It would be interesting to go back another night and see if it was completely different or if it did have the same material.
Anyway it was an excellent night :-)
my wrist is hurting typing this and probably didn't help doing the
cartwheels. my hands are freezing as well, i have poor circulation or
something these days i think. my feet are normally cold as well, might
need to look into the causes.
i am off to newcastle tonight to watch Ross Noble at the city hall
with Val, its her birthday today. really looking forward to it. he has
as many random thoughts as me. got another text so have to stop again,
i should get the laptop out don't manu to keep stopping.
i quite enjoyed that although i need lots more practise. stopped
writing this for a second to try a cartwheel, thats a bit easier.
although my wrist and feet are hurting now. i need a lot more room for
cartwheels than when i was kid. i better stop before i injur myself!
just get a text and do want to lose what i've wrote so will send this
then continue in part 2. writing this on my phone.
laid in bed thinking about stuff, i am not religous at all and don't
believe in god. yet i guess i am spiritual but not in a religous
sense. i have an interest in beliefs and psychic stuff i guess. weird
stuff like that have always captured my imagination probably because
of their very nature of being hard to explain and being interesting.
i have loads of books on supernatural and similar things. they are
still at my parents and need to bring them here. although i have read
lots and been intrigued i don't think i have ever really decided what
i believe.
just don't believe there is a god. if there was a god who or what
created them. load of rubbish but lots of interesting stories ;-)
i'm laid in bed listening to '100 best classics' which i downloaded
yesterday from Napster. they have started to add some good compilation
albums recently. i wouldn't say all the songs on it are as relaxing as
i would normally listen to but i have known them all.
i am looking forward to the drive to work tomorrow, so i can listen to
my ipod using my icelink. dont think i will be listening to classical
music though.
i got an email from Amazon tonight as well to say my tv card had been
dispatched. i was thinking about cancelling it because it had been 3
weeks since i ordered it. shame i didn't already have it, i could of
done with being able to record tv the last couple of nights. there
have been a couple of programs on at the same time. something else to
mess around with tomorrow night, although i have enough things to do
at the moment.
it could be an interesting few days at work because i am interested in
what is said in a couple of meetings that are taking place. i also
have a team meeting on thursday and i am sure there will be some
interesting discussions. that's if we are able to speak freely,
possible we might not be able to, which would be annoying. it will
depend on who is in attendance.
personally it is a quiet week and i have nothing planned, although i
would like to go for a walk at the weekend. otherwise i am taking it
easy and just messing about with stuff on the computer. i could do
with a week off just to do some of the things i just never seem to
find the time to do. i have got 2 weeks holiday to take by the end of
the year but god knows when i'm gonna get the chance to take them. may
have to carry a week over will bring it up in my team meeting as
others are in the same position.
i need to start being careful with my money again. i have loads of
stuff to pay for or pay off and my lottery win doesn't appear to be
happening anytime soon. neither does the pay review at work :-(
i haven't got the official time yet, waiting for the text. according
to my stop watch i did it in about 2 hours 38 minutes. which to be
honest is rubbish. i wanted to do it in under 2 hours 30. so a bit
disappointed. will write more later stuck in a traffic jam :-(