Tuesday, December 12, 2006

keeping people out of bother

i watched a program with monty don where he is taking 10 offenders who
are drug addicts and getting them to work the land. to me this is a
good idea if people can have a sense of achievement which growing
plants and tending animals provides i thing it will work for some.
there are others it was clear it wouldn't.

it reminds me of spending most of childhood around farms, keeps you
out of trouble, occupied and fit. kids still used to help out down the
farm in roddymoor up until most of the stuff was sold off.

along the same lines i have been thinking for a while that kids and
people who are in bother should be encouraged to go walking and take
part it outdoor pursuits. it will help most people and prevent kids
from causing bother as well as keep them fit.

unfortunately our government very little to encourage this :-(

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