Saturday, March 31, 2007
Deerstalker Run
Actual Distance: 5.5 miles (8.85 km)
Highest: 1378 Feet
Lowest: 455 feet
Checkpoint Punch Split
Checkpoint 1 00:41:56 00:41:56
Finish 01:16:57 00:35:01
Time: 1:16:57
Position: 34 (provisional)
Yesterday I completed the Deerstalker with Helen and Mandy from work. When we got their I was a little worried looking up at the hills around us and after looking at the map which is the top image of this post (we borrowed it) it didn't make me feel much better. But I was determined to do it.
We registered and got our SPORTident tags, then we had a quick wander around and sat in front of Traquair House in the sun relaxing. As the starting time approached we went to get ready, we started to wonder where Mandy had gone because she wanted to get changed in the toilets rather than the car.
We made our way down to the tents and stood about for a while before we noticed people heading to where the start obviously was. We were stood around at the start for a while looking up the bank at the first obstacles a wall of straw bales.
Eventually we set off at about 5:15pm and ran to the bales which I leaped straight on top of then had to teeter on the edge because a lass had fell on the floor on the other side. I lost Helen and Mandy over the bales so slowed down to wait for them for while the caught up.
After the bales we ran along the road towards the Pond, on the way there was some guy telling another how he should be running, as he was some sort of personal trainer (could of been) he was doing my head in. We got to the pond and I think everyone got a shock, before the race the guy had mentioned about waist deep water (thought he was joking), it was almost waist deep and several people fell over (including Helen I think). From here I lost Helen and Mandy I looked back for them but couldn't see them. They had told me to just leave them if I had wanted to, so after a minute or so of trying to spot them I decided to just go. I kept quite a steady but very slow pace up the bank (most were walking). I walked 2 short sections up this bank and caught up to the guy giving the running lesson, he was telling the bloke with him to keep running and basically looking a prat waiving his arms from side to side (does that help?). I was gonna ask the guy he was ordering about if he was getting on his nerves but decided better of it.
Eventually we came to a flatter section (slightly) with a gradual bank that stretched for a fair distance but then I noticed people heading off to the right straight into the wood where normally there would be no path. I followed them up but unfortunately everyone was walking or better description would be sliding going up here. I wanted to run up but couldn't get past them. I thought this was going to be be where the first checkpoint was (I was wrong) we then headed back down the the track I had been looking along and carried on around the corner.
Again the track went to the right and up a steep hill I managed to run past a few people up the beginning of this hill, but we then came onto an area where the woods had been chopped down and it was very uneven underfoot so had to follow the path, everyone was walking in front so I had to as well. After what seamed an eternity the path become wider just as we entered the trees again, I ran past a few people here. Then the next obstacles were ahead. The first obstacle was tree hugging, there was wood around the trees that you needed to step from between each tree and a rope overhead to hold onto. You could only go as fast as the person in front of you and she looked quite unstable ;-)
The next obstacle was balancing over several thin logs and blanks, some people avoided these but I wanted to do them as its part of the fun. There was a badger run I think they called it next, it was basically a tunnel you had to crawl through in the mud. Then a bit further and I scrambled up a wooden frame (wall) and had to jump from the top (about 7 foot), I could here some people saying it was too high. I might of got the order of the obstacles muddled up!
Then a short run up the bank and there was some strange music playing as you scrambled through the trees I'm sure there was some sort of obstacle here but can't remember what it was. Then there was a clearing and the checkpoint was straight ahead. I put my Dibber (SPORTident tag) into the checkpoint but couldn't hear if it made a noise as someone else did it at the same time. So I had to do it again to make sure and the Marshall checked it with me.
It was a short run along the track before there course went to the left and down a mountain bike trail, where we turned left there was 3 bottles of Lucozade and I was wondering if this was what they were calling the drinks station but decided against picking one up as it could of been bottles of piss for all I knew.
I enjoyed this next section running down the hill and followed some lass with "The Outsider" on her back before I eventually decided she as going too slow and over took her. I then followed another lass for a while before deciding again she was going at slightly too slow of a pace. We joined back onto the trail we had been running along earlier but about quarter of a mile further along it. The route then headed down through the trees where the wasn't any normal path it was just a route through the trees, again I really enjoyed this but got stuck behind a few people. A lass appeared from the trees to the left, everyone thought she had been for a wee but she had got lost (so she said). We headed down towards the road where there were some nets but we were directed around them (for some reason), a couple of people slipped down the bank here (Mandy too I think).
Once over the road I slid under the crash barrier and down the little bank to follow the river to the foot bridge then bank along the other side of the river this section was quite long and I pulled a lead out from the people behind me (not that I was really trying to). I could see someone in the distance ahead of me but they must of been at least quarter of a mile ahead. I think I went wrong at the next section just before the river crossing, I went a little further than I needed to, oops. I waded through the water which was shallow compared to the earlier pond.
Then it was through the trees to the drinks station, picked some up as I ran but it was in a cup (why when its a run). I took a sip but it tasted horrible (High5), I forced some down to keep my hydrated. The next section wasn't too bad it was still flat, I then approached the sump and a couple of people directed me the right way. It was through a tunnel under the road and the water was waist deep here, it was quite stagnant as well. I clambered out of the beck (up a gate I think it was) then over Tweed Bridge. I knew I couldn't be far from Traquair house because I could remember us driving over the bridge on the way there.
As I ran through the next bit totally alone with no one in sight, suddenly the house appeared ahead and I knew it was nearly over. I still didn't feel too bad considering what I had just covered. I ran along the side of the house and thought I could hear someone approaching in the distance behind. Once I joined the road there was someone sat down having a breather before the last slight incline. I could see a load of people gathered ahead near the toilets, the slapping of feet behind me got louder and I could tell there was someone on my shoulder. Someone at the side of the road shouted "you can take him". I wasn't having that so I increased the pace slightly and the slapping of the feet behind increased too. The people only looked to be 100 yards, so I sprinted at the top speed I could manage, which was surprisingly fast. I couldn't hear the slapping feet anymore. I got to where the people were standing and started to slow slightly then I realised it wasn't the end. I had to run into the field and around a taped finish (shit). I ran still fast towards the taped run in and the bloke on the mike said something about me sprinting so I ran even faster around the corner past everyone. Everything was a blur at this point because I was feeling dizzy and sick. I got the finish line and the lass was pointing to the checkpoint machine. I waved my had past but of course I have to put the dibber into it. I struggled doing this as my sight had gone blurry and felt like I was going to puke.
I dibbed my tag then walked 5 yards further on before puking up for the next minute just after the finish line. I was sick because I had ran so fast over the last 200-300 metres.
I handed the tag in and was given my print out and I got a total shock when I found out I was 34th (1:16:57) I had no idea I had done that well, I was expecting to be towards 100 or something. I picked up another free drink, that horrible High5 stuff but ended up throwing away. I waited at the finish line for a while for Mandy and Helen but there was no sign so decided to stand near the toilets where I had thought the finish was when I was running in. After another 5 minutes or so I saw them come into view, Mandy looked to be struggling while Helen looked fine (well, maybe OK). I jogged around the corner to meet them (still had plenty of energy), a couple of people tried to direct me through the run in thinking I was finishing the race but waved my finish ticket at them, lol.
When I got the finish where Mandy and Helen were I saw them getting a medal, I hadn't been given one. I must of missed it when I was being sick. So went and asked the lady for one :-)
The sum up for the day was that we all thoroughly enjoyed it and I was certainly surprised how well we all did. It was a lot better than I expected and was great fun going over, under and through the obstacles. I will be back next year I hope (10K maybe?).
Oh we did the 5k but according to the computer it was 8.85K (5.5 miles), the computer sometimes shows slightly more but not by much, it will be at least 5 miles. The times look incredibly slow for something that long but it ain't no road race and there were many obstacles.
We all agreed that we were pleased we weren't doing the 10K, you can see the route of the 10K on the the top image if you click on it. It goes up a nasty mountain in the dark. I may attempt this next year if I can continue to improve my fitness (not sure yet).
I will keep an eye out on the official website for the full results as well as photos. Helen and Mandy finished 82nd and 83rd in about 1 hour 30 I think? well done :-)
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Another running partner

