Monday, December 04, 2006

busy day at mill

It's been a really busy day today at work. I spent the morning in Darlington then went to Middlesbrough in the afternoon. I suppose the good thing is the day flies by, just don't know where to start there is so much work to do.

I'm hoping to spend all day in the Middlesbrough office and get some of the outstanding stuff I have to do done. There are tons of stuff to do in the other offices but the day to day tasks are getting behind as well.

I have to do my appeal against my job matching as well, but god knows when I'm going to have time to do that. I haven't even had a chance to sit down and read everything properly let alone start to write anything. The stupid thing is you have to do it at work because it has to be completed on a spreadsheet and we aren't aloud to email stuff home. There are 2 weeks until the deadline but I can't see me having any time this week :-(

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