Friday, December 22, 2006

Still Awake & Listening

I'm still sat here at the computer. I'm not tired which is weird because when I came in from work I was knackered. It's probably just as well I'm not too tired because next door keep making a bloody noise working in their attic. They have made it into a room for the computer I think but I keep hearing banging and moving stuff about. Its after midnight for christ sake!

So I'm sat here with headphones listening to a wide variety of music from Ned Miller - From A Jack To A King to Jimmi Hendrix - All Along the Watchtower. With a bit of Sharam - PATT (Part All the Time) thrown in :-)

I really could of done with an early night, because I will be going out early afternoon after work and god knows what time I will get back in. I am going to have to try hard to not drink too much. I need to go off to get a few things for Xmas on Saturday, so can't lose the whole day to a hangover.

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