Time: 36 minutes
I went for a run tonight with Hayley around the normal dinner time run. I'd had no break all day and was shattered and pissed off, so decided I would go for the run just after 4:30.
Hayley was asking how far my run was on Saturday and said should we not go around the route twice then if its only just over 3 miles. I said trust me NO.
There was no way she was gonna get around there twice she found going around once hard, it was good to run with Hayley as she runs more of an even pace rather than sprinting off then walking.
The time wasn't too bad considering it was the first time she'd been around.
I have felt really good running this week, never needed to stop and hardly been out of breath. Felt like I could of probably done it twice tonight :-)
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
can't sleep
want to get and go to the sorting office to pick up 4 parcels that
came today before i go to work. it opens at 6, so wanted to jump out
of bed at 6. if up sharp enough was going to do the extremely short
run i used to do when i first started running to see how quick i can
do it. then get ready and pick up my parcels.
unfortunately its after 1:30am so gonna be Knackered as usual. i have
been better at sleeping recently after years of never being able to
shut off. tonight i am back to my normal though.
my head is buzzing with thoughts of runs and walks. in some ways its
good that something is igniting my imagination again. there are so
many things i want to do but can't fit them all in :-(
where is my lottery win so i can live that life of leisure i have
dreamed of for so many years. then i could make a serious dent in my
list of things to see, do and experience?
everything i want from life is there before me i just have to choose
the correct path. that path always seems to blocked by decisions. for
once i'm not talking about work but my personal life. wait too long
and the opportunity disappears forever and do you then live a life of
regret or does something better materialise?
in my life i have always been lucky although at times it certainly
hasn't felt like it. when the chips have been down, things have always
turned out for the better eventually.
i have a picture on my living room wall i took last year when i was
going through one the toughest times in my life. i stood on the top of
crinkle crags looking down at the langdale valley beneath me. it
looked absolutely amazing the picture is excellent but being there was
so much more. it was almost spiritual stood there with no one else
around. i made some important decisions then whether i realised it or
i am fairly certain there will be more times like that ahead over the
next couple of months when i am away walking for days on my own with
only my thoughts to keep me company.
i look forward to it, it's no wonder i can't sleep. far too much stuff
runs through my head!
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Work, route planning and general think
I was supposed to be getting a temp while I'm on my own but over half of that is already over, there is no way they are going to sort anyone out in the next 2 weeks. Exactly as I predicted, HR are absolutely fucking shite. I get on well with a couple of the people who work in HR but its not with them where the problems lie.
I think one of the reasons I am happy is because of all the planning and looking forward to walking in the lakes. I intend to go away from the 6th April as long as all my essential gear turns up by then. I am thinking about walking from Ennerdale , a variation on this route. I may decide a lot of where I go as I'm on the fells but somewhere similar to that looks good. I wanted to walk the Langdales, and Scafell area but it will be Easter weekend so it will be very busy in that area. It will probably be busy around here too but hopefully not quite so bad.
I am going to have to do some more match betting to help pay for all the equipment I've bought over the last week (£1000 worth :-O)
I'm off on Friday afternoon because I am going to watch Nigel box again, he's fighting in the contender series. Each fight which all take place on the Friday will be broadcast over several weeks on TV. I am going out from 1:30 though in Crook, before getting the bus to Newcastle at 5, then the fights start at 7. I can't drink too much because I am running on Saturday!
Regular run in reverse

