I knew I couldn't run very far so I went for a very short run (err like so short its ridiculous).

I haven't really done much else today, I drove up to Tunstall Reservoir for a short walk but it was heaving with people. I went up there for some peace, I could see I wasn't gonna get any. So I turned around and drove home again. It's one of my favourite places up there.
When driving back down the narrow road, I started to think back a few years and remembered some of the times I had driven up there. I can remember doing over 70 down that road in places in my 1st car (a Nova, boy racer). Most people drive down at less than 30, like me today. It seams a lifetime ago (it was 97/98).
I can also remember walking around the reservoir about the time I left the Red Cross and listening to a Ministry of Sound Album. Need to look up the Album but it had Warrior - Warrior on it, an excellent dance song. I can remember that day perfectly.
Thinking about it I can also remember walking around the reservoir with Laura, then driving home with a strange squeaking noise coming from the back wheels. I found out afterwards that my back axle was knackered (err we hadn't been doing anything, just friends before anyone thinks different). That must of been about 99 I think! That reminds me I have Laura's iPod and laptop to give back to her now I've sorted them.
Going back even further and linking music with the place, I can remember walking from Wolsingham to Tunstall and back with my Parents, Sister & Brother-in-law. I was listening to Kiss in Ibiza 96, the album that got me into dance music, that was nearly 10 years ago. Strange how 1 place can bring back so many memories.
I can also remember the 1st time I went up there in 94/95. I was doing GCSE Photography and we had all morning to take photos. So 3 of us walked the 2 1/2 miles to Tunstall, Me, John-Paul and Richard I think you called the other lad. We quickly took some pictures then went to John-Pauls house @ Tunstall and played on his Amiga 600 for an hour before going back to school.
Anyway I think that's enough reminiscing for one night :-)
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