Getting Better All The Time, I hope it is anyway. I keep waiting for something to go wrong which is exactly how a friends sees her whole life. I don't want to be like that, she told me a few weeks ago that there was no point being positive because things always went wrong. If you think like that its inevitable that they will.
I'm sat with a bud at the computer, having just carried a free Dishwasher in to the kitchen. Iw as given it by the school where my mam works. They are getting a new kitchen, so I got the old dishwasher. It's not fitted in yet but can't complain for free :-)
I had thought about going to Stanhope show tomorrow with a mate but haven't got his new number, told me to get it off Jay but he's not replying to texts. If I was that bothered I could just walk around and see if he was still going tomorrow (obviously I'm not).
My dad has just asked me if I fancy going for a walk with them tomorrow, near hadrians wall. I might as well, otherwise I would probably sit on my arse most of the day until the England match. I need to get out and look for a new car ASAP.
Not sure what I'm doing Sunday yet, but I've taken Monday off so going for a walk :-)
My last post was about things being good and stuff generally is at the moment. This blog was about me writing things down that I found hard to say to people or was worried or upset about. I'm not sure how much I need it anymore. In recent weeks I've been using it less and less. Only a few walks have been recorded on it and they odd thought. Some personal things need to be kept to myself, those are being wrote in a personal blog/diary that isn't online. A lot of my life is recorded online anway by the following sites:
Last.FM - Just about any song I listen to is tracked here.
Facebook - Keep in touch with some friends here, when I can be bothered.
MotionBased - My runs and some walks are recorded here.
I will be creating a new walking site which will have my walks and possibly my dads on, that's when I get chance to sit down and concentrate on it.
So I'm not sure yet what I'm gonna do about this blog, I will continue for now but maybe not as much as I used to. I will most likely change my mind tomorrow and do about 10 posts, lol.