Time: 34 minutes
I went out for the regular run today but decided to do it on my own in reverse. The others never want to do it the other way around because they say its harder. I'd never tried it, so set out today and just kept a nice steady pace. I expected it to take longer than it did, considering I never ran fast at any point. I never walked any section, which tends to happen when I'm running with others because they try to run too fast up the hills and end up shattered, no such problems today :-)
I think this way is slightly better, although will try the normal way around on my own and see how quick I do that. I know I could do it in under 30 minutes if I kept an even pace. I'm not sure this is the week to try it though with the race on Saturday!
Monday, March 26, 2007
Gear arriving

My Hilleberg Akto (tent) arrived today from George Fishers, I was beginning to worry a bit because I had nothing more other than the initial order confirmation. I haven't taken the tent out of its bag yet. Tonight would of been a good night to try it because it was a nice night but I

As well as the Akto, I had also ordered a platypus 1ltr and some Wayfarer meals to try. The meals feel really heavy (300 grams each). The 4 meals appear to weigh more than the tent, they may not but it feels like it.
On my way into the Middlesbrough office I popped into Millets to buy some gas for my stove but I didn't take enough notice and the gas I bought isn't screw in, its some other crap. Luckily it was only £3.30 because I had to take the seal off before I realised. I couldn't see it wasn't a screw in because the seal covered it. I had bought 2, so could take one back.

