I sent this last night from my phone but hasn't appeared yet, so copied it from my mail! i have spent the last couple of hours adding things to my google
calendar for next year or penciling them in if thats still the correct
term to use.
i have added my canada trip in and have narrowed the dates down to the
beginning of July. looking at the prices of flights it would mean
departing either the 28th June or i think it was the 5th June if
that's a week later. then returning 2 weeks later. the prices start
increasing after that.
besides for canada i have added in several races, including the great
north run, blaydon race, raby 10k, beamish tram challenge and Redcar
half marathon. i don't think i will be able to make all of them
because of other things but would like to do the 2 half marathons and
at least 1 of the other 3.
i also added a couple of other things like a show at the newcastle
theatre royal and the whole leeds festival weekend.
i have added a week in may to walk the west highland way or another
long distance path that would take a week. i haven't booked anything
at all yet and somethings others may want to go too but just jotted
then down while i was thinking about them.
i have all the other walks i want to do to add in yet as well. i
downloaded an overlay for memory map tonight which shows all the
wainwrights on the map and then i can mark when i've done them. if you
don't know what a wainwright is google it.
so this year hasn't even finished and already i in starting to plan
all sorts for next year!
ah Egypt, would love to go there but wont be able to afford that as
well as Canada. unfortunately it will probably have to wait until 2008
i'm planning stuff for next year yet haven't planned next week when
i'm off except for one day.