perched on the edge with a sheet thing covering the stage ready for Kasabian. Unfortunately they were only on for about 30 minutes. They played a Goldfrapp song which sounded really good (Ooh La La).
Then Kasabian came on at 9 and the stage looked good with the lighting. I was quite happy to be in the seating at the side, we were stood up but was good how we could see all the crowd below. There seamed to be a really good atmosphere maybe not as good as the Maiden concert but better than some of the others. I didn't know half the songs, maybe every other song. Please I went though in the end.
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