I have just ordered some Pacerpoles which are walking poles. I have never used any before and used to always ask my parents why the hell they were using them. Yet over the last few weeks when my knees have been causing me problems I've decided to give them a go.
I could buy cheaper walking poles but everyone raves about pacerpoles because of the moulded handles. I'm really not sure if I'm going to like them but if they help me come down off the tops with a full pack I'm sure I will be a convert.
My mother swears by her walking poles after her knees have given way a few times, she says she would never of of got down without them. Will just feel a clip using them but who cares if they help take the weight from my knees :-)
1001 Albums Continue...
Depeche Mode – Violator ****
Megadeth – Rust in Peace ****
Happy Mondays – Pills ‘n’ Thrills and Bellyaches ***
Michael, George – Listen Without Prejudice: Vol 1 ****
Young, Neil – Ragged Glory ***
Ice Cube – AmeriKKKa’s Most Wanted ****
Ice T – OG: Original Gangster **
Blur – Modern Life is Rubbish **
Goldie – Timeless ***
Genius GZA – Liquid Swords ***
Hole – Celebrity Skin ***
Doves – Lost Souls ***
Air – Virgin Suicides: Original Motion Picture Score ****
Coral – Coral ****
Radiohead – Hail to the Thief *
50 Cent – Get Rich or Die Tryin’ **
Arcade Fire – Funeral **
Libertines – Libertines ***
Judas Priest – British Steel ***
REM – Murmur ***
ZZ Top – Eliminator ***
U2 – War ****
Police – Synchronicity ***
Public Enemy – It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back ***
Beatles – Revolver ***
Hendrix, Jimi – Are You Experienced *****
Beatles – Beatles [aka White Album] ***
Led Zeppelin – II ***
Hendrix, Jimi – Axis: Bold as Love ***
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Run with Jeremy

Time: 54:40
I went for a run this morning with a mate I used to work with (Jeremy). I wasn't sure how fit he was going to be, luckily he was OK. I had shown him a few of the runs I had done a couple of weeks ago and he fancied doing the above route (Brancepeth - Willington - Oakenshaw - Brancepeth).
When I got to the car park, Jeremy was already there and there was a few cars there. Theer was some horse event going on.
We set off and I tried to keep a steady pace, I think Jeremy at first wanted to go a bit faster but I knew he would struggle if he did. We kept a slow but steady pace until we got to Willington and started up the hill towards Oakeshaw. Jeremy struggled up the hill and when we got to the top of the first he asked me to stop, so we walked for a 100 yards or so before setting off again. After that we kept running all the way back. I walked the same section when I did the run last year although I walked for further then. I fet so much better today and didn't need to walk at all.
When we got near the very end I totally upped my pace and sprinted the last 300 metres or so, leaving Jeremy behind I thought he would of done the same but he must of been more tired than I realised.
I enjoyed the run and hopefully he will want to go out again. Feel a bit more positive about next weeks run now :-)
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Kit, Kit & more Kit
Osprey Atmos 50ltr pack
Mountain Equipment Dri-lite pants
Smartwool Light Hiker Socks
Montane Kinetic Shirt
Berghaus Infinity Light Smock
Berghaus Spectrum Hat
Sealskinz Ultra Grip Gloves
Sealskinz Mid Light Socks
2GB Mp3 Player (very cheap one)
Folding Toothbrush
40 day razor
Small Towel
Folding Spork
Alok Bags
Fire Starter
Besides for the hiking stuff I also bought a couple of things for my running next weekend..
X-Socks Sky Runner Socks
Ronhill Classic Tracksters
Helly Hansen Stripe Crew Long sleeve top
I needed the above because you have to be totally covered and I normally run in shorts and short sleeve top. Just wish my bloody Inov-8 315s would turn up, I could of ordered them on the net 2 weeks ago and had them by now but bit too short notice to now order them online :-(
I had no money in the first place but after all this I am now even more in debt but sometimes I guess you have to just bite the bullet and buy it?
I think I only need a few things now, dry bags, stuff sacks and gas for my stove. I will look over people kit lists to make sure I haven't missed anything.
Other Gear

Hopefully I will order some more of the gear I need tomorrow (Saturday). I don't have any money for any of this but hell, we only live once (I think).
Friday, March 23, 2007

Sleeping update
The sleeping bag and the Airic worked perfectly :-)
Thursday, March 22, 2007
From the Floor
Will write more tomorrow on how I got on. Will also mention the other stuff I have ordered tonight but itching to lay down and test the bag and mat out :-)
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Multi-day trip
Get Well Soon
Started to have a fairly deep conversation at the weekend about "there must be more things to life than going to work every day". Been a while since I've had some decent conversation (well my sort of topics anyway).
Slim Airic

Saving money is always good especially when I haven't got the money to buy the stuff in the first place, but needs must!
Alpkit Pipedream 600

I got an email today from Alpkit to let me know that they finally had some Pipedream sleeping bags in stock. I had been waiting for them to come in stock for weeks and had emailed about them a while ago.
They emailed me a "secret" link only for people who had expressed interest. So we could have first chance to order them. I decided to order a Pipedream 600, decided I would rather I was warmer than too cold. Although the 400 would probably of been fine for me but can always leave the zip open if too hot.

