I have had an excellent day. Took me nearly 4 hours to get here, bloody speed cameras or could of shaved nearly an hour off that. Suppose people would say they worked then. except they were always in a location that would only generate money not save lives. DONT GET WORKED UP STEVEN, YOU ARE ON HOLIDAY!
Think i wrote an entry when i got here but not sure if it worked.
As i hopefully said i went for a ride up to the top of the loch which i hope to walk tomorrow.
When i got there, there was 2 tents expensive ones. Wondered what they were doing there as they were about 25 yards from the sign that said no camping but what was even more strange was that there was a satellite dish between the 2 tents. There was no sign of anyone i guess it wasnt to watch tv but who knows.
The best thing that happened was i went for a pint and i got talking and i mentioned that i had stayed in the house over the bridge over 10 years ago. I was talking to the lady who lives in the farm next to the house, she used to look after the house when i stayed there.
She told me the house was up for sale and asked if i would like to look around it as she had the key. I jumped at the chance.
It was unbelievable to be back there again after so may years. Yet to be honest it was much as i remember except empty of furniture and a bit more damp.
The strange thing is i have dreamt over the last few years that i came into some money and ended up buying it as a sort of holiday home. I couldnt believe it when she told me it was on the market for only £170,000. Yeah it needs work but not that much. It is 5 bedroomed with a large living room and dining room. kitchen and utility soon and even stables out back. maybe no field for horses though.
It was amazing to see around the house i had stayed in so many times before over ten years ago :-)
the hotel was very quiet hardly anyone staying, talked to one women who was walking and some bloke asked me about the grouse. He thought i was a local. Was tempted to put on an accent and tell him it was shite but i didnt.
I had a really nice neck. Burger and chips, maybe it was the fact i hungry that it tasted so nice but ended up giving the chef a £5 tip. The meal was only that much!
there was a young lass working behind the bar in the hotel so got talking. She lived a couple me minds up towards the loch and went to uni in edinburgh studying biological science. Naturally bony but didnt show it off, very casual.
I got talking to her, she was called fiona. I always seam good at finding stuff out about people. She likes sailing and said she was going on the loch tomorrow, so said i would probably see her boat.
found out loads more but cant be bothered to write it. She never asked my name but she could of found out from the bookings book. oh think i forgot to say she told me within 2 sentences of talking to her that she had a boyfriend.
Guess that made it sound like i was trying to get off with her. I wasnt, decided i was here on holiday so that was a big no no!
Saying that i did think about asking her if she fancied walking around the loch as she had never done it (walk around the loch i mean, you dirty buggers). Didnt ask though as she said she was going sailing. It is supposed to rain, so it said on the tv :-(
i normally hate being in a bar on my own but must of spent nearly 5 years in it today. I must be getting more confident in my old age.
I suppose i better go to sleep or i wont be up for breakfast!