Sunday, March 04, 2007

Durham Night Out

I went to the Durham Night out on Friday but took 2 mates with me, Jay & Kev. There was hardly anyone from work out, besides for us there was only about 7 others. We all met up in O'Neils then went to the Bishop's Mill, we got sick of hanging around there. The others were going on to Love Shack afterwards. We decided to go to Jimmy Allens and Chase. We had a good laugh and I spent a while winding up a lass trying to get people into what was Saints. She was useless at it, so decided I would show her how it's done and got a few people to go in the few minutes I was doing it.

While I was talking to her so nutty lass started going on at Jay and Kev. She was a friend of Jay's ex, we couldn't get rid of her and was shouting about wanting to shag Kev. I kept out of the way until I finally had enough and told them we were going.

We went to get into Love Shack but it was nearly 11:30 and there was a massive queue. We were being picked up at 12, so decided to get a Subway and walk for the lift.

We had a good laugh and drank quite a bit. I spent the next day recovering from it. The 3 of us are gonna do it again but probably not on a Durham Night Out. If my mates hadn't come out it would of been shite!

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