As I said we both really enjoyed it, although I definitely need to drink before I go to a dance event. I can't dance and am totally self conscious these days, probably because Kay can actually dance, lol.
Mothers Day
Hadn't been to a garden centre for ages, quite enjoyed walking around. Had a latte in the cafe and wandered around looking at the fish (fancy a fish tank now). Some how stopped myself buying any meat from the farm shop and eventually decided on a Rhododendron while drinking my latte.
My mam seemed quite happy with it :-)
The Outdoors Show
Ray Mears was on at 10, so we just joined the next queue to get in the theatre and eventually got some seats. Ray came on about 5 minutes late because the organisers were waiting for the stragglers. The talk was different to what people were expecting I think, it was less about survival and more about the people he had met in different parts of the world, I found it fascinating. We thought it would only last about 30-40 minutes because Leo Holding was on at 11 but Ray went on for more than an hour and you could tell he cut the end short because everyone could sense the organisers were getting quite tense with running over. They also cut the questions and answers short.
After that we wandered around the show but to be honest I was a bit dissapointed, a lot of the things I was interested in weren't there (lightweight gear). The one stand I was quite interested in was Alpkit, I finally got to see the pipedream sleeping bag which I've been wanting but has been out of stock on their website for ages.
The Rab stand was tiny. I wanted to see the Generator, which appears to be out of stock everywhere until July. There was a lot of Tourist Boards there and we skimmed very quickly through some areas because my dad clearly wasn't interested. There are some things I would of liked to spend more time looking at but nevermind.
We went into the Go Fishing show which was also on, but that took about an hour and I thought there wasn't much there.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Good Advice?
You are moving into a period when relationship issues can be more complicated to understand, for there are strong forces working within your subconscious mind that drive your actions. Explore your imagination to help you get in touch with hidden issues so you can better enjoy the weeks ahead. Pay special attention to your dreams. Make time for meditation or prayer and spend time soaking in the beauty of nature. Doing anything that puts you back in touch with yourself is a smart idea.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Knackering Couple of Days
I was there yesterday from 8am to 6pm then went to Durham to pick up my Job Appeal results (wish I hadn't bothered). Today I was there from before 8:30am until about 3:30pm when I finished. I had had enough by then so decided to go home, which no one could moan at because I'd had no break for 2 days (5 minute eating a sandwich on Wednesday). I was completely worn out anyway and wasn't much use.
I was fed up today anyway as previous post explains. It didn't help when I had staff complaining that the LCD screens were blurry, the reason we got rid of the last ones because we don't run them at their native resolution. I agreed they were and showed a couple of them the resolution they should be run at but neither wanted them that size. I said if they had problems to email the helpdesk for my attention and I would forward it to the relevant people.
I gave them 3 options, either how they were, the optimum resolution or their old monitor. There wasn't anything else I could do. The complaints were the last thing I needed but I agreed with them!
Job Appeal
So I appealed along with 2 other members of the unit. Yesterday we received our results, both mine and a colleagues weren't upheld so we remained on Band 2 (as far as I know). I think the third won their appeal (fairly certain). This means that 2 of us were lower than other members of the unit who by their own admission were working 2 a lower level. The new staff that were taken on were also set on at a higher band. As far as I was concerned I was working to the same level as my colleague who won their appeal and had practically the same thing wrote on the appeals.
I have ended up on Band 4 because I was made officially the same level as the colleague who won their appeal. This according to the letter was from December when the unit changed, although I was told a few days earlier that it would be from November (need to chase this).
Its a kick in the teeth after everything I've done for the place, to be told that I'm a Band 2 up until the unit change. There is clearly no consistency in the results of the job evaluation, and goes off who writes and explains things the best and also coincidently the 2 of us who lost the appeals were called Assistants which supposedly made no difference.
I could go on explaining more but I'm sure no one cares anyway. I haven't given up yet, this was supposed to be the last stage and the results were final but if I can prove that the results are not consistent then something will have to be looked at. What was that quote "persistance" ;-)
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Thank you
I have had more bad news today, received my job appeal results but I'm not gonna write about them tonight or will just make myself angry again. I've calmed down a lot because of two things. One is re-reading Roberts comment (guessing its you, always post anonymously). The other I have recalled a post on the Teesside bulletin board about why someone is running the race for life. Several members of her family have either died or have been diagnosed with cancer. As well as some of her friends. It popped into my head while I opened up my blog, what have I got to complain about when people out there are fighting cancer and many other things, with a smile and succeeding. Another girl has just popped into my head who was mentioned on Look North last week who decided to refuse any further treatment because she wanted to die with dignity, she was only 16 but an inspiration to many. She is remembered as the girl who was always smiling.
If it weren't for these stories and quotes I would be throwing my job in tomorrow. They have just made me think. Thank you to all 3 of you, one of which is sadly is no longer with us. I must remember to sponsor Ann in Teesside for her race for life and email her. If I get 2 minutes break tomorrow I think I will copy her post and post it tomorrow night on here so you can read it.
When I first left school I wanted the exact job I have now, now I have achieved it, I'm moaning?
I'm realising I always want more, I do something hard or worthwhile but normally rather than being proud of the achievement. I think of how I could of done it better and feel unhappy about it. I can think of a few examples, the Great North Run where I was very unhappy with my time, yet it was over 5 miles more than anything I'd ever ran and my first race. I also moaned about not climbing Ben Nevis via the CMD Arete yet at least I got up. I need to learn to enjoy what I have done :-)
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
tonight i feel i have to, its where i do my deep thinking. well my bed
or the hills.
i am at the moment the only it person covering durham and teesside
where as in the past there was 4 over the 2 areas. there would now be
2 but my colleague is off for a month on paternity. this still i could
cope with if it was a normal month but this is no normal month. i have
got so much extra work that needs doing its ridiculous.
i have wrote several times this year that i had to make a decision
about whether i stay or go and this was to be done by the end of
february. i was waiting on my job appeal results. i'm still waiting on
them, the deadline was a week ago today. the person in charge of it
was unfortunately on compassionate leave and it must of been left to
the last few days so it hasn't been done.
we were told we would recieve them this week, the lady has been in
this week and she spoke to me today in passing but mentioned nothing
off the appeal. i was going to mention it but decided i would wait to
see how long it takes them.
last week i spoke to another person in hr has supposedly been going to
do me a letter with what i am being said and other details concerning
my job. i asked her about it 2 months ago and was promised it in 2
days. 2 months have now passed and i'm still waiting so i asked her
about it last week and was told that it was on her list and hadn't
i know i have had to say this myself recently but when I've said it,
its been about printer or something and have given an explanation as
to why there is a delay. i think this is more important than a printer
and haven't had any explanation!
this has just about made my mind up. i can't go on in limbo any longer.
another reason i'm not very happy is because of the way durham is
going at the moment. i am seeing good friends i care about being put
under extreme pressure at the moment and it just gets worse and worse.
management clearly have no idea of the pressure some of the staff are
under because these are the staff that are quiet and try to get on
with things without any fuss. yet when they complain no one listens
because they are don't stamp their feet and shout like others do.
i can think of 4 staff off the top of my head that this describes
perfectly. decisions that are being made at the moment with no clear
thought, consideration or discussion with individuals is the cause of
the problems.
i'm not against change at all and there certainly needed to be changes
in my opinion but it is being done completely wrong and is doomed to
failure before its got off the ground. i would expect the sickness
figures to go up as well as more staff leaving. i would predict that
these will be staff that 2 years ago loved their jobs, are good at
them and the service can do without losing.
a lot of this post isn't about me directly and i guess i should get
back to myself.
i said tonight on the phone. why do we go to work there has to be more
purpose to life than to go to work every day for what?
why go to work every day to take shit from people, wearing yourself
into the ground and get nothing for it in the end.
i have tried to be positive the last few weeks but i don't think i can
keep it up much longer. everyone else it falling apart around me,
think i will be joining them shortly unless i do something about it.
one thing i never got around to writing about is quiet personal is i
finally broke down and cried a few weeks ago. i am not someone who
cries and always keep things bottled up until normally in the past i
would explode. even through everything last year i just held it
together and didn't cry or explode. the other week everything finally
got too much and it was either explode or cry for the first time i
chose to cry. i can only really remember crying twice in the last 15
years until that point.
i decided that i would give work until the end of february as
mentioned in several other posts. i have also been trying to figure
out what and who is really important to me, some of which has become
clearer. the deadline has past so i will make one final one, which is
the end of the week. if i haven't recieved what i am waiting for by
then i'm going to have to make probably the hardest decision of my
life because of now having a house!
this post has become very long especially when writing it on a phone
and too personal. when i was talking tonight i asked if they wanted to
run away with me. they said yes but didn't really mean it, i was
serious and would love to get away but if i'm honest with myself i
think i'm scared of doing it on my own and leaving everything and
everyone behind. where's my balls?
decisions are easy to make its carrying them out that is the bit i
struggle with.
i have plenty more i could write but know i have already said far too
much and my thumb is hurting writing it all.
Posted with phone which is why things are incorrectly spelled and may not totally make sense!
Monday, March 12, 2007
Inov-8 ROCLite 315s

I had seen plenty of praise for Inov-8 shoes from walking websites, so thought I'd go and check them out. I had looked at the website and for the purposes I wanted the Roclite 315 sounded the most suited or the Roclite 285. I asked to try on the 315s but he came back and said the only had one size 9 and one size 6. He gave an explanation that a guy had come in with really odd sized feet (like 3 sizes different). I tried the one size 9 on they had which was comfortable. He gave me some size 9 Roclite 285s to try buy they were tighter and not broad enough for my feet. They have ordered me a pair of ROClite 315s in blue and silver, I will obviously try them again before buying them but the left shoe they had is my larger foot anyway (not 3 sizes different though).
I intend to use them for walking after the run at the end of the month. I walk in Montrail Trail running shoes now which have been excellent but could do with slightly better grip.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Holy Shit!

Christ it's £259 for a new 80GB iPod (f**k me!)
I might see if anyone wants to buy a kidney online?
Edit: Found it for less than £220 + postage. I think the cheapest I've seen is £211.75 but not sure how reliable they would be.
While I'm moaning!

While I'm moaning I will also mention that my iPod is bricked as well. You get the error message on the screen with a sad face. This happened a couple of months ago but righted itself but not this time. I will try running the repair utility thing which I think is now built into iTunes (gonna have to install it just to try the repair). I'm fairly certain its not gonna make any difference because I can hear the drive inside trying to spin up and not making a noise.
I will have to buy another though because I have an iPod dock for the car and a iPod speaker in the house. Damn apple this is why they make proprietary connectors (bastards!). I wanted a Nano for when I go walking in May but I need a bigger iPod for general stuff. I can't get enough stuff on an 8GB Nano (the biggest). Because I now hate Apple I don't think I will buy a Nano, and will look for something better (maybe a Samsung). I will still have to buy an 80GB Ipod though for the Car and house. I don't have any money for either but Tunes are a huge part of my life and can't live without them. I have been listening to MP3 CDs in the car which are so like 5 years ago. I wanna see Album art, ratings and have more choice!!!
Suppose I better go and cry by looking at the price of a new iPod. This iPod was a replacement after the first iPods drive I had gave up after only 2 months. That was a free replacement then though. I have had this one about 18 months since then.
Lakes Walk Disaster

Every step I took it hurt more and more, I looked up the bank I had to walk to get to Graystones and thought there is no way my knee is gonna hold out up there. I decided that I wasn't gonna turn around and go back without walking any Wainwrights no matter how much it hurt (which was a lot). I had no problem on the flat and I could put up with it going up hill. I eventually got to the top of Graystones, it probably took me about 3 times longer than it would of normally because of continually stopping.
It was incredibly windy on the top, my hat which is a beanie style thing blew off my head but caught it as it came off. From the top I could see exactly where I had to walk. I studied the map for a while to see if there was any easy escape routes back to the car if my knee got worse, there wasn't!
While I was stood there my knee didn't seem so bad, so I thought I'd carry on but the moment I started to go down hill again towards Wythop Moss the pain started again worse than before. I stopped again and had a think, I didn't want to make my knee any worse because of a run in 3 weeks but also don't like giving up either. I carried on down hill a little further and decided I would be stupid to carry on. There was no way I was gonna be able to walk the whole route and once I got to the next Wainwright (Ling Fell) I was gonna be a hell of a long way from the car.
So I made the decision to turn around and go back the way I had walked. This isn't very easy either because it ment I had to walk down the steepest section of the whole walk but it was the quickest way back to the car.
When I got back down to the beck I sat on the seat and ate a couple of my sandwiches and drank some tea. I knew I had made the correct decision but was fed up that I had lost another days walking. If I had carried on I'm sure I could of done it, although it would of taken a long time and I know my knee would of been hurting for a couple of weeks.
The annoying thing now is it feels OK, then again the only thing I've walked up or down since is the stairs.
On the way back I came back via Alston, the same way I had gone. I had a bit of fun on the way there around the bends but had even more on the way back. The car doesn't seem too bad around the bends sideways, lol. Only went fast in places where I could see there was nothing coming around the corner.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Todays Run

Time: 37 minutes
I decided I needed to run up a hill today to at least start to get some practise in for the Deerstalker on the 31st. I've tried running this same route before but ended up stopping just before I got the the car park at Stanley. Today I set off and decided to run quite slow, I tend to speed up on a hill to try to get it out of the way quick but end up knackered. I got to the top and stopped on the seat for a minute today. I probably didn't have to stop if I had wanted to push myself hard but don't wanna kill myself because I am off to the Lakes tomorrow.
It was windier than I realised, although luckily the wind was more or less behind me up the hill, pushing me along. When I was coming back down it was pushing me back and couldn't see where I was going over the rough ground (eyes were watering).
A mate came over not long after I finished this and he said he wanted to go for a run sometime with me. There was no way I was gonna go back out again today. He fancies doing this one with me, probably in 2 weeks time (he's always working).
Friday, March 09, 2007
The Weekend Ahead
I might start and order some of my stuff for camping, but guess I should really wait until after next weekend when I am at the Outdoors Show. Although I already know most of what I want.
I don't intend to do a very long run tomorrow but hopefully run up some steep hills and get my heart pumping. I should try this up some proper hills up Weardale, running up to Killhope Law or I think an excellent one would be from Frosterley to Wolsingham, then up Wears bank, along the tops to the Elephant Trees and back down to Frosterley. This is about 10 miles or just under, Wears bank is very steep. If I could do this I could certainly manage the Deerstalker ;-)
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Music Update
There are loads I think I've listened to but not sure if they were the exact ones. Fairly certain I have listened to the Jimmi Hendrix albums but will listen again to make sure :-)
I think I will add a counter to the right hand side of this blog, not sure whether to do albums remaining or albums listened to?
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Printer/Scanner Arrived

I am very impressed with the scanning to Word. I had hoped to scan in some walking routes from the newspaper and a few other sources, rather than carrying around crappy newspaper cutouts. The test worked out perfect, it kept all the formatting and allowed me to edit the text.
I will have a proper try tomorrow night but very happy so far. I've been having to go down to my parents whenever I needed anything in colour.
We had a really good night, Tom the singer in Keane sounded fantastic and I spent the whole night singing along. Oh OK singing may be stretching it (groaning along then). It was kind of a suprise that they were as good as they were. I really like Keane but wasn't sure what they'd be like live. Luckily they didn't let me down. The entire arena was singing along through their biggest songs :-)
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Accommodation Booked

Anyway I have emailed all the details and have had a confirmation back from Margo the owner. We don't have to pay anything until we arrive which will be $455 (Canadian), this works out at £221 for a week. Which is of course shared between us, all this works out at less than £16 a night each. Its an extra $8 (£3.50) per person for breakfast but will decide this once we are there.
If this hadn't been available we were thinking about staying in Summer Residence in Toronto University (basically the dorms). This looks loads better and isn't too much more. It's a bit further out but there are good public transport links near by.
We are now both really happy we have somewhere booked, we just have to plan what we want to do when we are there and where we want to go the second week. So far Ottowa, Montreal and Quebec have been mentioned. Also a trip around "A Thousand Islands", White Water Rafting and of course we will be going to Niagara Falls in the first week. Can't wait...
The other places we looked at were:
All of the above are probably different from what most people would look at except maybe the Bond Place Hotel. I think it's a good idea to stop somewhere a bit different and get a feel for the place (I hope this is a good idea anyway).
I checked all of the places out on Trip Advisor, which is an excellent place to look for reviews of accommodation from people who have stopped in the places.
Nearly a wasted weekend
Today I waited around most the morning for a call from Kay to see about sorting out our Canada accommodation. I had intended to get up at 8:30 for a run, I'd set the time but forgot to turn the Alarm to on. I woke up at 9:30, which was too late because I'd told Kay I'd be OK to go from about that time. I didn't want to go out if she rang, I could of gone out in the end because she never rang until 11:30.
I went through Kays because I'd said I would take some spare wood back to the store, couldn't fit it in her car (it was 8 foot). After that she came over mine to go through the holiday stuff (next post).
I had hoped to go to the lakes this weekend but haven't so it had felt like a wasted weekend up until this point....
Durham Night Out
While I was talking to her so nutty lass started going on at Jay and Kev. She was a friend of Jay's ex, we couldn't get rid of her and was shouting about wanting to shag Kev. I kept out of the way until I finally had enough and told them we were going.
We went to get into Love Shack but it was nearly 11:30 and there was a massive queue. We were being picked up at 12, so decided to get a Subway and walk for the lift.
We had a good laugh and drank quite a bit. I spent the next day recovering from it. The 3 of us are gonna do it again but probably not on a Durham Night Out. If my mates hadn't come out it would of been shite!
Regular Run

Time: 35 minutes
I went out on Thursday for the regular run at dinner time. I'm saying regular but only done it once or twice this year. I have just under 1 month to get into some sort of shape for the deerstalker.
Time for some serious training me thinks!!